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Ben Van Kerkwyk travels the world investigating the mysteries of our past, civilizations, cataclysms, and what it all means for us today. Check out Ben’s YouTube Channel:

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0:00 – Introduction
3:20 – Creating UnchartedX
8:25 – The “Inheritance model” of ancient Egypt
10:52 – The accepted human timeline
14:04 – Evidence of advanced engineering
19:40 – Geologists VS Egyptologists
23:50 – Gobekli Tepe
30:00 – Critics & the internet
36:45 – Evidence of ancient machining
1:01:20 – The Giza Powerplant theory
1:21:20 – Ancient myths & religion
1:28:54 – Building the pyramids
1:35:00 – Younger dryas cataclysm
1:52:43 – Ancient tube drilling
2:03:30 – The lost Labyrinth of Egypt
2:11:10 – Statues
2:30:00 – Precision stone jars
2:41:30 – 2,000 ton granite obelisques
2:50:00 – The Antikythera mechanism
2:55:10 – Cosmic warnings for humanity
3:02:55 – Did the pyramid builders leave earth?
3:10:30 – The moon





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46 thoughts on “Evidence For Super Advanced Ancient Technology | Ben Van Kerkwyk

  1. The tools they used utilized plasmoidal, sound resonance, and anti gravitation technology. If we explored more into the science into frequency and levitation we would enter am entire new age of civilization.

  2. What Ben is saying about the establishment is true.
    They resist change because careers have been made on the current narrative (about civilization starting 6k years ago, etc…)
    books have been written, they have been teaching this stuff for decades and for me ideas to come along that SHATTERS this narrative…….it's scary for them
    and the academics feel threatened….

    And this is why historians, archaeologists are ANGRY and saying nasty things about guys like Ben, Graham Hancock and others…..

    You can tell the current academics are really threatened and I think it's kinda funny but I understand that once the current cast of academics go away, the more accurate narrative will prevail…….. And that narrative is "Civilization started over 15k years ago..
    someone on this planet had advanced technology, but got wiped out during the last cataclysm, which ended the last ice age"

  3. Someone had even more advanced cutting technology than we do.
    The proof is on the great pyramid , Peru, and lots of other places.
    If modern engineers and stone masons DON'T KNOW how the stone work was done, 4,500 years ago…… That's a problem

  4. All these idiots defending the mainstream narrative simply do not understand what Ben , graham Hancock, etc….
    are saying

    They ain't saying aliens did it
    Smdh .
    They saying that civilizations don't peak AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THEIR CIVILIZATION.

    the ancient Egyptians did not build the greatest structure ever made AT THE VERY BEGINNING and then immediately lose that technological capability….. It's more likely that they inherited all those precision structures from a lost, advanced civilization that got wiped out during the end of the last ice age.
    Those copper tools, hemp rope and manpower alone DO NOT GET YOU THE GREAT PYRAMID.

    whether or not you agree with this idea, you can't argue with the engineers , builders, stone masons NOWADAYS who say , straight up, "they could not have made all those structures with copper tools"

    It's like people put the Egyptologists on a pedestal and believe whatever they say, but keep in mind, Egyptologists are not scientists, they ain't engineers, builders, or stone masons. SO THEY DON'T KNOW WTF THEY TALKING ABOUT

  5. The big smoking gun that proves Khufu built the great pyramid was the papyrus found in 2020….. proving that Khufu's half brother purchased materials for it

    Wow, the 4,500 yo papyrus just happens to be found right when serious doubts about it's age come about. ?!!!!

    BS , did anyone actually see these papyrus?


  6. Egypt and Sumeria are not the oldest civilizations since many civilizations were there at the same time that they traded with Harrapan civilization lol for god sake there inscriptions of a Mlluan from the Indus vally getting into a fight with a Sumerian soilder in barking his teeth and being fined couns before he was allowed to resume trading.

  7. So the real amazing part is some how “people “ find a way to say “black” didn’t build anything it went from the Jews to aliens to now any one else but “black” people so now no one ever say the Mayans didn’t create the calendar or their pyramids

  8. The sheer military applications that could be made from something that could machine the hardest materials on earth or even whatever was coring these stones if the science is correct about how it was done. Their lifting capacity alone is wild.

  9. What about a pole
    Shift ? Wouldn’t that completely change the landscape in days especially if the earth was covered in a lot of ice. That gets ripped away and then bam 💥

  10. My crazy theory is that the pyramids weren't built by the Egyptians or humans but by giants that were the offsprings of demons. The Egyptian and other civilizations decided to build their cities around it and move in them and add on to it hence the writings and drawings. Its nothing new, its like a group of people taking credit for something they didn't create or discover. The reason they built it was to probably use it as something that would let them back into heaven or a way for them to return to heaven after their deaths.

  11. Geneticists have pointed out through inspection of our DNA, that humanity has fallen to as few as 20k people at one point. They refused to speculate when, or why this happened. They were adamant that’s the responsibility of other experts in their perspective fields. So to take that knowledge and say that we havnt survived cataclysm is laughable. I’d even go as far to point out Derinkuyu, an underground city in Turkey that experts in their field said it could house about 20k people including livestock and agriculture for about two weeks time. The meteor shower that we pass through over Halloween takes about two weeks from start to finish and it’s also known as the day of the dead. All of these well known accepted facts havnt ever been put together into a cohesive story. It’s important as a species, not nation, SPECIES, as in all of humanity that we look to the sky. As earth rounds the sun, the sun is also traveling. The whole galaxy is rotating, which means we will come to this same point in three dimensions at some point. No intent of adding to fear porn, but to their point someone in history knew this, and left it in our stories knowing we would tell them forever and eventually we would be able to do something about it. Looking to the Bible specifically, earth was flooded by god, and he promised he wouldn’t do it again, that it would be fire and brimstone next time. Looking at the younger dryas impact theory, they think something hit the ice sheet melted it and flooded earth, with that ice sheet being gone, it’s more likely to hit land masses, what happens in impacts, explosive energy and fire. We need to grow up.

  12. Play the assassin's creed games In the original series plot a ancient civilization had been wiped out and some of the technical advances were hidden and stolen then used to control the population and the ancient gods had been connected to aliens trying to protect the population from being enslaved by the technology that was given a good example is the apple being interpreted as the apple eve bit into but it was really a golden spear and the holder of the apple could remove the free will from a group the holder chose and in the last few games that have been made center around ancient Egypt and Greece

  13. Those huge granite boxes I strongly believe were used for re incarnation…ive been reading the emerald tablets of Thoth the atlantean and he spoke about the halls of amenti and and in the halls of amenti he said is where he goes to drop his avatar body off and transfer his consciousness into another avatar body and the bodies would be inside of those granite boxes to re generate it sometimes were hundreds of years regenerating…he also states he ruled for eons and eons walking among man but not like a man so he would come back through those boxes after the avatars regenerate.

  14. THIS is what the internet was meant for, true scientific research and education. I love to see debates and conversations, but both sides have to be open and willing to change their mind based on evidence.
    Thanks guys for great content!

  15. Oh shit! It’s unchartedX! Happy to see this guy getting famous like this. I was watching his videos years ago when he first started. He knows his shit and never draws absurdly speculative and sensation conclusions.

  16. i consider myself a student of common sense. using that thought process tells me the pyramids were energy generators up until the egyptians started making them (the poor quality type)

  17. The problem I personally have with Egyptology is that there are statues in Egypt that are absolutely polished and at the bottom of the feet is really scratched in a cloth with the name of a pharaoh and after this is then dated by the Egyptologists.

  18. Really enjoying the questions asked.. can't help getting involved sorry!

    It sounds strange but in the opening scenes of the 1st Captain America on the Ice, there is there, used: a lazer that cuts (cylindrically) to cut down. Plausible?

  19. If you came from a constellation in the Sirius region.. and the 3 Kings (Orions belt) are proven to be why the pyramids are positioned there as they are
    (Orion Pyramid Correlation Theory) then I would assume that the golden caps would be a beacon for people on the ground and in the air..especially as sunrise and sunset.

    The Giza plateau pyramids are on an earth chakra vortex point (let lines/ dragon lines/ the sentient oil the earth) that alreafy is said to cause static in the main chamber of Giza.. so charging that with that electricity charge in there already adding sun rays and gold.. you could find yourself somewhere else if you knew what you were doing.. or atleast find your way to the 'LAND OF THE TREE AND SERPENT'

  20. I've felt for decades the serapeum were batteries. Intuitively I've also felt the pyramids were power stations emanating huge amounts of force and power.
    This is my favorite podcast. Thank you truly. Please consider asking Dr Robert Shoch to come visit the show.

  21. Apis(the bull) was directly connected to Ausar(Osiris). Apis was the bull it's said the people fell back "" and worshipped while Moses ascended the mount.

  22. The Yellowstone Caldera would not produce a singular huge explosive event, but rather a lot of fissure type flows and local mini eruptions producing lots of ash and gaseous flows that would be detrimental to all life. This would also be a very long-term event lasting years if not decades.

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