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31 thoughts on “@chrisdcomedy Was a Doctor Before Becoming a Comedian

  1. I train working dogs specifically for disabled kids under 13. Nothing has been more rewarding than this. Adults, sure ill work with vets, but normal adults, absolutely not and chris is right. Fucking ungrateful people. Kids are the best, so full of life despite their problems. Always interested in learning and absorb the information much much easier

    What sucks is when i tell people that, especially the alohabet people, their first immediate thoughts is im somehow a predator. One lady tried thia with me.

    "Lady, the fact that you heard me say my career and your first thought went to sexualizing children, makes you the fucking creep, not me."

    If youre a straight guy and work with kids and you know that stigma, hit them with that and watch them spin in their tiny heads.

  2. When I was still in University- 14 years ago now 😳🤦🏽‍♂️😂 .. but we volunteered at the hospital in the children’s department- and these kids were terminal, and they KNEW it too, the oldest one was only about 10 and they said he was on borrowed time- but LET ME TELL YOU!!! How HAPPY these kids were that someone came and saw them- they were literally dying and had a BETTER outlook on life than somebody who had it all .. I think about those kids all the time- none of them are here anymore but if you can ever find the time to go see those kids and bring them presents for Christmas or costumes/candy in Halloween – you’ll see some of the most genuine and caring kids out there 😔

  3. He's not a doctor…. he shouldn't call himself one. A Doctor insinuates that he went to pre med, med school, internship and then residency. Takes YEARS. He is a physical therapist with a doctorate degree.

  4. I'm a nurse…yes… Adults are far less appreciative. I love kids… There was this kid, 11 yo, had a radius bone fracture. He kept on visiting me in the hospital even one year after his recovery… He "forced" his parents to take him to hospital to see me! Every time I saw him, that five minutes when we sat together, it always made my day.

  5. Weird statement tbh. Adults aren’t ungrateful, they are going through a lot. You live most of your life normally… and at some point you have to re-learn how to stand up or walk after a stroke. Or even worse, you’ve been doing physical therapy to deal with disability for your whole life and you have an incompetent that misses things. 🤷🏼‍♂️

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