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Pincanna – Enforcing Quality with Chemdog, Cannarado & Detroit Red Wings’ Enforcer Darren McCarty

The Pincanna team is deeply rooted in Michigan, producing handcrafted products from their award-winning, Michigan-grown cannabis, produced at our state-of-the-art facility.

Pincanna is a diverse group with experience in horticulture, retail, and consumer-packaged goods. Most importantly, they are believers in the healing and beneficial powers of cannabis, and they’ve mixed that with passion and determination to build a distinctly Michigan-made business.

Each of Pincanna’s team members – from cultivation to sales – is trained in the benefits of medical cannabis and the conditions it can treat. Pincanna is also an expert in creating premium recreational cannabis products that produce sought-after experiences.

Having earned over 50 cannabis cups, they are humbled to be a part of this pioneering community. With a methodical approach to creating cannabis branded goods across multiple categories, Pincanna strives to be industry leaders in quality and product uniqueness.

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Table of Contents:
00:00 Opening
01:22 Chat with the Detroit Red Wings’ Darren McCarty
04:38 Genetics
07:29 Facility tour featuring Damatex
11:49 Tissue culture and propagation with an appearance by Grodan.
15:02 Veg/Flower powered by ILUMINAR and featuring Veg + Bloom, Grodan, & Common Culture
19:45 Greenhouses and Hoop houses with Quest and ILUMINAR Lighting
23:40 Post Harvest with Trim Bins and the Pincanna basement cure
30:19 Processing
34:40 Packaging
37:03 Closing

Featured Strains (nothing for sale):
White Truffle, Avidekel, 9lb Hammer, Biscotti Sundae, Death Walker OG, Blunicorn
#Pincanna #cannabis #cannacribs #growingcannabis #cannabisoil #growingmarijuana #medicalmarijuana #marijuana #howtogrowweed #cannacribs #2021business #industry #smoke #weedeveryday #weed #smokingweed #maryjane #dispensary #customgrow420 #qualitycontrol #awardwinning #organiccannabis #DeepRoots #howhigh #cannabisresearch #michigan #detroit #tikunolam #chemdog #Cannarado #whitetruffle #avedaka #ninepoundhammer #biscottisundae #deathwalkerOG #blunicorn #detroit #michigantour #puremichigan #darrenmccarty, #hockey #hockeytownusa, #hockeygoon #damatex #ILUMINAR #HarvestMore #veg+bloom #grodan #quest #pinconning



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37 thoughts on “Pincanna – Enforcing Quality with Chemdog, Cannarado & Detroit Red Wings’ Darren McCarty -@highconceptent

  1. I’m from north California, & remember when I came across chemdog!, she was a great plant, still is, I crossed her with a OG KUSH cut from the cypress hill guys & my result was phenomenal!!!!, just gas & nail polish!. One hit and your there, three hits, your not gong to the store cause you forgot where the store is!lol a half hour later, your up cleaning & laughing . 4 hours later. Nap time. No ceiling, no matter how much you smoke it. Love cannibis

  2. UVA has no proven value to the cannabis plant and is significantly less efficient at photosynthesis than blue or red.
    UVA does not increase cannabinoids or terpene levels.
    UVA is less efficient photosynthetically than blue.
    UVA claims of controlling or eliminating powdery mildew, mold, fungus, and pests are false.
    UVB is generated more efficiently with fluorescent fixtures and may have beneficial effects in cannabis, however, the exact science for timing and amount of photons has not been proven.
    UVB may also have many negative effects if not applied properly, including weakening the plant’s immune system.

    I know the video is 2 years but have this changed?

  3. As a cultivator, I say with much love," You did a lit job with this episode, touched on a lot of good topics… I work for Claybourne out in so cal, and have to say it would be sick to be running some of that chemdog.

  4. I'm concerned about fentanyl laced Cartel weed making it's way to the people. California taxes it's weed so high that people patronize delivery services. That's where you don't have the controls that legitimate tested cannabis excels. If California would drop it's taxes some people would get their medicine cheaper ,the volume would be up at the dispensaries making up for the lower tax revenue.

  5. Яя рад за вас ребята!!!!!! Сам выращюю манжурский канабис, О оболденный сорт, неприхотливый!!!!!! Всём здоровья и долгих лет жизни!!!!!!! Ветеран бд Андрон уважуха!!!!!!

  6. You showed the Electrical Power system but you didn;t say what type of system it was? Is there an aquifer or water source nearby? Is it Hydro Turbines underground?
    That would be a free energy system then.

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