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Jason Jorjani is a philosopher & author who received his BA , MA & PhD at State University of New York at Stony Brook. Dr. Jorjani has taught courses on Comparative Religion, Ethics, Political Theory, and the History of Philosophy at the State University of New York.

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Jasons YouTube channel: @prometheism3174


Spotify –
Apple –

00:00 – Blackwater intelligence & MI6
14:05 – Reverse engineered WWII UFO’s
24:47 – Defamation by NY Times
39:37 – $1 billion Venezuelan oil contract
55:54 – Planned coup in Iran
01:11:59 – Jorjani’s near-death experience
01:20:25 – Paranormal science
01:31:54 – Lockheed Martin’s underground space tech facility
01:43:26 – Earth’s timeline is being manipulated
01:51:07 – Earths pole shift; cities under Antartica
02:00:10 – Tic tac UFOs are Lockheed tech
02:14:21 – ‘Angel & demon’ UFO narrative
02:17:18 – Aliens engineering wars on earth
02:35:34 – Underwater ‘super-human’ civilization
02:41:41 – Mystery airship of 1896
02:52:07 – Alien disclosure is a farce
02:54:24 – Chris Bledsoe case
03:00:25 – Christianity VS the US constitution
03:12:19 – Plato’s roots in the modern world
03:21:53 – Plato’s noble lie
03:36:02 – The rise of intellect in ancient Greece
03:39:48 – Belief in GOD
03:49:11 – Prometheus = Lucifer


Danny Jones

About Post Author

Danny Jones

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27 thoughts on “God, Aliens & the Secret Behind All World Religions | Jason Jorjani

  1. The impression I get from watching this and reading a bit of his Closer Encounters is that he has no filter. Another case of "A guy told me that Lockheed-Martin can fly to to Mars in a few hours and has this underground facility where they're reverse engineering stuff but i haven't seen it myself and I can't tell you who the guy is."

  2. First of all.. the "collins elite" has zero to do with our christian faith in Jesus Christ. Test the spirit. Truth and falshood are in opposition. And the more "educated" one gets.. the more succeptible they become to narratives that deny our human foundational nature. I need to create my own podcast to describe what is going on here. Also.. jack valee wrote about abductee experiences and that when the name of Jesus Christ was called upon during an encounter.. these entities stopped their activities immediatly. What we ultimately have.. is the kingdom of God and Jesus Christ (known as the redeemer)… vs earth bound entities that as highly intelligent that work with (but covertly in opposition to) the human race. And academia IS the poison pill.

  3. People!! Can you believe we actually take valuable time to listen to these absolute BS stories on podcast after podcast from these “intellectual assets “ and they constantly fool the people interviewing them because they’re incapable of asking the right questions or just looking them in the face and saying F*** OFF you grifting idiots 😮

  4. Listened to too much non-sense to find out the guy is an atheist defending the rebel satan. Saying that free will is impossible or irreconcilable with an all knowing and powerful God is laughable middle school theological debate who throughout all of history people ie Luther and other figures have been a very net negative for humanity. I will include him in my rosary intentions tonight. We are all crafting our on realities and I do not want to live in his for all eternity.

  5. This guy sounded slightly sane for three hours, but his hate of Deism came spilling out in the last hour. He clearly has a bone to pick with Christianity. It’s weird. BTW, the idea that the DoD is over-run with evangelical Christians, is pure comedy. Nothing could be further from the truth.

  6. How can you not remember the year of the supposed attack that was fouled. Doesn't make sense . Everybody remembers 9/11 why wouldn't you remember the next biggest potential attack. Something about this guy screams fraud!! Anyone else feel this way

  7. Doty who has had full access to all that alien stuff most of his career in life has already admitted that the tic tac ship is military US government made. He's on the Gaia app on one of the series and he talks all about it and some of the stories he tells will blow your mind.

  8. what a likeable nutcase. free energy, time manipulation, UFO technology, seeing his own death… my gosh, I'd love to live next door to this guy, he'd be fascinating, he actually seems to believe his own tosh. Abstract thought that defines the questions that are being asked, golly, it's never ending but entertaining none the less. I find myself quite drawn to that triangular light thing on the book shelf, it's just out of focus enough to make it interesting. it would probably be dull if i could see it properly. That bit about "resistance is futile"… it must be the Borg… they're kinda human… (don't tell him it was pretend).

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