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For today’s episode, we have some customer states photos and videos from all around the web and sent in by subscribers! If you have any questions about any of the photos or videos, feel free to ask in the comments. Also, check out the bottom of this description for more information about each photo & clip.

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Here’s the last video, just in case you haven’t seen it yet:


Each photo & video described.
These videos are meant to be educational but also funny, so if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask!

0:00 Intro – Click show more under the video to read more.
0:05 Something a little different for the first clip. The technicians had a pretty good laugh when the customer thought it was a clutch issue but ended up being a broken axle shaft and c-clip that holds the axle shaft in place.
0:15 Customer stated vehicle doesn’t move anymore. It turned out the customer only knew how to drive an automatic and it was the first time they drove a manual car. The car smelled like burned metal and there were pieces of the clutch everywhere. The clutch cover, pressure plate, driven plate, flywheel, and release bearing had to be replaced. Repair cost: around 2500$.”
0:29 The Strut on the passenger side popped out of the mount and ended the underside of the hood.
0:36 I’d highly suggest not spraying WD-40 on squeaky brakes as the WD-40 will embed into your brake pad and brake rotors making your vehicle stop very poorly.
0:49 The shop drained all of the engine oil and filled it with the appropriate amount. The car ran well afterward but smoked a lot!
1:04 Not sure if it ended up being warranty or not, but the supercharged on the stock engine could have definitely caused this to happen.
1:16 The tire size on the passenger side and driver side were different as well. The technician didn’t mention what the customer ended up doing about this.
1:25 This shop only deals with audio systems so that’s why they didn’t try and fix the brakes and didn’t want to be liable for anything.
1:42 “It was a Crutchfield kit. Still had the step-by-step instructions in the car. A little more context. No, it’s not staged or fake as some people have suggested. I’ve seen a bunch of craziness in the install bays over the last 20 years, but wanted to share one that was new to me. Car was dropped off Saturday afternoon for service on Monday. I had some time to get started early, and this is what I found. I actually connected the wires, and the radio works. (Who would have thought?) Unfortunately, the customer also installed their own reverse camera. I’ll have to replace it as they fried it by hooking up the power leads backwards to the reverse light with vampire taps. The most difficult part of the job will be putting all back together. There are interior pieces everywhere. They took waaay more apart than they needed to for the installation. I haven’t even tried looking for the fasteners yet.”
1:50 Intercooler was ordered and replaced.
2:03 Customer paid for the repairs. The technician said he was unsure how they thought coolant went in the tank for the diesel exhaust fluid.
2:08 Easy find and fix! The bottle was rubbing against a pulley making noise.
2:18 Scary to see a firetruck with no rear brakes but they did get them repaired.
2:29 The Engine was replaced with a used one.
2:40 Work was approved as where this clip was filmed they have very strict rules and laws regarding vehicle safety.
2:54 Submitted by a viewer. On the next screen, you can see a photo on the top left of what the car looked like before it was restored.
3:02 Outro. Thanks for watching!


Just Rolled In

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24 thoughts on “Customer States They Think They Have A Clutch Issue

  1. I seen someone recently in an AutoZone parking lot spray down their brakes with WD-40 instead of buying new pads and rotors. I get it that maybe he didn’t have the money but there was A CHILD in the backseat in a car seat.

  2. My wife bought a 2001PT Cruiser with a broken timing belt after I fixed that her sister showed her how to drive a five speed for the first time two weeks later I was putting a new clutch in the car

  3. Customers who do their own stereo wiring always gets me, the best one was the guy who at least stripped and twisted some of the correct wires together but then bundled them all up together and wrapped them with tape so they were all touching. I don't know how it didn't blow a fuse or catch fire, it just drained the battery. Then when I got into it I found that they had pulled the Ford Shaker head unit out and replaced it with a Dual and didn't wire in the adapters for the factory amps so none of the externally amplified speakers worked. The customer didn't want to fix it beyond what he already had there so I isolated, soldered and heat shrank each wire together and sent him on his way.

  4. We had a guy come in for tires. I wrote the size on a slip and told him to buy them inside the store so I could install them. He came back with a completely different size cuz they were, "Cheaper". I told him they wouldn't fit. (He had 17s, he bought 15s.) He asked me, "Can't you just stretch them?"

  5. The wiring one was great! Way back in the day I was a Navy Electrician, and I learned there that you should NEVER underestimate ignorance about electricity. It's just a kit, so some person read the instructions, and in there it said, "strip the wires"… the person didn't know what that meant, so they moved onto the next step: "twist the wires together". Looks great, onto the next step! 😆

  6. these problems happen when school systems cut shop classes, push computers only and tell everyone they have to go to college instead of trade schools …

  7. "how do you find people this clueless?"
    Just listen for the loud cars that pop like they're trying to be race cars. People screwing over their timing so the pops happen, never acknowledge or even realize they're going to blow up their pistons doing that.

  8. And these are the idiots mere feet away from you doing 75 on the highway. I didn't think an IQ could go into negative numbers, but the incompetence and stupidity of a lot of people is truly baffling to me.

  9. These people with the oil changes are terrifying, it's either they drive for 50k miles and never bother changing it or change it and pour 2 buckets of the thing in the damned engine.

    Never an in-between…..

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