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A Terpy smoke filled welcome to Brett of Wonderbrett. We talk about being an OG in the “OG” cannabis game growing up in the Mecca of the strain Og Kush. Being on scene for some famous cannabis history. Brett speaks of growing up with two successful artist parents who were financially well off to then a drastic life change that began a family struggle that impacted Brett’s life and we talk about what life was like through those times. We get into how Brett met Xzibit 20+ years ago and how their friendship evolved from being the weed plug to a genuine friendship that placed Brett on the scene as world renown platinum records were being made. Also what life is like going from 20 lights to 100 lights to 1000+ lights under your oversight and overall brand direction. Roll a Fat Joint or get that Bong out and maybe a Blunt as we get into Brett of Wonderbrett’s journey.

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49 thoughts on “Weed Flavor Factory | Brett Feldman of Wonderbrett | FSOTD EP. 91

  1. Just a question about about the old exotic weed in the 70s 80s 90s , there was red bud, solid red the whole bud, u couldn't hold one hit, tasted exotic, and gold bud solid gold, no green in either one, and tasted exotic also, like purple bud today is purple just ausome, in florida everything is green, notn exotic about anything in Florida, green weed in a white plastic container, can't see , smell , anything u buy, any help or thoughts appreciated

  2. did you know elephants growth is really just Carlos Daniel Hernandez? and his OG cut is just the Kush Co Og he was left with when that crew kicked him out due to his greed, what a surprise huh? he price gouges but still somehow refuses to pay his debts? ultimate a hole. thats his girlfriend (Elva) and his dog as the profile pic 🙂

  3. I'm chiming in late family, needing answers as to why my apple fritter is lacking trichomes in sixth week of flower, beginning to chunk up though, do I have anything to worry about or just let her ride.. don't know where to turn, New grower, disabled Vet, type 2 diabetes, 3rd stage lung cancer, recent double bypass 9 weeks ago, doing fine at this time …tokin on Mimosa, hey Fam thanks for all you guys do but we need more of you guys to shout out that support for the Veterans, we have winged ourselves off opioids thanks to certain strains of that good flower, thanks 😎👍😎💯

  4. Thank you for the amazing content. Maryland joins the next state to go full legal medical/rec here on July 1st. I am sure there will be one helluva gold rush. I already am seeing a bunch of out of state tags (Nevada, Oregon, Colorado) at the local dispensary. We have had 1 dispensary to go to in the entire county for the last 2 years, Risecannabis. It will be interesting to see what new companies pop up here in the next year. Back in the day it used to be bars on every corner, which have mostly shutdown and went out of business. Maybe those locations will be places people see for interest of setting up dispensarys. Really dont know what this will look like when it goes full legal, This town has been hit by the opiate epidemic like every other small down in this tristate area (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia). so it should be interesting to see what walks in the doors, i really hope the medical patients have there own area or something to keep a distance from the open public. Some crazy people walking the streets 🤣

  5. The 818 is mecca……when I was 13-16 I was fortunate to be a helper and freind to JACK HERER….rest in peace ..,.a soul that will carry on….love u jack…

  6. Unfortunately, I love wonderbrett but the one time I drove 2 hours to check out their actual store in LA, all the budtender did was try to push nearly 1 year old weed despite my excitement for the new flavor and ultimately all 3 flavors I got were straight boof.

  7. Man that’s what’s up Dakota , I love their products . I have a full AC Infinity setup and would love to be a tester . Cmon help an illegal state grow out !
    🤫 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫

  8. A friend of mine had a allergic reaction to fake terps on dispensary bud. We had to hit him with the epi pen and rush him the the emergency room. Local people make fun of him say he overdosed on flower. 😂 But they also put it on oils dabs waxes as well it leave a tart taste back mouth and thought like it is too concentrated. They spray this trash on old flowers give it a flashy name and price it for quick sell and they sell quick disgusting practice.

  9. You guys are the best Cannabis Industry interviewers of all time..your come up has been amazing to watch each day you guys are making great content keep it up I want to thank you both for showing the world these brands and many more to go through !

  10. I've smoked nearly all the Wonderbrett strains. Definitely quality, solid strains but damn, put it up against the small batch boyz? 😅 – he mentioned right before saying the "blind taste" challenge, that you can't get flower to small batch quality, while at a big scale. Nonetheless, all respect to the brand, Brett & his entire life story. All love y'all 💚🤙🏼🌱

  11. How is everyone trying to create new shit when all you hear is everyone trying to cross the 3 or 4 latest hype strains together to create something new 🤔. It's all going to be similar. Nobody is going back to cross legacy landraces with 1 new line!

  12. I want to own a brand like Brett’s one day I’m working in other industries now and I’m seeing everyone have problems scaling communication issues and finding like minded people it’s dope to see Brett cares about this. Putting in crazy work 🫡🙌🔥

  13. I put mad people on Wonderbrett’s flower before YouTube shut down my channel but he’s such a dope dude they invited me to the grow facility and changed my life😂😂😂💯💯🙌🏼🙌🏼🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  14. Spraying terps eitherway is embarrassing…. its like selling oranges that are injected with orange juice…
    Cant respect it…
    Btw blueberry is also basically Thai genetics

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