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If you do THIS you can get rid of ALL bugs and disease that could KILL your plants and RUIN your harvest! STRAIN SHOW …


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38 thoughts on “How To Kill ALL BUGS & DISEASES In Your Garden

  1. Do you guys have a living soil movement? Would love to see a deep dive into the opposite topic of this video. Ryobi has a sanitizer super soaker that mists on microns and sanitizer: clutch for tents and LRs. Much love buds. 💜💚

  2. The spider mites were literally crawling around on the diatomascus Earth and laying their eggs on it and not giving a single flying f***. I even took pictures and videos underneath the microscope where they're just crawling around on it without even caring

  3. Couldn't have explained it better myself brother, great info. I'm genuinely happy you plugged that Athena, I'm glad you like their IPM. That stuff really works.

  4. 5:39 please tell me where you got this watering can from!!! I've visited three garden centers looking for something similar, but I can't find any. Not even online!

  5. Bro ive been watching your channel since you only had a couple of thousand subs, you replied to all my comments cos you was only getting a handful per video, i stopped watching YouTube as much over the last year or so and just come back to your channel to see you are still going strong with about a 100,000 more subs, and well deserved aswel 🎉 definitely the most informative and fun canabis channel out there, i use to comment on how shit the uk was for finding dabs and still is😢 so yeh i listened and made my own and haven't looked back, you deserve every one of them subs and more, looking forward to whats to come🤙✌

  6. The question is, what i do cuz i never get bugs or disease..

    Is my enviroment too dry?

    The plants like it tho, i keep the moist with water spray in veg. I never spray water in bloom.

  7. Neem oil can make you sick i don't suggest it. Can also make tea with echinacea mullein peppermint catnip even wormwood spinkled around the pots and outside the tents

  8. If I get Neem oil I get RTU (Ready To Use) types. But I like to use Lost Coast closer to flower because it's more organic natural. But careful it ruined a couple of my spray bottles. Rinse out very thoroughly.

  9. When you said to stop spraying the oils a month before harvest did you mean a month before flower? Because wouldn't there be buds on it before then? Or are you just supposed to spray around them or something?

  10. HEADS UP STONERS… I once used neem to spray and didnt wear protection…. days later I developed a insane painful rash that lasted weeks and felt like poison ivy…… trust me wear protection

  11. I no people use netting and trim the tops and leafs so get the light into it more . And I have seen some now using a spider web frame witch looks cool . But this tying the branches down to the pot to split them I am not 100% sure about

  12. Matt can I ask u have u heard or seen anyone strap there low down branches down to the pot. From what I can make out it’s so u can split the stems or the mainstream into two and so on. Is this a practice you have heard of bro

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