Over a year later my friend and I are still going to court over a Jetski incident. This video is to shed light on the situation, and the bias that occurs behind the curtains officials have put up.
Buy a Jetski shirt at: www.monstermax.com all funds from Jetski shirts will go to legal fees
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If we sell 15,000 jetski shirts I will run over the Ferrari with the tank
The government sure does love extorting citizens for profit
This is government my brother. Please keep fighting. Alot of other people are fighting also. This is the reason for 1776
We are with you
Pure corruption in all governments.
Keep fighting these people!
Freedom of information act
A millionaire finding out how the legal system works is hilarious

Never seen your videos before, but came across you fighting for your rights so you got my subscription! Keep at it!
George Washington would have been really upset about this sort of thing.
The fact that this is still going on means your lawyer is an incompetent pussy who's milking you.
You def got my support ! Love that you don’t just let yourself get bent over and get fucked by the court. Def buying a shirt to support
Get a better lawyer, this should have been dropped in 10 minutes. Your lawyer sucks.
Tennessee will screw you soo hard i paid out over 15,000 and they took my brand new honda ruckus and paid 2500 in lawyer fees because of a dui that I tried to fight. The reason they pulled me over was because apparently you have to put both feet down at a stop sign before going. They said that I didn’t come to a full stop. I took the field sobriety test and passed. Then the officer wanted me to come back to the station to take a breathalyzer. I asked why his response you can get in the car willingly or i can put you in cuffs. I get there take the test and blow a.09 they release me not even a hour later. I tried to fight it they screwed me. Not to mention that the officer that pulled me over was someone who I went to highschool with.
Make them pay. I hope you get some peoples jobs!!!!
Its all about them making money and nothing else, don't take any deals whatsoever and then counter sue them to get your money back, lawyers paid for, pain and suffering, defamation etc. Always record your own audio anytime your speaking with any kind of "official" trust me its saved me more than once.
How many splashing tickets do you think they have actually prosecuted in the last 10 years ? My guess would be 0
Keep fighting the good fight!!!
A court hearing is a public document
your allowed too record 

damn man i dont really watch you anymore but to see these pigs are still dragging this out is insane, they clearly are out to get you and dont like you. ACAB and fuck 12 i got arrested for a half gram of shake in college had to go thru the legal system for 2 years 50 hours of community service and thousands in court fees. i wish you good luck and that it be fast
this happens all the time been arrested once the state of Michigan saying my license was suspended when i didn't even have one point on it and was good cost 1500$ to have truck/semi towed and put in jail the next day went to secretary of state and got a notarized copy saying was not suspended with no points or anything but was out the 1500 had a case but would cost more to fight it then id get back
no victim no crime
I'm not rolling in doe either bud 43$ for a tee is a lil steep in my eyes. Dope content though keep it up.
Good luck and much respect for standing up.
@WhistlinDiesel My brother got a felony out here for getting robbed at gunpoint by a friend so, we are all fucked record everything.
That's the game … lose your money as much as possible…
Wishing you and your buddy the best of luck with that jury. Really wish the system was better
We the fucking people. Fuck these corrupt sheep.
Courts system in America are a joke. I know 3 men who have gone to prison over false allegations of sexual assault by women. Thanks to the 'Me-To-Movement' and the 'Believe-All-Women' movement – there was NO DEFENSE that could be presented. The judge ruled.
Have a nice day.
Someone start a petition to get those officials fired
Thanks for exposing these fuckers man. Fuck these corrupted cops
Just watched a clip of Philly PD paying out $300k to a multiple time drunk driver/hit runner just because they didn’t want to drag a court case out. Yet here we are dragging and wasting time and $ over absolutely nothing. They should just drop this nonsense and move on.
Win this, show em that this is not okay for them to do so. Most people with some form of power don't know how to use it.
You my fellow American , just got a sub
Corrupt everything my man goodluck with this. If I had the money I would spend everything to prove the corruption I wish you had had a wire when they tried to extort you for your channel in the beginning.
Wow these hillbillies truly have nothing better to do but screw with people and ruin peoples lives to try and profit money
You could have defended yourself and plea your case to the judge but the lawyers win in cases like this but since you have money to burn I wish you the best beating these charges.