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The Enlightened Emporium:


What time is it! Game time! What time is it! Game time! All my dogs in the house!!! Woof woof woof woof!!!! Only true Baltimore people will understand where that came from! WITH THAT I present to you Raven!!! This cross of Garlic cookies X Blissful wizard is a great gassy and sweet strain (when grown and cured properly.


The Enlightened Voice

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The Enlightened Voice

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4 thoughts on “Raven by Curio

  1. Ritual Today dropped a good few new strains Curio strains the strains are called Canniblitz which is Blissful Wizard x Purple Punch I had to get it because they are 2 of my favorite Maryland dispensary strains
    And it's only $30! But the other is Called Midnight Climax which is Mk Ultra x Raven but it's running $60 not $30 like Canniblitz but I'm hopeing that the strains are as good as their gassing them up but I do know curio has dropped some exclusive flowers so those were two that I know of there may be more I didn't go through the whole list but I will be getting that curio canniblitz so if I end up not liking this Canniblitz I may not be buying Curio again I loved Blissful wizard and as far as purple punch goes I love that strain as well so if I end up not liking this hybrid I will be shocked so I'ma take one for the team today I liked their Blissful Wizard and their wizard gum but the other strain I tried from them garlic wizard ended up being a bad batch because I've heard other people say garlic wizards one of their favorites so I just got a real bad crappy batch of it so being Serio drop these new strains I can't afford to buy both but I will be getting that kind of blitz for sure so after I try it and smoke it I'll send you another message and YouTube because you know I don't use anything else other than YouTube so I will send you a message Chris to let you know how the can of blitz from Korea was but with that lineage of purple punch in Blissful wizard I absolutely had to try it so I'll be getting that this evening sometime tomorrow maybe the next day I'll be going into it

  2. Apparently the BlackBerry that dropped is fire from curio. I think or g leaf. They dropped more blue cheese at star buds but agreed curio we should have a scent on the bud only weed i get from them that's good was some mk ultra northern lights snd some purple punch. Ogkb the dank of curio lol they always growing it.

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