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Understanding the early and late signs of nutrient deficiencies in cannabis, particularly nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, iron, and manganese, is critical for successful cultivation. Moreover, a well-balanced nutrient feed can prevent these issues from developing in the first place.

Please download this study referenced in this video and follow along:

0:25 Comparison Study Summary
1:17 How to test your soil
The first thing to troubleshoot issues is to test your runoff for levels outside the grow zone:

Once you confirm it is in range, then you can move on to pinpointing the deficiency,

Early Signs:
Yellowing of Older Leaves: The lower leaves begin to yellow while the veins remain green.
Slow Growth: The overall growth rate slows down noticeably.
Late Signs:
Widespread Yellowing: Yellowing spreads upwards from the lower leaves beginning with the fan leaves.
Leaf Drop: Affected leaves eventually droop down and may fall off prematurely due tot he plant recognizing it lack of photosynthesis.

Early Signs:
Slight Rusted spots can occur, similar to calcium deficiency. Darker blotches appear, but have a brown that isnt as red or rusty as calcium.
Stunted Growth: The plant shows signs of slow growth.
Late Signs:
A purple tint may appear on stems and leaves and necrosis that look like brown smears and dead patches develop on leaves.

Early Signs:
Yellowing and Browning of Leaf Edges: Older leaves show yellowing and browning starting from the edges.
Late Signs:
Chlorosis Between Veins: Browning/rusty color between leaf veins while veins remain green. Tips of the leaves begin to curl and die and fall off. They turn crispy.

CALCIUM (Ca) 4:17
Early Signs:
Distorted New Growth: New leaves may appear twisted or irregular and small rust spots appear speckled throughout the leaves.
Late Signs:
Crispy Leaf Edges: Edges of the leaves become crispy and rusty and the spots expand uniformly throughout the leaf.

Early Signs:
Interveinal Chlorosis: Yellowing between the veins of older leaves while veins stay green.
Late Signs:
Affected leaves may turn completely yellow and fall off and stems and petioles may turn red or purple. Striping expands eventually yellowing the whole leaf.

SULFUR (S) 5:20
Early Signs:
Overall Yellowing: Uniform yellowing throughout the whole plant. Lime green color up top that affects new growth. Unlike Nitrogen, it starts up top instead of down under.
Late Signs:
The yellowing spreads to older leaves and can appear like striping. The veins are more intense green and look like lines.

IRON (Fe) 6:00
Early Signs:
Pale New Growth: New growth appears pale or yellowish.
Late Signs:
Buds looks a little light yellow or white on the edges and develops to dark brown red.

Manganese (Mn)
Early Signs:
Not much of a difference.
Late Signs:
No noticeable difference from control.
FIXES – Same as Iron

Preventative measures is the best way to grow plants to avoid nutrient deficiencies. A balanced nutrient feed is the best solution and by using fertilizers that provide all the essential macro and micronutrients in appropriate ratios, you will fix problems before they develop.

Preventing Nutrient Deficiencies: 6:46

1. Use a well balanced feed schedule. They are available for all different mediums on

2. Good Watering Routine – Prevent Over and Underfeeding: Avoid overfeeding, which can lead to nutrient lockout and water logged soil which will suffocate your roots. Understanding the wet and dry cycle is recommended, this can be done either by muscle memory or fingering the soil. Underwatering will lead to dry pockets or salt buildups in the soil, which can create abberations in soil pH and ppm, resulting in isolated deficiencies throughout you plant.

3. Maintain Proper Environment: Ensure your growing environment (temperature, humidity, and light) is optimal. Environmental stress can exacerbate nutrient deficiencies. Light burn could look like a deficiency:


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41 thoughts on “How to Fix Cannabis Nutrient Deficiencies – Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium Calcium Magnesium Sulfur

  1. Great information! I'm about to get back into growing and I definitely remember having magnesium deficiencies. How much epsom salt would you say I should use per gallon of water? Thank you!

  2. Starting off by saying you are the most well put together educational teacher i have ran across since i started growing a year ago watch a lot of your video and I'm very impressed with your knowledge been looking for this video that's simple and gives solution on how to fix it where's other videos are vague I appreciate your knowledge THANK YOU!

  3. I need some help, so do I test run off on the next feed I do or can I do that anytime? If I have to do it with next feed after I test the runoff do I then add my new feed of nutrients to fix the deficiency?

  4. you said calcium deficiency is normally seen in the top new growth? well that study said usually it is in new growth but in cannabis that its seen to start in older growth fan leaves first and works its way up the plant

  5. Hey great video. There are earlier signs of phosphorus deficiency. The saying goes like this. I just made this up by the way. Once the stems look like purple haze, its time to add phosphorus at this stage. Once you see it in the leaves, add potassium in a breeze.

    Potassium helps the uptake of phosphorus. If there is a sign of phosphorus deficiency always, I do mean always add a little potassium with it.

  6. I somehow Fonds 2 plantbabys and Fond a seed in my weed so i grew it. I never did before and i even planted 2 in a 5L plastic bottle now im mid harvest and i habe no clue how i did it. Everything i Tried worked. I love weed. Btw nice content

  7. Hey ,love ur stuff, I've learned alot following your videos, my plants EC keeps rising to quick, I flush back to normal I ph water to 6.1 but after about 5 days my ec is at 3.8 and ph at 5.6, what am I doing wrong

  8. how about u completly change from these premixxed overpriced BS and start doing it manually
    buy the salt individual ( and for the base a pre salted mix ( universal )) buy "water trim" to desalt your water

    saves even more money and u can produce even better weed


    hmu if u need help with it

  9. Using your happy frog chart and I’m going into week 6 of veg and today I started to notice a deficiency and according to this video it looks a little like it could be the beginning of magnesium deficiency. So I’ll be trying Epsom salt tomorrow to see how it works.. Thanks!!

  10. One time I moved and had, afterward, just bad crops. They always faded to yellow after a few weeks while I did everything and watched every fertilizer video until I realized that it’s not the fertilizer or earth but the water in the new flat! It was simply chlorine slowly building up and killing all life in the ground, so my organic fertilizer couldn’t feed the plant. And the solution was so easy, a bubble stone and letting the water sit for 12-24h…😅

  11. Great video! Always informative man.. Quick question! On my 2nd week of veg and won’t feed until my 3rd or 4th week. Just curious if the soil itself has over 2000 ppm already should I still feed or wait till it uses up all the nutrients till it gets to 800ppm? Would appreciated the help!

  12. Wassup bro! Was wondering if you have any methods to handling nute lock. I’m on week 6 right now of flowering and the last 5 days I’ve notice some of my leaves turning yellow n she’s not eating the nutrients like normal. PPMs been going up and staying in the 390-400 range. I’ve stopped feeding her once I first noticed the spike and just kept my top off PH balanced for her but still no change.

  13. your the best i ordered a ac infinity 5×5 pro tent becuase of your videos/ website about a month ago ….and yes i used your amazon coupon code i’ve got 4 plants going currently 2 poddy mouths (with slight magnesium deficiency but thriving well just topped on day 25 from sprout above the 4th set of nodes) 1 collie man kush and 1 hella jelly …. i tried to get connected on discord with you but apparently the apple store dosent allow 18+ content i’ll add a little epson salt to my week 4 chart mix that i been feeding them thanks again homie your a real one 💯💪🏼 also just thought id ask while im here is it normal for half of the seeds to not germinate ?

  14. I pretty much have everything dialed in. I’m pretty good when it comes to growing and now that I’m to the point where I know what I need i have what I need and I’m doing the same thing over and over again on the schedule. but I’m noticing a lot of tiny. Black/brown under developed really tiny seats that almost are like deflated like raisins and I mean they’re like 1/70 the size of a regular seed, but it’s definitely the seeds. The only thing I could see it being was pH two intense light for how much CO2 in the environment I have or heat or it’s two intensive light with a combination of heat got up to 87 day 85 86 a couple of times but besides that it usually gets no more than 83 but gets to at least 81 to 83 something every day I’m just wondering if anybody else had the same problem and they had an environment where they could turn down the heat immediately the thing is I can’t get it any colder than what it is without turning down the light or waiting for winter now I have an outside plants and inside plants of the exact same clone gorilla glue number four and the outside plants besides them smelling better because it’s way colder outside they look the same but the inside plants when you grind them up, there’s tiny black/brown seeds that are under developed and are like 1/70 the size of

  15. Hey bro just wanted to say been watching all your videos you’ve helped me a lot in my first grow I’m 20 days into flower and use your feeding schedule haven’t had 1 problem at all even without having the most optimal weather conditions

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