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DJ Akademiks Speaks on Quavo Still Refusing to Cooperate w/ Police in Takeoff M*rder. Patrick Clark will claim Self Defense!

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DJ Akademiks

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41 thoughts on “Quavo Still Refuses to Cooperate w/ Police in Takeoff M*rder. Patrick Clark will claim Self Defense!

  1. All i can say Takeoff will fight for his justuce in heaven and when he does the world will be shook and remember this man was loved all around the world and some of us are still hurt by this and we pray day and night for justice..Gods timing is the best, just watch God reveal the evil who done this… Watch and see

  2. Yall clowning Quavo for not snitching but imagine if he knew Take wouldn't want him to snitch?
    Yall think this "street code" shit just black and white

  3. If the killer (miraculously) got out "he'll be swimming with the fish's, he won't be able to unfortunately change the end game, an niggaz (allraces) be telling for that bag, it's a price thing, the closer your are too him the bigger the bag, dudes mostly fold"

  4. The most hilarious thing about Street code is you have people choosing the court of public opinion, over their own family members.

    However when it's your turn for the streets to defend you. I guarantee you the same people will fold on you, like cardboard in the rain.

  5. DJ Ak is the clown making fun of ppl that’s medically diagnosed with mental retardation and Down syndrome. Hes about to become famous. Not in the way he wants to be though. Mental retardation is not a choice. Alcoholism is. Remember that AK.

  6. Our black people are really ridiculous. Now we he gets free they will blame police. It's hypocritical. MF WHO CARES WHO CALL YOU A SNITCH. YOUR MF FAMILY GOT KILLED AND YOU KNOW WHAT HAPPENED AND LET HIM DIE IN VAN. SMH RIDICULOUS

  7. At this point wether these rappers cooperate or not they always make the choice that’ll hurt their homies, it’s f*ckin stupid 🤦‍♂️

  8. Won’t work I live in Texas and if you leave the scene it’s no longer self defense… you have to render aid and if you do run away you must report the possible murder that could have happened

  9. Ppl only tend to care about snitching when it’s somebody you don’t like, when it’s a popular person it’s an exception made or some type of justification for doing so! When it came to 69 he was in a lose lose situation ppl tend to not care about. His “gang” kidnapped him and was otw to kill him before being arrested, if he wouldn’t told he more than likely would’ve been killed in prison by that same “gang” yet somehow he’s still labeled a snitch n ppl would say oh but it’s different because it’s Takeoff smh… we live in a contradicting society. But ppl don’t wanna admit that (out loud anyway)

  10. If Quavo talked he’ll be considered a snitch & talk about! Him not talking ppl saying he’s dumb, bold and how that’s his nephew! Its no winning with ppl nowadays It’s a lose lose situation for him at the end of the day…

  11. Embarrassing for the black community it’s sad the way y’all choose to live life over Fucken streets codes YALL hold y’all selfs back especially with the checking in shit

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