A 29 year old caller struggles to move out of his parent’s house due to feeling like he owes them some sort of debt.
Afterwards a caller attempts to sabotage her sister’s adult entertainment career, a caller feels he is a better member of society when he’s intoxicated, and an acrobat gets concerned that their yoga pants are too revealing.
You can eat dinner at 2pm. I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:17 – 29 year old caller struggles to move out his parent’s house due to feeling like he owes them some sort of debt.
14:30 – A caller attempts to sabotage her sister’s adult entertainment career.
26:10 – A caller feels he is a better member of society when he’s intoxicated.
49:35 – An acrobat gets concerned their yoga pants are too revealing.
01:01:33 – How to call the gecko!
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Lyle Forever
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Kay, if you're reading these comments: You should know you're the problem 🙂
Second caller… very scary. I feel lucky to have the siblings I have. It’s disgusting to send your father any sexual video, of any kind. But ESPECIALLY your own sister.
That is sick behavior. I’m sorry…
Second caller… very scary. I feel lucky to have the siblings I have. It’s disgusting to send your father any sexual video, of any kind. But ESPECIALLY your own sister.
That is sick behavior. I’m sorry…
The 2nd caller is usually the person a caller calls in to tell Lyle about.
This episode is chock full of psychos
people get way too controlled by their parents. You don’t owe them anything if they don’t take care of you as a child they go to prison. That’s the deal.
3rd caller you’re not a good guy… 😅😂
I think it’s important to realize that going off and living your own life should mean just as much (if not more) to your parents than staying with them
To the guy who likes getting high, you said it yourself at the end of ur life ur only gonna think ab the ppl closest to u – so don’t ruin yours/ cut it short for random ppl at the grocery store bc they won’t be thinking ab u at the end of theirs. 40’s gonna come a lot sooner than you think. And when it comes I’m gonna assume ur not gonna want to die – but if you continue w this your gonna be having an extremely low quality/ painful life for the next 60% of it. And that’s gonna be your present moment. It’s not gonna be your future u can brush off. I don’t want you to have to get to that b4 u realize bc ur gonna hate yourself over somethn that u could have easily avoided. You are disrespecting yourself so badly rn when it finally hits u how ur treating this gift of life as such a joke it’s gonna humble you so much in such a devastating way. I’m 23 I snort my adderalls do whatever I can here and there I always say fuck it idc but when I feel my heart palpitations every once in a while and actually feel the fear that I fucked up and this might actually be the time my actions have consequences I feel terrified, stupid, full of regret- and realize I actually don’t want to die bc I’m praying and freaking out for god to give me another chance asking my dad to check my pulse making sure I’m okay making these dramatic scenes. And I’m humbled I am not cool, metal 🤘, or hippie enough to not value life – literally being alive. Every day rlly is a good day if ur healthy and alive we forget that. And ofc a few days later I feel better the fear goes away and I do it all again. But the only way this ends is not having that day after that I’m okay again that I’ve had hundreds of other times. It happens to every addict. Besides the ones who actually got clean. I listen to Mac miller all the time. It lowkey makes me want to do delinquent shit like crushing my adderrall to snort it he makes it sound cool. I listen to him all the time and it’s actually kinda scary my fav rapper raps ab the shit he died from. Thinking all his lyrics about getting fucked up and it being lit w the attitude of fuck it- it’s so easy to glamorize and fall into your rabbit hole. And then I’m like he literally died these lyrics are stupid asf to think this way. Idk it’s crazy I look up to the lifestyle of someone who got themselves killed if u rlly think ab it. Like how stupid and brainwashed am i. Same w suicide boys. Not saying they are the reason I got into this stuff but listening to them makes me normalize it cause they are famous and shit so I’m like they are doing it right – o wait one is dead. Idk the point of this comment I got off track bc I’m currently coming down from my adderral w like zero sleep. Just cause I’m prescribed doesn’t mean it’s okay 🤠 I think we both should stop normalizing our behavior and making excuses for it. Bc if we were to be real w ourselves we know what we are doing. Maybe u don’t but u will when it catches up. And maybe it won’t for u , idk if you’ve had any close calls but I’m sure if u think ur dying at 40 you’ve had some scares ? Anyways good luck. I’ve never thought of myself as an addict like Fr I still don’t. But it doesn’t mean I’m not actively ruining my body and life 🤷♀️ good luck 👍
Bro the whole reason parents raise you and help you through college and do all these things for u growing up is for the goal of you being able to move out and become a sufficient adult w/o them. That’s what parenting is. Do u think ur parents would have met each other and even had you if your grandparents didn’t let them move out. That’s the only benefit of all that they did for you was supposed to have. They are literally withholding the outcome of all the hard work they put in and ending their family generation w u in the process. Super weird and unnatural way to go about life. And you saying they didn’t have a good relationship but are still together gave me pretty much what I need to know about why they are Keeping you there. They are terrified to be left to their relationship w/o the whole family living under the same roof. You are probably the only common denominator they have of why they themselves live in that house. But it’s selfish. You need to move out. They need to not blame u for putting all the focus on u bc they never wanted to work on their relationship bc they didn’t plan for a 30 year period where it’d just be them again.
0:52 lol that's so true as a kid your mind is shattered seeing Blue IRL
2nd caller 💀
Kay just wants revenge on her sister.
To the 4th caller, it's called a dancer's belt if you don't want to show off
The way the second caller went about it was wrong but this whole promotion of sex work is ridiculous… in this age of trying to accept everyone and everything the lines have blurred to insanity… nobody should be proud that they're family members are doing sex work
I love Lyle not letting the second caller off the hook for trying to out her sister as a SWer.
How’s the parents place goin geck?
1:00:24 "Hey, everyone.. DOOT!"
The second caller saying “she went off to California to hook up…with a GIRL!” Like she was dropping some big bombshell. Love Lyle for just pausing and going “cool! 😃”
She doesn’t want her sister to be a sex worker, I think that is a good valid reason to expose her to dad because sex working typically results in a very hard life, and there is a ton of evidence to prove that. The fact therapy gecko can’t recognize that is troubling to me.
Funny how laughs and how she thinks everyones gonna be on her side (second caller) and then she gets into like oh shit, i gotta find a way to get lyle on my side lool
She didnt even say her sister did anything to her personally was just "bad" second caller textbook narcissistic
bro was def brainwashed by his parents. the entire point about raising a child is it raise them to be their own self-sufficient, productive person. any parent that tries to guiot their child about taking care of them growing up as a ways to control their behavior & life when they're older is flat out abuse & absolutely disgusting. they definitely planted that in his head.
that chick is disgusting. unless sis did something horrible to her as a child that's somehow related to what sis is doing now, she's a meddling, busibody, asshole. like their father is even opening her mail & tax documents, wtf? it sounds like there's a reason why she left, a reason why she doesn't talk to them, & maybe even a reason why she treated the girl bad as children. although, honestly she didn't even actually give any real examples of what her sis did as a child.
Just kept trying to make it about “oh it’s my sister,” but as a little sister who used to snitch on my older sister for at random (until I grew tf up) I was completely doing it out of jealousy and spite.
It sounds like the second caller here is also experiencing some spite and maybe just…doesn’t realize it?
Banker judging a sex worker – can't write it.
second caller a MISREABLE person, at 19 sad, only going to get 50x worse
what is the rapey gecko ??
Kay is a giant attention starved narcissistic toddler that needs a good therapist and probably some pharmaceutical intervention.
Listening to Brady speak about how he feels like he has to use drugs to love and be loved ( which started at 15) and then hearing that he was groomed and psychologically manipulated at the age of 15 is wild. That pedophile messed his perception of love up so badly and that broke my heart. I truly hope he can find a good professional to help him work through this! Much love to ya Brady! We love ya sober!!!
holyyy crap i havent been this mad listening to one of these callers ever, but that second girl had me literally yelling at my computer "WHY?", "what is wrong with you??" and "you suckkkk"
but jeeeeeeez what a fucking weirdoioooifrnhgkfnds
Kay sounds jealous af of her sisters life
Lyle saw right through 2nd caller
So you telling Brady not to rely on substances for personality boosts but the Celsius got you fired up like mf – i’m mad he didn’t catch that contradiction lmaoo
This episode feels like Lyle trying to look like a cool wise therapist and every comment criticizing a girl for a situation they have next to zero context of. This one sucks.
Honestly I'm only like 2 minutes into the first caller but if you're living with your parents you are susceptible to their rules. He claims they're "forcing" him to stay home despite having the means to leave, so… leave?
man this episode made me want to get a celsius energy drink and this is not an ad 😂
as a sister, when she said it was a 'sister thing'… no, it wasn't.
Good for Kyle.
I feel like the second caller is just very immature and isn't able to fully appreciate how wrong what she's doing is. One day I hope she'll come to her senses and realize how terrible it was
Love the way Geck handled the second caller. He felt an immediate responsibility to call out that toxic bull. Love ya Geck
18:53 this girl is a narc lmao
Lyle has to say it like it is sometimes too much sugarcoating
I always respect when someone has the self awareness to say "I can't help you"
Second story is casual incest lol
The first story hit hard. I was 22 in college with a 7:30 curfew like fuuuuuuck this.
second caller sucks as a person
Second caller seeking affirmation for her revenge, listen to that laugh.
Sex work isn’t real work, and if it were real work, being outed wouldn’t be an issue. If you want to sell pictures and streams of yourself naked, fine, but don’t expect it not to have consequences
holy shit the second caller is a psychopath