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Dr. Michael Masters is a professor of biological anthropology specialized in hominin evolutionary anatomy, archaeology & biomedicine. His most recent research examines the premise that UFOs and ‘Aliens’ could be our future-human descendants, returning to visit and study their own evolutionary past.
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Mike’s YouTube channel: @MichaelPMasters
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00:00 – Biological Anthropology
05:46 – Evidence aliens are future humans
18:17 – How humans will evolve into aliens
27:12 – Evolution of the human skull
40:29 – Aliens’ fascination with human reproduction
49:30 – Abduction data points
01:01:24 – US Government
01:08:00 – Jesus Christ
01:22:49 – Block universe theory
01:29:10 – Interstellar travel
01:33:28 – Science behind UFO time travel
01:47:33 – Warped time
01:54:45 – Aliens vs. religious beings
01:57:57 – Has humanity ever been ‘reset’?
02:00:55 – Advanced ancient species
02:07:30 – Bases on the moon
02:15:17 – Nuclear war
02:22:05 – Precognitive dreams
02:45:05 – Downloading knowledge
02:54:31 – Backwards vs. forward time travel
03:04:24 – Cryptoterrestrials
About Post Author
Danny Jones
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This man is incompetent. In this time, not some other. Why do small minded people try to weigh in on such subjects?
It’s mentioned in this video that alien technology would be accessible to us and we would become them. What if we can’t utilize and replicate every technological advancement of aliens due to our lack of intelligence and understanding compared to them?
If they are time travelers, then why do they focus on our time when they can go back several thousands of years and collect more ”intact/healthy” DNA? Maybe they do but why not focus on that time period then?
It’s also mentioned that when you act on something, you’re conscious of the action after it’s done. I don’t agree because often we think before we act even though we are influenced by stimuli before the action.
Another thought is that if time loops do exist, then future beings must have gone back to the timeline of the beings we today see as aliens and taught them advanced technology. An endless loop.
The first time cycle that ran through without all the egos trying to make their writings come true probably got to the end phase of time travel, went back and liked the idea of being worshipped as gods and not it's a never ending cycle. This guy cited Dan burisch, the long interview I watched of him he mentioned it might break society if they knew all the temples that were built to worship gods were actually worshipping normal people.
Evolution is a fairy tale. This guy’s theory was mine when I was a child.
One living in the present can only see religion and Jesus as a ploy that creates wars for the winning side.
Also, if the devil existed, don't u think the devil would create something like religion to trap the minds of ppl? Only those who have eyes to see can see.
It was me…i did it all
🇫🇷👽 I heard that sometimes aliens kidnap you and probe your anus. Maybe “Zey harre interstellar proctologues” or it’s possible that it is an alien greeting custom. 👽🇫🇷
what if aliens were humans with massive mutations back in the day… with over sized brains… so they were super smart and created all kinds of civilizations and technologies before they were all wiped out due to natural extinction level events?
Great theories but my woke-radar is pinging with the multiple mentions of CRT-esque tropes and having watched Stephen Colbert…
Ammonia not sulfur ffs
The math can't be right about time passing on earth. Pretty sure it'd be millions and millions of years
Dude you have way to many ads. I'm done watching your stuff till you reduce them. I can get the same content from Jesse or shawn ryan with less ads and plugs
I started this video very very skeptical about the topic and highly suspect of the researcher. Although I remain agnostic about what some of the described phenomena actually are, I am really appreciative of the host and guest speaker. This was thought provoking, smart, and fun. I am going to watch more Danny Jones ( now subscribed) and get one of Dr Michael Masters’ books.
Both can be true. We could travel to other star systems in the future
The gospels weren’t written “hundreds of years” after Jesus 🤦♂️
Cmoonnn, evidence please, this is stupid
Get Luis Elizondo in here. We're not going to beat them by shooting earth matter, rig up the microwave laser like Lu said.
I hate the constant lip clicking when people talk on YouTube. You can't listen to people easily who keep doing this.
Idk the first half was sounding good then the more I listened some points didnt make much sense
What if, it's "Subterraneans": humans that evolved underground and/or under the oceans? The hugeblackeyes (the better to see with in darkness), the grey skin(no sun exposure), less muscular stature (living under heavier pressure of atms), incredibly fast speeds(for zipping around the oceans, makes air flight seem like nothing). Or theyare ultra terrestrials: fairies, leprechauns,etc.
Awesome episode. Listened twice.
so they are coming back BEFORE the "loss of data" to sample them. meaning if we dont go extinct, it wont be far from it.
This was great Danny!! Thanks. Spectacular guest, as usual!! I had a really weird experience last night after watching the first third of the video. I won't get into it all but after watching the rest of the video it kind of freaked me out a lil more. I honestly felt like I had something downloaded Before hearing about the guests experience. Crazy!!
Love your show!!
"I mean I wouldn't want to go back and fuck an 'Australiapithicus' [sic]." – Danny Jones
Its all fake.. there is no way we could have survived and evolved for so long if all our ancestors were homo! 😛
Danny: biblical scholars say lestes means not a revolutionary
Ceasar: child trafficker
Me: looks up lestes and it says bandit or one who steals by force or openly
Mike might be interested in Anthony Peakes work to explain his precognition episodes. The Daemon is one of his books.
Has anyone considered the possibility that they may be ancient humans that became very advanced and we are the result of a devastating war and from time to time they help us ?
I loved this episode but was very disappointed when around the two hour mark the guest referred to the Ancient Aliens theory as racist, due to speculation typically revolving around structures in Asia, Africa and Latin America. This is simply because most of the most mistifying and beautiful ancient structures happen to exist there. We do also have similar theories about Stonehenge and other sites, it's just that they aren't anywhere near as interesting as the pyramids, the sphinx or Machu Pichu. Also, Gobekli Tepe is in Turkey, and most Turkish people do not consider themselves to be "brown", and we are all quite aware of the sophistication and extent of the Ottoman Empire.
It's incredibly disrespectful to call whole swathes of people racist, with such little basis. If racism is to be treated as a serious thing, then wrongly accusing someone of it must be just as serious.
Fucking ads
I would never buy any product I was forced to endure in a podcast. Does anyone ever? I just fast forward thru the ads.
mandella effect theres different time lines ?
This is the perfect representation of extreme indoctrination. Everything that he believes comes from NASA or publications that fall under the Rockefeller foundation, which is completely doctored and limited "education". He's just perpetuating the same lies that those evil forces are trying to make everyone believe, so that they don't believe in GOD. Evolution is a complete lie. "Space" is a complete lie. And everything he's ever studied comes from agencies that are widely known for their lies and scams. This is what it looks like when someone can't think critically. Trusting the education system is one of the biggest mistakes you can make, as that system is explicitly designed to keep us clueless and uneducated.
We are them. The handicapped mutants.
The variability of the creatures that people report actually contradicts this theory, rather than confirms. Even if 95% of them are anthropomorphic. Because the variability suggests they are different creatures. So unless future humans keep changing shape into variety of different forms, there has to be multiple alien species.
Let's say that two million years in the future there's some potentially devastating cataclysm on the way that's 100% certain to wipe us out forever. We know that we don't have the power to stop it, but we think that if we go back in time to accelerate the progress of humanity, we might be able to. We need to buy ourselves an extra million years or so of progress, so we prevent all the nuclear wars and huge disasters, but we try to do so without too much interference, because we want to change as little as possible.
There is nothing racist about suggesting aliens helped build megaliths. 🙄 gooberiest Flint Dibble comment ever
Great my future family doesn’t care about me either. lol
All of his points make perfect sense. He seems extremely knowledgeable about the subject matter. But, I can’t get over the underlying assumption that all the “accounts” of alien encounters where the aliens are described the way they are described are legit. Is there any scientifically verified or verifiable evidence that any of these “accounts” are real?
The Fallen Angels are Nordic time travellers, and in The Book of Enoch they make an oath to take the blame together for the great crime of intervening in our affairs and mixing with us. Same slogan as in the Q Scriptures (Where we go one we go all) and those guys are associated with time travel, look into Assange and John Trump looking the same, and his connection with Tesla's technology. There are more advanced beings like the Tall Greys and Mantids running the hybrid program that threaten the control of the Nordics, most of whom don't like us and abuse us for thousands of years. Nazis also developed time travel, so that's something to consider. Nazi Nordics probably started the blood-drinking sacrifice religious stuff with the Israelites pushing their eugenics to produce a separate people, made warlike and aggressive with circumcision as a blood pact with the great demon Yahweh face of the Corrupt Demiurge, invoked into our world with the Grail Stone tech in the Ark that used to be in the Great Pyramid which Moses took. Nazis to this day love blood sacrifice of the burnt kind, whether it's burning an animal and eating it, or people. The Nordics don't want to lose control over us but they're too evil which necessitated higher cosmic powers to step in. In Jason Jorjani's book he shows documented evidence of Nordics in flying UFO ships attacking non-white people and sucking their blood out of them, so just because someone is technologically advanced doesn't mean they're spiritually advanced, and these blood-drinking cults go back to these beings teaching us, as they started cults and religions all over the world on every continent.
Betty and Barney Hill also saw a Nordic in Nazi uniform with the Tall Grey. I realized I am part hybrid too like millions already born since the fifties, mostly all white people. We started having more noticeable differences since the nineties like me, large head, big brow, forehead, wide and bigger at the back, small mouth, bigger eyes, strangely thin wrists, but very strong legs, short, smaller than even my non-identical twin brother. Having a non-identical twin brother gives me also a very good reference. But I am also an abductee my whole life and have lots of proof, witnesses, sighting, marks, and stuff, it's just normal reality for those of us with experiences. Glad to see people are taking this more seriously and not just thinking we're all crazy. Many of us are born with higher IQs too, and telepathic sensitivities, and can even be dysfunctional in society because we don't fit in.