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Dan McClellan is a biblical scholar & an active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. McClellan was the winner of the Society of Biblical Literature’s 2023 Richards Award for Public Scholarship.
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00:00 – Dan’s academic background
06:02 – Septuagint predates the Torah?
22:30 – Fake Dead Sea Scrolls
26:03 – Greek found in Synagogues
32:35 – Inaccuracies with translation
39:57 – Bible scholar paradox
42:36 – Dan’s personal bias
46:43 – Torah origins
50:01 – Moses never existed?
56:33 – Was the Christ a drug?
01:09:09 – Did the Bible misinterpret words?
01:15:58 – Jesus in the public park
01:20:22 – Was Jesus Christ a trafficker?
01:26:22 – The False Prophet
01:28:39 – Eyewitness vs authored accounts
01:33:24 – Why Jesus died so fast?
01:34:36 – Dan’s take on Anunnaki
01:43:21 – Pagan influences in the Bible
01:56:48 – Misconceptions about Christianity
About Post Author
Danny Jones
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I am posting the verse of Mark 14:48-52.
Using the King James Version
KJV was extremely popular
Jesus words will be in between
(I was daily with you in the temple teaching, and ye took me not: but the scriptures must be fulfilled).
50 And they (his boys, disciples) all forsook him, and fled.
51 And there followed him (Jesus) a certain young man, having a linen cloth cast about his naked body; and the young men laid hold on him:
52 And he left the linen cloth, and fled from them naked.
53 And they led Jesus away to the high priest: and with him were assembled all the chief priests and the elders and the scribes.
This is a very provocative title
His point is basically this . I can say I didn’t get any booty tonight. Booty can mean a couple of different things it depends on who is saying it, where they are from, what the situation is. I didn’t get any ass tonight. I didn’t get any treasure or money , I could go on and on what booty can mean it just depends on the situation, who’s saying it and why.
Hebrew was never a spoken language. It was invented to cast spells only.
Jesus surely must’ve been written into non biblical actual history if he existed right? Miracles and all. Where’s all these non biased accounts from Roman scholars etc?
Ammon is far far more non biased & being a Mormon is the the epitome of faith without any evidence. Yet they can’t get enough of that money!
A nice Mormon but I tend to believe the other guy far far more. Biased response. Christians can’t agree on even one institution thus the insane biases. I believe the other guy’s true translations & not ‘any’ biased & filtered Church translations.
I firmly stand with Ammon.
Thought Jesus spoke Aramaic?
Moses never existed? Jewish slaves never built the pyramids. Makes sense.
As for Jesus not being a psychonaut p33d, I have no idea. That Sai Baba guy preyed on boys in his cult. Different standards and moralities back then that we would rightfully find abhorrent.
A catholic chrch owned building near me has leadlight ornamentation in the window of an inverted pentagram in a circle with five greyed out squares on each point.
Who knows?
Dan is the classic Christian apologist – unable/unwilling to learn new perspectives. How uncomfortable was he with Mark 15:51🤣🤣
He backs none of what he says. Dr Hillman shows the sources. Dan here has a religious agenda, so yeah…
Danny wants to be Joe Rogan so bad.
This interview and the fact that Danny kept trying to shit on Ammon during the interview are by far 2 of the wo4st pieces of work Danny has ever done. Its a shane danny boy.
This is the fear response. The fact he felt the need to come on a show to DEFEND the bullshit shows its nothing more than that. This guy isnt even a person that can translate that. I believe ammon was on point. It fits the other descriptions of the time. There was alot of debauchery going on and jesus if real wouldve indulgedwether you like it or not. Lets take spartan warriors for example. It was custom for the boys when they were sent to learn how to fight and survive to take an older warrior as theyre "mentor" and that included being a lover, and sex toy for the warrior. They also believed that the boys ingesting the semen of the older warriors would give them their essence. Ammon talked of the african tribe that still does this to this day having young boys please older men orallyand ingesting the semen to take on the strength and essence of the older warrior. Its all debaucheryand nothing more then older gay men satisfactionof their sexual wants of young boys. Its all pedophilia. They were all pedophiles back then. Also the bible is a "translation" and combined stories that are put the way they wanted. They have already been proven to be stories ripped from times of old before them and rewrittento act like its their own. Its all stories and bullshit and all religions are rackets. Nothing more and nothing less. Shit just the supposed commandments alone call what religions do a sin. So if you follow any of the horse shit your sinning again and again.
is danny jones a drug fiend? Lets delve into his miserable existence to find out.
Bro this channel is amazing!!!!!!
No offence meant by my following opinion.
I find it hard to take an adult serious who wears a Disney duck tails tee shirt and a rainbow watch.
This is a very exciting rabbit hole iv managed to find myself in 😂
OUTDATED ANTHROPOLOGICAL MODEL – the idea of resurrection. I mean Dan McClellan's BIAS is so thinly veiled. You can almost see him wincing at the questions about pagan influence in Christianity? The thin veneer of academic neutrality begins to wear even thinner in his affected tired and embarrassed voice by the end of the talk… Some ideas are "NON-NEGOTIABLE" to .. to whom? This is an exercise to repair the damage and quickly dust things under the carpet. Danny Jones does his own show a disservice by choosing a fundamentalist to defend the white man's faith. Really funny… we are fast devolving into Bible Belt revisionism and apologism… in this century! I guess the world of Marthas and Handmaids is round the corner soon, hallelujah! What would Vance and Drrumpf do to Ammon Hillman I wonder ..?
Very funny. A Mormon academic sweating to disprove it all with an interviewer who clearly knows very little about religion or history for that matter. How hard he tries to "whitewash" Christianity!!! Scriptural fundamentalism in guise of strictly academic interpretation. Ammon Hill, despite his unorthodox ways, made a LOT of sense than these two defending Christendom's squeaky clean spirituality. hahaha…
PHD in reptiles, guys are cracked out
This guy said a whole lotta nothing. I would have rather heard him try and explain the magic rocks and mystical salamander thing..what's that about!? 😂
Perez Cynthia Walker Susan Walker Shirley
Oooooo Duck Tales.
I really want to send these comments to D. McMormoan "expert" — your childish bias is showing D. McMormoan!
Bla bla bla. I was at least entertained by Ammon.
This is like sitting in a public school…
Ducktails Dan just got vaporized forever 😅
He’s flds!? I thought that was a cult
He was a poor choice
this dude a fringe heretic and a pathological liar.
This guy is Mormon lol I don’t believe a word this guy says
What a lier he said there is 79,900 words and says Ammon is wrong when in truth he just lied as there is only 8,000 Hebrew words and Ammon is right. He should publicly apologize that he spreads lies and publicly smacked by ammon's whip.
This guy is so full of $hit, I can smell him fro0m here! The Tora, was nothing but plageurized cuneiform tablets from Sumerian, Akkadian, Babalonian, Assyrian, & even Egyption tablets. There isn,t an original story in the bible except the creation of the ficticious character MOSES! Moses was based on an ethnic cleansing of Hittite's being banished from Egypt, & it didn;t take them 40 years to settle in Palestine. Plus it was just a few hundred who were exiled. Their were never any plagues. ALL scienc Fiction. As for the actual Sumerian tablets, Ive been working on learning the different languages, to translate for myself, but, im finding it extremely hard. There is so much to learn, & I don't trust UCLA. I don't trust ANY woke libtardian schools! This is gonna take a while.
Jamie…pull that up!
LGBT man has a very good point.. If we're only looking into satanic text then we will only get one side of the story.
Satan decieves, so when a man says he has an army of demons protecting him you have to ask "WHY"? The answer is that he is a servant of satan. Lady Babylon is Semiramis/Ishtar/Easter/Isis/Aphrodite, it's king Nimrod's mother, who by the way was also his wife. Lady Babylon was the very first blood drinker (vampire), Dracula is related to her, so is Vlad the impailer who is also related to the royal family of England and of course all of the elite, adrenachrome junkies.
You don't have to be religious to know you was created by and possess the consciousness of a entity far greater than yourself plus have a good moral compass of right and wrong.
DO NOT worship Jesus worship the creator "YHWH"❤️🙏 who wrote his name all throughout our DNA, he has stated we belong to him by putting his name inside us all.
I'm not religious I have faith and I know the creator loves me or else I wouldn't have been granted life, same goes for every, do not let him down for by doing so you let all souls down.
Strive to rid evil from this earth for it IS your duty.
Some guy who studied Christianity at a Mormon college? That’s red flag number 1. I can tell ol’ boy was full of crap within the first 5 minutes of talking.
Latin isn't a dead language, you say "virus" you are speaking Latin not English and you are talking about "poison" which is a substance, frequency or anything harmful to health. What the medical industry calls "virus" is, mold, fungi, slime/mold, EMF poisoning which is cold & flu and actual poisons like alcohol for example.
To say "latin is the language of the dead" is more accurate as people speak Latin words all the time but do not recognize them as Latin. Language of the dead because we are all considered "dead and lost at sea" via the "Cestui Cue Vie act 1666", Via the birth certificate which turns a living man into a legal fiction AKA a "CORPoration", CORP = dead, oration = Speak, the dead don't speak so it is fiction. Corporations is a Latin word also.
The corporate world and corporate laws is the world/laws of the dead, we have the world/laws of the dead manipulating the living through deception/lies/fiction, legal fiction.
Fact over fiction.
The dead cannot touch the living.
These laws are laws of embezzlement and enslavement, they arr the reason we all have to pay taxes.
Common law is Christian law, the most fair laws we have in the world, they're said to be God's laws. The authorities want Christianity dead and buried so they can bury Common law with it hence all the disinformation, people reading only satanic books claimed Jesus was a paedophile for example.. but Je-zeus = Hail Zeus, the letter "J" wasn't in the alphabet until the turn of the 1500s so no man with the name of Jesus could have possibly lived over 2000 years ago. Yehusha was his name and it does not translate to "Joshua" as most Christians believe… Then again most of them know him as Jesus only.. the french pronounce Jesus as Je-Zeus and it wouldn't surprise me if the French are responsible for this bastardization as they are satanic helios worshipers who gave the statue of Helios (liberty) to America, which BTW is a symbol of Helios/Satan's liberty and not the people. Helios has shackles on HIS ankles but the chains are broken.
Lady liberty 🙄 his face is ugly as shite because it's a man, Nimrod of Babylon/Helios/Satan. He holds the false light of lucifer and what I believe is the Babylonian Talmud as that is the book where the heliocentric model of earth comes from.
note the dinsey tshirt
Hey Danny I cannot see any interruptions here as it was in Ammon's interview….How could you possibly ve putting a Tik Tok knowledge over a prof Greek expert of 30 years? That's so silly.
No link between the idea of an xmas tree an the pine tree used in that festival, other than the fact, you know its the same exact type of tree lol
This guys cia or something, hes working really hard to be discrediting
I hate how he keeps saying, probably… Ammon did not.