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00:00 – Biggest misconception about the Bible
10:22 – Dr. Ammon Hillman & Jesus in the park
20:18 – Hebrew vs. Greek as religious languages
23:21 – How old is the Old Testament?
33:26 – Yahweh is Satan
42:25 – Who was Jesus?
53:21 – Was Jesus smart?
01:05:26 – The Dark Ages
01:10:36 – Eleusinian rituals
01:22:05 – The men crucified with Jesus
01:24:28 – Exorcisms
01:31:20 – Burning purple
01:36:19 – Ancient Christian cults
01:41:26 – Jesus is the serpent
01:49:26 – Easter & self-c@$tration
01:58:37 – John Allegro’s sacred mushroom
02:02:02 – Most rebellious christians
02:05:54 – Oldest Gospels say God was SATAN
02:18:55 – Valentinians & gematrias
02:27:26 – Jesus Christ’s birthday
02:35:52 – Nephilim vs. Anunnaki
02:54:11 – DMT


Danny Jones

About Post Author

Danny Jones

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28 thoughts on “Oldest CHRISTIAN Scriptures: God is Really SATAN | Gnostic Informant

  1. 1:05:59 wasn't another religion burgeoning around 600+ AD? Wasn't there some issues along the Barbary Coast? A lot of things were going on at tue time which may have dampened creativity for its own sake.

  2. I truly pray that both of you will find Jesus and have an encounter with Him. ❤🙏🏻

    You completely take the Word out of context and don't have an understanding of it.

    I'm glad to say that these silly statements and "interpretations" have not affected my faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    Just like the text from John that you referenced where he tells the Pharisees they are the children of the devil, He was trying to tell them that their hearts are corrupted because they were self-righteous and so blinded by what they thought was right according to the law but they didn't have love in their hearts for Him or their fellow people. He wasn't saying that God is the devil or that they're following the wrong God.

    If anything, most of what has been said in this podcast is digusting and it boggles my mind that you can actually believe some of these things.

  3. Bro, you need to pray harder. Holy Spirit is real when praying in Jesus’s name. You clearly have not have felt the true joy of the Holy Spirit. You are being deceived by looking for your evidence to prove your objective. Being wise in this world is a fool to God. You will separate yourself from Yahweh by giving into the world. You are not a Bible scholar. You are deceiving people bro

  4. Gnosticism Has Been Disproven. The Early Church Has Refuted And Reveled Gnosticism To Be Empty Rhetoric, For Itching Ears. satan, You Have Been Rebuked By The LORD JESUS CHRIST, Who Is The Way, The Truth, And The Life. No One Comes To The FATHER Except Through JESUS CHRIST Who IS GOD, Who Came Down To Bear Our Sins As A Sacrifice(Isiaiah 53), And GOD Having Holes In HIS Hand Caused by The Friends Of HIS House(Zechariah 12:10, Zechariah 2:10)(Prophecy Of Judas Who s From The House Of Yehuda(Judah, The Same House As JESUS CHRIST) The Lamb Of GOD Prophesied To Be Born In Bethlechem(Micah 5:2)(Beth Means House In Hebrew And Lechem Means Bread In Hebrew, Bethelechem Means "House Of Bread, And JESUS CHRIST Called HIMSELF "The BREAD Of Life"") And To Sit At The Right Hand Of The FATHER (Daniel 7:14) Who Was To Be Born As GOD (Isiaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder, and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." According To Isaiah 9:6, GOD Was To Be Born And So HE was Through JESUS CHRIST Who Was Crucified And Rose On The Third Day, The MESSIAH Who Was Prophecied To Come By Daniel The Prophet In Daniel 7:14 That The Messiah Was To Come Before The Destruction Of The Second Temple, Which JESUS CHRIST Fufilled" And Has Risen, And Is Alive Today And Is Coming To Judge The World, Repent Of Your Sins, Be Baptised In The Name Of The FATHER< THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT Before It Is Too Late.

  5. Men have the power, that's why it became patriarchal. There's no power that women have over men that we have to bend to their will, in fact it's pathetic to let them lead. The only reason it may not have been before is because of some demon or otherworldly feminine goddess with power beyond humans was able to influence them.

  6. Gnostics come from Simon Magnus. The sorcerer from scripture hence the reason this guys view is ridiculous.

    This information comes from the ancient church fathers.

  7. And did you know that none of the New Testament was written before 25 AD! And we only start seeing new statement written many years later ! Does that mean that the new testament is fake ? 😊

  8. Turin shrouds real. Unfortunately he accended up to his space ship later being witnessed by hundreds. This guys stupid. Were hybrids,gods are war lords. We live as a slave race then die. Nothing after that. Were dead

  9. You people spend your entire live tring to figure out some bullsh*t story so you can figure out what gods c0ck to suck you prove to me that there is absolutely no hope for humanity you are absolute pathetic ignorant m0r0ns beyond redemption

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