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Jeffrey Long is a medical doctor specializing in the practice of radiation oncology, using radiation to treat cancer. Jeff has conducted the world’s largest study of Near-Death experiences (NDEs) which includes over 4,000 experiencers.
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Spotify –
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00:00 – Scientific evidence of near death experiences (NDEs)
08:56 – The problem with researching NDEs
20:46 – Near death experience vs. fear death experience
23:19 – Are NDEs religious?
34:54 – Scientific evidence of reincarnation
42:10 – How NDEs change people
47:11 – NDEs give people superpowers
52:58 – DMT vs. NDEs
01:05:19 – consciousness during cardiac arrest
01:11:09 – Blind people regaining vision during NDE
01:21:00 – Remembering NDEs
01:25:07 – Death bed visions
01:31:14 – Shared higher consciousness
01:35:23 – Hellish NDEs
About Post Author
Danny Jones
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Drinking Liquid Death while talking about NDE. A little on the nose eh?
Fairy tales
Lies. Where's the statistical analysis?
I've seen the garden. It's huge. Landscapes that make you cry It's so beautiful. It shows you what beauty is. You feel it. It's like a movie
I had a dream once that I was the color blue/ purple. I knew I was this color while I was dreaming. I knew I was dreaming and it was THE best experience I've ever had. I could move in and out of water ,the air etc..I remember laughing as I tried to look at myself but, there was "no self" to look at. I was in a different time. I was surrounded by water pools,like in the Roman era..waterfalls all around me. I was free and happy beyond anything I ever experienced in life. I'll never forget being this color. I remember what it feels like being blue/ purple. It was amazing❤
Better get right with Jesus because he is The King of Heaven and Earth. He owns the title deed to earth, paid for it and signed it in blood!!! Blood Bought Blessings for all who will receive it! Can you receive it?
I like the can of Liquid Death on the doc’s desk😂😂😂
NDE facts in the Quran
Conscious & how it was developed: Q 7/172-173
O Prophet, remind mankind about the incident when your Lord brought into existence the offspring from the loins of Adam and his descendants (virtually each single individual of mankind) and made them testify about themselves. Allah asked them: "Am I not your Lord?" They all replied: "Yes! We bear witness that You are." This We did, lest you mankind should say on the Day of Resurrection: "We were not aware of this fact that You are our Lord and that there will be a Day of Judgment.[172] or lest you should say: "Our forefathers started the practice of shirk (other deity) and we just followed, being their descendants. Will you then destroy us on account of following the sin committed by those wrongdoers?"[173]
Moment of death: Q 56/83-96
Why is it not then that when you see a dying person’s soul come up to his throat [83] while you are helplessly watching [84] – and at that time We are nearer to him than you, although you cannot see Us.[85] Then why do you not – if you claim you are not subject to reckoning [86] – restore to the dying person his soul? Answer this, if what you say be true! [87] Then if the dying person is one of those near to Us, [88] for him there is comfort and bounty, and a garden of bliss.[89] And if he be one of the right hand,[90] he is greeted with salutation: "Peace be upon you," from those of the right hand.[91] And if he is one of the mistaken rejecters, [92] he is welcomed with scalding water 93] and burning in hellfire. [94] Surely this is an absolute truth. [95] Therefore, glorify the name of your Lord, Who is the Greatest.[96]
Receiving team at the afterlife: Q 50/17-24
Companion: We have assigned to every one two scribes (guardian angels), the one seated on his right and the other on his left, [17] not a single word does he utter but there is a vigilant guardian ready to note it down.[18] When the agony of death will bring the truth before his eyes, they will say: "This is what you were trying to escape!"[19] And the Trumpet shall be blown; that will be the Day of which you were threatened![20]
Driver, Guide & Awareness:
Each soul will come forth; with it there will be an angel to drive and an angel to bear witness. [21] It will be said: "You were heedless of this, but now We have removed your veil, so your eyesight is sharp today!"[22] His companion will say: "Here is my testimony ready with me."[23] The sentence will be: "Throw into hell every stubborn disbeliever, [24]
Hell/Heaven dwellers: Q 23/99-118
These people will never refrain from wrongdoing until when death comes to anyone of them, he will say: "O Lord! Send me back,[99] so that I may do good deeds in the world that I have left behind." Never! This is just a statement which carries no value, it will be too late because there will be a barrier between them and the world they have just left till the Day they are raised to life again.[100] On the Day when the Trumpet will be blown, they will neither have worldly relations between them anymore, nor will they ask about each other.[101] Then only those whose weight of good deeds is heavy, will attain salvation.[102] As for those whose weight of good deeds is light, they will be the ones who have lost their souls to live in hell forever. [103] The Fire will burn their faces and they will grin therein with their lips displaced. [104] We shall say to them: "Were My revelations not recited to you, and did you not deny them?"[105] They will say: "O our Lord! Our misfortune overwhelmed us and we became erring folk.[106] Our Lord! Get us out of here; if we ever return to sin, then we shall indeed be wrongdoers."[107]. In answer to this Allah will say: "Stay here in shame and do not plead with Me![108] For you are the same people, who used to make fun of some of My worshippers who prayed: ‘Our Lord, We believe in You; please forgive us and have mercy on us, for You are the Best of those who show mercy!’[109] But you ridiculed them so much, that you even forgot My very existence, and went on laughing at them.[110] Today I have rewarded them for their fortitude, and they are the ones who have achieved bliss."[111] 23:[99-111]. They will be asked: "How many years did you live on earth?"[112] They will reply: "We lived there a day or part of a day; You may ask those who kept the count."[113]. It will be said: "Well, now you know that your stay was just a little while – what a pity, you did not believe it then!"[114] Did you think that We had created you without any purpose and that you would never return to Us for accountability?"[115] 23:[112-115] Therefore, exalted be Allah, the Real King; there is no god but Him, the Lord of the Honorable Throne.[116] Whoever invokes another god besides Allah – about whose divinity he has no proof -he will have to give an account to his Lord. Surely such unbelievers will never attain salvation.[117] Say: "O Lord, forgive, have Mercy, You are the Best of those who show mercy!"[118].
Remembrance (life play back at death): Q 79/34-36
When the great disaster will strike, [34] the Day when man will call to mind all that he had striven for. [35] When hell shall be placed in full view of all, [36] then he who had rebelled [37] and preferred the life of this world [38] shall have his abode in hell. [39] But he who had feared standing before his Lord and curbed his evil desires [40] shall have his home in paradise.[41] They ask you about the hour: "When will it come?"[42] But it is not for you to know or tell its timing.[43] Only your Lord knows when it will come. [44] You are but a Warner to him who fears it. [45] On that Day when they shall see it, they shall feel as if they had stayed in this world only one evening or one morning.[46]
Q 89/23-24 (5 minutes audio link with English translation)
Once i heard the UFO bit…im out of here
Two cousins crashed and died the older one was driving and went into a week long comma when he woke up his mom said to him his brother didnt make it he said i know i was in heaven with him he already forgave me
I’d love for this to be true, but the good doctor offered Little to no convincing evidence.
Jeffrey had follow-up to NDE – “Liquid Death Experience” on this podcast thanks to the sponsors 😁
I've always wondered if a study could be done by placing a screen/tablet facing up at the roof of a triage or operating theater, that generated a 4-6 digit random number every 10 minutes like the 2FA numbers with Google Sign in does. Situate it in such a way that no collaboration between the doctors is possible (they cant see or know it), and then ask people who come back if they saw the number(s) and what ones?
Then the rest of the interview questions could be matched against those who got the number correct.
In extended NDE events, because time is so wonky in the NDE state, it could also be used to identify the "when" a person was watching what was happening. (E.G. they were under cardiac arrest for 45 minutes, and we know between 32 and 42 minutes they saw themselves in the room because they saw the number 789765 on the tablet)
🤔I have heard other researcher interviews where they say that there is a lot of very Christian like evidence. Including encounters with Jesus. He did say he is still researching aspects of what seems to be happening. Perhaps they were focused on diffrent variables.
As a Christian I was certainly encouraged by much of this research. I was already firm on following Christ and have had my own spiritual encounter with Gods presence. Love is definitely a big part of who God is. I would encourage anyone to seek Him in prayer with all your heart.
I wonder if he ever read journey of souls by Michael Newton. It connects a lot of dots
I think there's an unexplained kind of energy that exists ….
If we were to simply forget everything when we die, there is no need for a place called heaven. Broken hearts and dead relatives have no one to call upon, once forgotten. No unfinished business, no "to do list" and we are not weary travelers. We are completely ready to live again, unhampered by past regrets of life times gone by.
That is what I would call "God's forgiveness"
Such a fascinating nterview ; especially when he commented on the " shared NDEs". I've never heard that before.
Any reports from attempted suicides?
Important to me.
I pay premium for NO adverts!!!!
"The problem is it's all anecdotal." nailed it, no amount of stories or experiences prove survival of death. Yes the experience happens no it doesn't mean there is an afterlife it's NOT evidence.
Tuned out… gross adverts
I like the liquid death can in front of the doctor.😂
I know people who have had near-death experiences and that happened 40 years ago and I had a lot of spiritual experiences and for me that was never anything new. You just didn't talk about it because people looked at you funny, but even now, my own brother and my own sister don't believe me. They are complete atheists and just have to wait until the deaths happen.
Theres actually been 100s of millions of NDEs that have occurred globally over the last 2400+ years. The earliest being The Story of Err, back in 380BC. Plato writes about this at the end of his work called The Republic.
It’s just the stories in the past were kept secret. People that had these in the past didn’t understand what happened and they didn’t realize what experience they actually had so they kept it to themselves. It’s only lately in the last several years that more and more people are comfortable with coming forth and talking about their experience.
The stories are real though. Through the study of NDE’s, we realize that Heaven & Hell are real. Every single one of these stories always talks about the same details. Same details about heaven and the same details about hell. When you have millions of people all saying the same thing and describing the same place in the same way, That is too many people all describing the same thing for this to be made up. If it was made up then all the details would be different and random.
Read about the stories where someone blind or deaf their whole life is able to see or hear during their NDE . They then come back alive, which of course they are still blind or deaf., but yet they describe things they saw for the first time in their life or heard for the first time in their life. The brain cannot do that just being deprived of oxygen. We have no way to cure total blindness and total deafness, so these stories alone prove that we have souls that leave the body.
Study NDEs and get right with God. You have a chance to control where your eternal soul ends up at.
God doesn’t send people to hell, they send themselves there. He provides the way out.
Years ago scientists didn't know of micro biological creatures and probably thought they were impossible,now there might be quantum creatures and a quantum life that might be us! and scientists don't believe …yet🤔😮🥴🤪
My nephew told my sister when he was three years old that he remembers picking her as his mother. She asked him to clarify and he gave a very detailed account of the building he was in, the man he was talking to. He is sixteen now and still remembers every detail. I believe he was allowed to remember because i was a non-believer before he told me this.
Hit me up if you would like me to get details for you.
I am surprise this guy is not aware of OBE (out of body experience), that a person can practice to do an OBE anytime. One good reference is Darius J Wright
My parents and I have all had out of body experiences. I'm a skeptic but there's too much evidence for me to not believe.
I feel this video missed entirely the one thing which can truly prove that these experiences aren't chemical/brain/hallacunations/etc and that is the subset of cases where the person describes something they could have not possibly known. Not just locations and actions in an operating room (those are good too) but things like relatives getting something from a vending machine on a different floor, or even what relatives out of state where doing. IMHO any NDE study should have those cases as first and foremost and anything else can unfortunately always be looked at by some as brain based. The couple of blind cases was a start but barely scratched that sub-topic.
NDEs give me hope of a better place. I completely understand never wanting to come back here
I pay money for not having more and more they making ads in there movies….so sad.
I remember when Raymond Moody's Life after Life came out in the 70s I couldn't figure out why scientists wouldn't get on that right away and study it really widespread I guess people don't have that much common sense or something I what to thank you for continuing the the research I'm still agnostic myself but very open-minded because I had a very detailed out of body experience where I can see myself sleeping in my bed came out into a beautiful place all I can say is this experience was not a dream so I think I was just one of those people that was just born a skeptic but that very real experience really touch this hard hearted skeptic and I still am but I'm more open now all I can say is experiencing is believing
I wonder what stops those who experienced NDE from taking their lives. I am not acusing anyone, just of the interest since it is the first thought which comes to my mind
He sounded plausible at first but when he began talking about UFOs I knew that he's barking mad.
Great interview! I'm should be getting Dr. Jeffrey Long's book in the mail today. Not to put Dr. Long down, but another NDE author, who had three NDEs herself, is P. M. H. Atwater. She has written over a dozen books over the years. One thing to add to childhood NDEs is that if the child is under 5 years old they have found that their IQ can go up to 150 to 180. IF the NDE is in the womb or at birth, the child's IQ can jump to 180 to over 200! I recommend Atwater's book The Big Book of Near-Death Experiences.
I believe that when the aliens finally reveal themselves in the near future they will also give us the knowledge of who we truly are and then we will understand our purpose and life will make sense finally
The way that this guy says 'essay' makes me keep looking around the room for a Spanish person
Atheism is dead and its over !! Most atheists simply cannot answer the followings –
Nothing is nothing, You never get something from nothing, never get rational mind from non-rational, never get life from non-life without intelligence. Scientists are clueless on the origin of life (abiogenesis). Even if you create life in a lab then surely that requires top students, scientists & technology out there. The evolutionary theory is true imo However, human beings are special !
Please explain the origin of a complex cell, explain mathematical laws of physics,scientific laws,complex chemistry,complexity in biology, explain consciousness etc. Universe is incredibly fine tuned and the only way out for the atheists is the multiverse theory but that too must have had a beginning with fine tuned constants.
Look multiverse is just a theory and there is ZERO evidence.You cannot go beyond the event horizon of this universe so scientists are permanently cut off from viewing or getting any sort of data from another universe/multiverse therefore rely on metaphysics to explain reality that requires faith just like theists who believe in God!
I always ask the atheists "WHERE DID THE MATHEMATICAL OR NATURAL LAWS CAME FROM? LOOK SCIENTISTS FREQUENTLY WRITE THESE COMPLEX MATHS FORMULAE ON THEIR BLACKBOARD" and that requires the highest of intelligence ! Oh by the way quantum vacuum is not nothing !
You cannot go into infinite regress. Universe and everything we perceive is dependent (contingent) and it can only be explained by an eternal, independent and necessary being.
Jeffrey: “It’s highly unethical to induce NDEs…”
Tibetan Buddhist Monks :👀 😅
Money making scam