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58-year-old Ronnie and Donnie Galyon, the world’s oldest conjoined twins, nearly died last year and now need round the clock care. Their small house of 20 years is no longer suitable for them and their younger brother Jim is keen for them to move in with him, but the home he shares with his wife Mary is not big enough. The local community in Ohio then decide to help Jim, Mary and the twins, by building an addition on to their house for Ronnie and Donnie to move into. First produced by Nine Lives Media for Channel 5 in 2010.

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23 thoughts on “Building a Home for the World’s Oldest Conjoined Twins | Real Stories Family Documentary

  1. You would think the government would provide lifetime care for these rare individuals ensuring the wellness of their lives being medical marvels to learn from. The governments around the world priorities distorted

  2. i do think part of them being stuck at that younger mindset in some ways, is due to a lack of stimulation and exposure, they did not live a life around other kids and aged / grown with and around with other peers, so they had no examples to see, its so sad that they never learned to read, i had always thought they could do some basic academics, its a shame they could not have gotten them a private tutor, because while , yes, they were a little slow, mildly delayed, they were clearly bright, and smart, and active, had their minds been stimulated and if they had had the exposure to their peers as well as academics, they might very likely not have been delayed, if so, they might have only been very slightly behind…. and not stuck at 8 to 10 year old emotionally and socially. a person cannot develop in a vacuum, and while its clear these guys were very loved and were taught to be, and to think independently, which is great, they forgot that those other aspects that go along WITH those things.

  3. Mary is an inspiration of the kind of daughter/sister in law I hope to become one day. May God richly bless you Jim and Mary and everyone who enriched the twin's lives❤

  4. Oh man what an amazing brother they have and what an amazing supportive wife the man has. They both gave the twins the best life they could have. I hope they are now living the best life possible. They deserve it. They’re angels.

  5. I should have checked when this was first produced (in 2010) and not have accepted Real Stories showing this 13 years on as if it were happening now in the 'more' section (and indeed labelling it 28 May 2023). They were 58 then, yes, but died in 2020, ten years afterwards. Kind of tacky by the channel to manipulate facts.

  6. You can see how blessed Jim knows/feels he is to have Mary by his side to help him keep his promise to his brothers that they'll never be institutionalised on his watch.
    RIP Ronny & Donny.🌻

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