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This documentary will take the audience beneath the water’s surface into the heart of these powerful currents.
Rip Current Heroes, narrated by Australian actor Rhys Muldoon who had a near-death experience in a rip current, explores deeply moving stories of rip rescue, survival and tragedy.

The program explains how to spot rip currents which are masters of camouflage that can hide tremendous power within seemingly calm waters.

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29 thoughts on “When Water Kills: Rip-Current Heroes (Rescue & Survival Documentary) | Real Stories

  1. Yep, this happened to me, I was trying to come back to shore and almost drowned. I had not figured it was a rip. Had I understood it was a rip tide I was fighting against, I would have let myself float. I have floated back from a rip tide before. Its the trying to fight back, Good advice, let go, relax, stay afloat and come back to the shore later. I have done this before with no consequence,

  2. I’m an American and since even I’ve seen like every episode of the 20+ seasons of Bondi Rescue (found it on a streaming service on vacation during Xmas when I was on a VPN and subsequently happily went down the entire Bondi rabbit hole lol!) so luckily having watched all 800 episodes (or whatever lol) now I am VERY familiar with not only rip currents in action but also the ole red and yellow flags 💕🤣🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️. It was actually very helpful info to see especially at the time because I happened to be down at my family’s home in Mexico that’s on a beach (and in a city on the coast with many notoriously non-swimmable beaches) so even though I usually don’t go out into the water that often if I’m at the beach, at least I will know to be aware of the basic survival info when it comes to these scary natural phenomenon!

  3. I would say that the real cause of death is a lack of ability to easily tread water and float and not panic and uselessly battle a current you can never win against. Rather you swim diagonally to the beach so even if the current pulls you out to sea its not a problem and you're making progress. Its just delaying your return, not preventing it. You're in salt water. You can float so rest on your back and be patient.

  4. This is really scary I’m from southern California and never knew anything about rip ties.. my daughter and I love the beach and I’ve had sand disappear under my feet and nearly drowned thanks for this video 😊

  5. I use to swim competitively, took life saving classes to help others, and swam in the ocean quite a bit. Although I have known about rip currents, this video has helped me better understand rip currents. Thank you! ❤👍🏽

  6. I saved 2 kids from our apt complex pool, their parents right there. KIDS DROWN SILENTLY!!! They use their last breath to whisper "help" and go down slowly. They'll grab and drag down anything near them for survival.

    Water is not safe.

  7. in Cuba on holiday with my daughter (good swimmer), i went out for a paddle on deserted beach, did not see the flags of danger, I got caught in a rip within a minute, i signalled my daughter to get help, she came in, i told her to get back….she then got caught also, then she swam parallel to coast line, I am not a good swimmer so i could not do this……and she ran down the beach to find help……if it had not been for the fact that i had listened to a radio program of someone who had gone to save someone off a beach in UK where he said the thing to do is NOT PANIC and every time a waves comes, bob up above it so as not to swallow water…i did this. It was so difficult but i was determined that my daughter was not bringing me back home in a box so i think that was my motivation to keep calm………two young guys then appeared dived in the water and i was saved……It was hard watching this program.

  8. Was in a rip current. Didnt know what was happening until I was exhausted. I stopped swimming and completely relaxed. I rolled over on my back to float and swam slowly to the side and back in. It literally sucks all energy from your muscles and you physically cant swim. Was at my prime in the marines otherwise I might have had a different outcome.

  9. Living in Michigan and seeing it every single summer many that live here even and many out of states have very big misconceptions about how dangers the great lakes can be for swimming. Many don't heed the warnings on high rip tide and big wave days and sadly end up drowning.

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