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The Bush administration’s decision to go to war with Iraq in 2003 is scrutinized in this documentary. According to several of the military, diplomatic and intelligence insiders in the film, some Bush staffers knowingly misled the public when they claimed that Iraqi President Saddam Hussein was close to acquiring weapons of mass destruction. The documentary also suggests that the press too often took the Bush administration at its word instead of investigating the White House’s contentions.

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39 thoughts on “The Iraq War Exposed: Bush Administration’s Hidden Agenda | Uncovered the War on Iraq | Real Stories

  1. Doesn't matter which party they come from, these warmongering people in Washington D.C. are still corrupting our Democratic Republic for Democrats this time around. They are all the same—– corrupt criminals that belong in jail, not running our country.

  2. I remembering the 60' and 70s growing up when Democrats were anti-war and the Republicans claimed war was a necessity to engage in proxy wars to "protect " freedom. But now they both supporting wars with our tax dollars. It seems to me they have become one uni-party where they as the insiders, are raking in the big bucks with insider stock market trading, weapons industrial complex, pharma trading, while we the people are struggling. They are sleeping together and create a contrary illusion as a way to keep Americans divided. They do not represent us any more.

  3. Unbelievable the outright lies. The British PM and the Saudi king and the CIA told bush Sadam Hussein was not behind the attacks. No intelligence supported what bush told the American people. None. I’m so done with this country. The US govt are the biggest terrorists out there, in my opinion at leadt 🙄

  4. Last 4 Republican Presidents……
    1.Reagan- Preached "WAR on Drugs", But was selling Cocaine for weapons (Iran-Contra Scandal)
    2,.Daddy Bush? Got us in 1st war with Iraq and Family supplied money to Germany in WW II
    3.Bush Jr? Let Katrina show him how little he was prepared. Then LIED about Iraq (see above)

    4. "Frump" TRUMP- Biggest Liar and Only Blatent Criminal President in "HISTORY!!" Narcissistic, No plan having Idiot. Entitled Cry Baby!
    The Republican Party is Fading Fast, becoming Maga Trumpers!! I'd Vote for Bugs Bunny before I voted for himm. " DUMP TRUMP!!

  5. So really the Bush administration was no different than Al Qaeeda. So why is Al Qaeeda only classified as a terrorist organization. They terrorized the Iraqi nation and its people.

  6. Americans are INTENTIONALLY undereducated. I was CLEAR during this propaganda campaign that they were lying. The fact that we could send a wagon to the moon and get pictures there, but the only pictures we could get from a postage-size country were grainy and indistinguishable, is just ONE example of how shady their "evidence" was.

    Americans are led around by our noises with emotional appeals and xenophobic rhetoric because we don't know how to think, and we hate people who are not us. Of course, the government knows this because they continually undermine public education, giving us diplomas and degrees devoid of critical thinking skills. 

    Not only were Iraq and Vietnam sham conflicts where THOUSANDS of Americans and MILLIONS of civilians died, but it will happen again.

  7. Cheney made a buttload of money from that debacle and Bushy had a damn good time, showboating in that flight suit, playing on his dirt farm in Crawford, TX, before and during the war, and being the center of attention. When asked about the whereabouts of OBL before he left office he replied, "I have no idea where he's at and I don't care." No, he didn't. President Obama did, though.

  8. this war was based on lies and was built on lies on top of lies and guess who let them get away with it, Nancy pelosi, she allowed these POS to get away it.

  9. Hidden Agenda? This Should of been called Hidden Vendetta! Remember Saddam tried to kill Bush Sr! His son never forgot that! We are a dirty Country! look at they are doing to Trump! In fact remember Trump said there was no WOMD! And got booed for saying it! that's one of many reasons they don't want him in! He's not Corrupt!

  10. LOL Its no surprise…..The USA has lied historically since its establishment. Its what they do. Keeps most of the people DUMB. And its citizens want to know why people in other parts of the world hate the USA?…..
    Although, There were very great patriotic ideals at the end of this video that if remembered and carried into practice, would really make for a great nation of the USA.

  11. If a person can't correctly pronounce the word "nuclear", they probably shouldn't have the power to wield the world's biggest cache of chemical weapons. Just like Trump, he says "new-killer" and probably says "hopsital" and "pasgetti".

  12. Zarquawe was training isis troops or terrorists in iraq. True not connected to bin ladin. But was linked to terrorists if isis is considered terrorists.

  13. Hussein had large magnets he tried to hide from in weapons inspectors. That was his intent for a nuclear bomb. He was a long way from a bomb but the whole world knew he wanted to buy one or build one. He obviously had chemical at one time. He gassed the Kurds.

  14. sadam desperate to
    rebuild his defense
    sold oil cheap. pissed off opec cause price of oil reduced. so we went in got control of oil flo turned down
    production wich led to
    prices going up for oil.

  15. I don't trust or believe anything these CIA agents believe and that being said, if there one president who should go on trial its not Trump but it should be Bush and his VP Cheney for lying to get us into war and for being a war crimes

  16. they also went after hussein cause they wanted their money backed by gold and jr didnt like that cause it would of put a mil on petro dollars..same reasom why clinton and obama had gaddafi

  17. this war was completely contrived- it was the single worst foreign policy debacle in american history-cheney is one of the three most negative forces in modern american history, the other two being trump and mcconnell- the war emboldened iran and destroyed the middle east-bush and trump are in a gun fight to see who the worst president in american history is- my money is on bush

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