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46 thoughts on “Is This The New Dry Herb Vape KING? POTV Lobo Review

  1. 👀Can anyone fill
    me in on if you can smell this dry leaf vape flower after vaping throughout the room or home or is it discreet such as vaping distillate carts ?! Thanks in advance

  2. I been looking at this for the past few days. Might be a 420 gift to myself. Giva away one of my old 40$ vapes maybe. Been roccking a yocan wolf. Little thing rips hard for the money, but i want close to arizer xq2 flavor on the go

  3. so once you've used product in the unit, you can then get use of it in edibles afterwards? So does that mean either the 'Smoking' end of things or the edibles are less effective than if you must smoked it?

  4. I’m getting one next paycheck. I actually was subscribed to you and was looking at them before I saw this vid. I cough for literal days if I smoke a joint so I really need a dry herb vape.

  5. i would reccomend the PAX3 for a small portable vape, its amazing super discreet, good battery life and very simple to use. they also do a package that comes with a concentrate adapter

  6. My dawg. I'm extremely conservative with the way I smoke…the only reason I roll, and I don't even roll my son does he likes L's..but we don't have education like this down south in s.c…when I get the money I will fa sho, mos def be buying one, with the bubbler..great content my dawg..

  7. I know you have no need for thca flower sellers as you are in Colorado but unfortunately I have more of a need as not wanting to support an illicit market so trusting your opinion as I do what would your thought possibly be on industrial hemp farms products be

  8. Definitely picking one of these up when payday hits. Lucky for me I’ve also got a couple 18650’s laying around that will come in handy. Hopefully the shipping to the uk won’t take too long.

  9. I am ZONKED off the LOBO unlike the PAX unlike almost anything I tried.Ever. I promise I'm not a rep for POTV, just great products seems like, shipping, and LOBO seems UNBEATABLE XBOX game pass pricing here. #1.

  10. you are sick my man!!!! For me this is #1 because it is … #1 pretty much ( venti amazing ) BUT PRICE also takes it to #1(potency .. is what? titanium bowl AND rechargers + STEMS O.o….. love the channel, brother! , if I may say that, awesome review! My thoughts are if you hit Lobomania 8-10 seconds it gives EVEN more cloud!

    I have it set to 410+ or 390+ at times of the day, and at 410+ ,with my glass CURVED stem, draw up to 8 seconds.. and BAM… it's a MONSTER for this stealthy size + aluminium SHELL vape….

    After the First flavour hit, the rest of the hits I take at 7 second draws.. slowly but 7 seconds.. and I get MONSTER off this thing.. + all the benefits

    I have not had the charging problem for this month or sorry 1/2 month so far.. NO 1 PROBLEM… (knock wood) BUT I did buy super fast External battery charger 18650s (haven't used yet). and I'm going to buy soon 2x 3x more Samsung batteries for this kit from POTV for 9.99$ each.


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