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Nikki Sixx says one of the funniest things he’s ever heard was when Mick Mars attorney’s said the band doesn’t play live. Motley Crue is currently involved in a legal dispute with Mick Mars, who sued the band earlier this year.

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45 thoughts on “Nikki Sixx Responds to Mick Mars Lawyers in Motley Crue Lawsuit

  1. The other members want to throw shade on Mick for having this bone disease!
    I’d be a lot more embarrassed if I was Vince looking to give birth in my fourth trimester

  2. I will always love motley but I will never go to any of their concerts. They are old and out of shape and they all need to retire. They had great talent but that is no longer the case. I love Mars and feel for him. Really I do.

  3. When Vince sings live he’s so far out of key I would never notice if Mick played the wrong Chord. And as someone who has played live on loud stages if you can’t hear ur guitar it greatly effects how you play so I completely understand if Micks in ears were messed up. Another thing atleast for me is if I’m practicing with a loud half stack then use in ears for a show I will have a hard time because I’m so use to adjusting my playing with a half stack and to have in ears I will try to play much harder my feel will be off or if practicing with in ears then having to use monitors because I’m ears are broken I would be all messed up too. All it takes is the sound guy to mess up one thing or equipment issue and that’s it. Obviously motley has back ups and sound guys they like but sometimes stuff happens. I had a sound guy one night that somehow had the mixing levels for the stage monitors and the house sound backwards, every band complained about not hearing themselves and to turn up, then people watching complained of the house sound being too loud, when my band went up I kept telling him to turn me up but couldn’t hear myself so I cranked my 120w head up so I could hear then this clean part comes and it was so loud in the house speakers people moved away from the speakers lol. My buddy who owns the studio I recorded at walked over to the sound board looking it all over and asked the guy if he needed help and he said yeah it’s my first night here so we did a sound check and my buddy got the levels all good. There was a master gain on the stage mixer for monitors that he kept turning so levels were maxing out he thought it was the volume lol.

  4. It would be so fun to run into Frank Fernana somewhere in public. I’d love to explain to him how much a douchebag trick he is and how he’d better be grateful more than anyone for lucking out and scamming the world out of all the money he has in his bank account.

  5. If they are playing their instruments, they are doing so badly. They were horrible in Nashville last year. We left 5 songs into their set. Thank goodness they were the closers that night and we didn't have to sit through them to see Def Leppard. The 5 songs we stayed for were near indecipherable. It's almost like they intentionally mixed it badly to cover up for Vince and whatever other issues they were having.

  6. Yet still. Dolly Parton picked Nikkki 6 to play bass on some new album she's releasing soon. Out of all the bass players in the industry was he really the one who impressed her the most? Really? Let's just see how that all pans out when they play live . Did Dolly make the right decision?

  7. Wtf?? THEY'VE carried Mick??Mick was easily the best musician in that band!!Sixx has gotten way too much credit for that bands success,I believe it was Nikki's idea of their IMAGE but not their sound,dude didn't even know how to play the bass for a very,very long time!! I'm not convinced Nikki even played the bass on the old records and there was a reason u could never even hear the bass until DR FEELGOOD came out and go figure that's when they hired a bass player for a producer in BOB ROCK!!

  8. Here's the thing,There's an old YT video floating around from like 04 or 05 and Motley was at the Rock and Ring festival and something wasn't mixed right and usually it was Mick's guitar over everything and this particular night Mick's guitar was barely on and all u could hear was bass and it was dreadful,very,very bad!!And not for nothing Nikki Sixx has never been a good musician,Mick and Tommy were the two musicians in the band and if u put two and two together they hired Bob Rock who just happens to be a very sound bass player,so ya know ya gotta wonder??

  9. I take Mick’s side. He’s been sick almost the whole time and was a ginger headed guy in a copy band when he joined. 10 years older then them. It’s amazing he’s held out this long. They were all lucky he was in the band,and he was lucky they picked him. Without the big names producers making their music what it was, I doubt they would have done much. Not the greatest players. In fact Mick is by far the members musician in the band.

  10. What's silly is that these 3 assholes were just too lazy ,and could not give 2 shits about the fans, to actually play their instruments on stage , real effing silly

  11. First, i wouldn't subscribe after you wasting my time with this total PR B.S.. and zero information. Vince's voice sounds as good as it did 40 years ago suddenly! Obviously they're using backing tracks. Bass parts don't need to be backed track but if you watch various phone videos he obviously is!
    Move on, nothing to see here and old Crue shouldn't cheat people but they don't have ethics! From a fan from the beginning, very disapointed.

  12. I dont know what the truth is, but I was an early fan of the band back in the 80's, and the first album I ever owned was Too Fast for Love. Mick has always come across as the sane person in the band. He's the only one in the band who's never had controversy or drama around him. For a long time now, the Motley "brand" has been more important than the actual product they've been putting out. It's clearly about the money mixed with a lot of ego, and not being able to admit there's nothing new or relevant being brought to the table as far as the band goes, and not being able to call it a career and walk away.

  13. Motley is a embarrassment to music in this present time. I listened to them in highschool when TFFL and Shout were kicking butt. The last decent album they had was Dr. Feelgood. I havent listened to them in over a decade and never will. I lost all respect for them with that fake farewell tour crap. Nikki is all smoke and mirrors. They should have bounced that farce of a lead singer sausage Neil befor Mick now talk about a disgrace I mean just send him to the glue factory already. Motley Fool….

  14. The Corabi album is a great album. John C is a better singer and the album as a while was way harder than every since Shout (except Kickstart and Primal Scream)

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