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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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46 thoughts on “An ethical dilemma

  1. Let the train kill the five people, then murder the witness. Then catch up to the train and murder/rob everyone on board hoping like hell nobody sees it.. Wait, this isnt rdr2..

  2. If we wanna actually talk philosophy, I took an intro phil class last semester and an overwhelming number of students said it would be morally wrong not to pull the lever. My stance, if an action is to happen without your interference anyways, you can't be morally held accountable for your passiveness. Why should you bare the guilt of deciding someone else's death? If you don't pull the lever, you're not a bad person. If you do, you saved five other people but deemed a dude, who would have otherwise lived, to death. I would argue that you would be morally right to pull the lever, but not morally wrong to do nothing. You're just playing life in spectator mode, no one should fault anyone for that

  3. Unless you are the one who put them on the tracks, I'd say walk away or you'll be the one going to prison for killing them no matter which track you choose 😂

  4. You leave the switch alone and let the train go straight. Then you switch it and walk away to take care of the other guy

  5. I love this. You can't logically argue to get people to have less shitty morals. So sometimes it's better to just one up them the same way you would s conspiracy theorist. They say the moon landing was faked. You say the moon is a hologram. They say the earth is flat. You say the earth is actually a donut. It's the closest you can really come to demonstrating the arbitrary preposterousness of what they are saying.

  6. Regular Therapist from Google: "I believe its better not to ask yourself those questions to determine whether you're a good person or not. I believe it is in your best interest to do what you believe that's necessary for the greater good. "

    Therapist from Bing:

  7. The trolly dilemma is a trap. It’s suppose to put social issues on the individual and their Ethical standards while the question should be why is our Society tying down ppl to a trolley system to have an individual choose who dies. Don’t ask which one but ask why and how can we stop this from happening.

  8. If I can save one person quicker than five in a burning building I’m saving the one person and the five will have to figure it out on their own. I’m not taking the time to save five when I can save one person’s life and my own. That’s my opinion in that scenario. But such a simple decision comes down to having the time and it depends on the situation. It’s obvious you save the five by sacrificing the one in the train scenario and the scenario I developed gives way to more ethical conundrums. What if you had someone you deeply loved among the five and you didn’t know that one person trapped in the other, easier to access room? Do you just save yourself?

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