In 1994, 62 schoolchildren in Africa experienced an extraterrestrial encounter that would change their lives forever. The film ‘Ariel Phenomenon’ follows BBC war reporter Tim Leach and Harvard psychiatrist Dr. John Mack, whose careers were threatened by the investigation of the incident, as well as a former student who journeys back to the rural Ariel School. The now-adult experiencers are faced with the question many witnesses have struggled with for decades: “What happens when you experience something so extraordinary that nobody believes you?”
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0:00 – Ruwa Zimbabwe Alien encounter
14:02 – BBC journalist Tim Leech
18:00 – Harvard Psychiatrist John Mack
39:19 – Is the Govt hiding the true about an alien species?
41:54 – Telepathic communications about technology
53:17 – Private aerospace technology
1:06:55 – The Zimbabwe kids 20 years later
1:19:05 – Grabby Aliens
1:23:43 – Synchronicities & spirituality
1:35:29 – Physical evidence of abduction
1:39:47 – Government control over media narrative on UAP
1:47:19 – Area 51, S4, & Skunk Works
2:02:57 – Is earth ready for public disclosure?
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Support Randall's film –
0:00 – Ruwa Zimbabwe Alien encounter
14:02 – BBC journalist Tim Leech
18:00 – Harvard Psychiatrist John Mack
39:19 – Is the Govt hiding the true about an alien species?
41:54 – Telepathic communications about technology
53:17 – Private aerospace technology
1:06:55 – The Zimbabwe kids 20 years later
1:19:05 – Grabby Aliens
1:23:43 – Synchronicities & spirituality
1:35:29 – Physical evidence of abduction
1:39:47 – Government control over media narrative on UAP
1:47:19 – Area 51, S4, & Skunk Works
2:02:57 – Is earth ready for public disclosure?
What is this about a star's lifespan being trillions of years? That's not true at all…
This guy is a demonic possessed killer
The 90s was not the cold War, that was over by then. 44:00
Evidence ? Nope none .
I always wonder how people like this are funded.
Dont ever stop bringing on these unknowm guests, its why i sub! Another solid ass pod
i felt like Randall either don't know how to socialize or is hiding something… this interview was like pulling teeth… i wish he would've shared more… it just seems like he has more to say
Brilliant interview ..But I get the feeling that Randall speaks with a heavy heart at times..Understandable I guess. I personally think we need the help of a far superior civilization asap 👽
No stars have a lifespan of a trillion or trillions of years!
600k people go missing every year in America…that is a big number.
I’m sorry but this guy just says a whole lot of nothing. Really didn’t get much for this interview contrary to most comments. Just IMO.
At 47:00 …The Westall school mass UFO alien sighting in Australia. With a photo.
Change the childish rock intro. It diminishes the show. You have grown since first podcast…….show it.
Love the guys attitude! You can tell he knows a lot of things that none of us know. He's the real deal. He's not trying to sell anything. The truth is out there!!
Dudes either on meds or microdosing, those bright studio lights and still 😶
Given the subject, prob mocrodosing lol
I can understand them
Saying tech is bad for us (not for them) since we are too stupid at this point for powerful tech. What I can’t understand is these beings messaging this to kids who are least likely to be taken seriously and understand so little. Bizarre.
JRE pod is so boring comparing to this one.
There is a pattern I've believe to have been materialized: documentaries about crashed UFOs and their pilot aliens (i.e., non-earth beings). The one thing they all seem to have uncommon is a lack of verifiable facts and concrete evidence. Hey, maybe I should do a documentary, pick a site on a map with a dart board and tell a story. Evidence and facts are unnecessary… apparently.
Me and my friends had a close encounter. We were at an old abandoned dairy farm surrounded by cat tails and tall fields of grass . Lot of corn fields too. It’s bucks county PA. I can tell you who’s telling the truth when they say they hear a buzzing noise and that’s when they are very very close. Before this close encounter a few weeks earlier we saw a ufo and it came so close we could hear the buzz. Reminded me of the static channel on the tv or a giant faucet turning on or maybe a waterfall. Anyways we hear this buzzing above us and then it just stopped and all of a sudden we hear all these things making these weird fast clicking noises like with their tongues or something. They chased us and we ran through the old abandoned dairy farm where there’s milk jugs everywhere you couldn’t step without hitting one making noise. I was one of the last to run and as I’m halfway through the barn I could hear them open the door behind me making those weird alien clicking snapping noises and I couldn’t see because it was so dark but I could hear them kicking around the milk jugs. I was terrified. I had a knife and a collapsible police baton (drug addicts and hobos) and I was so scared. I finally got out and seen my friends running down the gravel road. We all went to mh friend house and we are in his basement it’s about 3:20 am now and we all were like …”were those fuckin aliens?” And all the UFOs ppl were seeing in the area is well documented. Bucks county PA. I called MUFON and one guy from MUFON picked me up with 3 other guys. I took them to both spots. Btw signs was filmed near my house coincidentally. I said you look familiar to the guy in the back seat and he said yea I was on the show ufo hunters