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Deep Water Culture at Scale – Growing Cannabis at KYND, Reno, Nevada

Knowledge, experience, intention, and good ol’ trial and error – that’s what sets the team at KYND Cannabis Company apart. That and their deep water culture.

KYND cultivates premium flowers that showcase the myriad effects of cannabis, and they’ve been tailoring high-potency strains for well over ten years. The KYND product line is the result of expert cannabis-extraction methods, and has been thoughtfully developed to meet the widest range of patient and adult-use needs. Born of years of hard work, the KYND goal is clear – provide the most effective and consistent cannabis products for a discerning market.

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Disclaimer: Keep out of reach of children. For use only by adults 21 years of age and older. All footage has been completed in private, staged environments with vaccinated hosts and protocols are in compliance with COVID regulations for the State of Nevada.
Table of Contents:
00:00 Opening
00:55 Intro with Nate Lipton at KYND – Deep Water Culture
01:26 Genetics at KYND
05:23 From Clone to Propagation with Grodan rockwool.
09:17 Vegetation with Lost Coast Plant Therapy
13:04 Flowering featuring Quest with special appearance by Agrowtek, Common Culture Trellis Netting, and Grodan Rockwool.
24:34 Post Harvest and Trim featuring GreenBroz. Nate loses a trimming contest!
29:56 Packaging and the “Hall of Flame”
32:43 Processing with Across International vacuum ovens
35:27 Nate checks out the MYNT dispensary
37:41 Outro
Strains (nothing for sale):
Chemdawg, MTF, Tahoe OG, Mai Tai Zittles Cake, Blackwater OG
#KYND #reno #cannabis #growingcannabis #cannabisoil #growingmarijuana #medicalmarijuana #marijuana #howtogrowweed, #cannacribs #2021business #industry #smoke #weedeveryday #weed #smokingweed #maryjane #dispensary #customgrow420 #qualitycontrol #awardwinning #organiccannabis #DeepRoots #howhigh #cannabisresearch #clonex #vegas #lasvegas #nevada #sincity #vegasstrip #cannacribstour #cannacribswebsite #deepwaterculture #nevadatour #grodan #lostcoast #agrowtek #quest #acrossinternational



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47 thoughts on “Deep Water Culture at Scale – Growing Cannabis at KYND, Reno, Nevada -@highconceptent

  1. Man I thought I was on point until I came across this. Wow very on point w the whole operation. Very fine looking ladies! Keep up the amazing jobs! Also Ty much for all the tips provided in this video. Ty again an god bless.

  2. and to think I got yanked outta school, lost my product, house, car, $$ and a good woman and put in a violent prison for 14 months for a fraction of this… I want reparations!

  3. You should do some east coast brands organics brands mass brands New England brands not just the west coast I love west coast bud by far there are some good organic east coast brands I've had would like to learn about more or hear about more

  4. If funny he said they use their best biggest buds for their smaller/est quantities then use their smaller buds for their larger quantities which is ass backwards. If i buy an ounce or more i want all the choice buds. The person whose spending the money should be getting the best buds. Idk maybe its different over there and people buy a bunch of 1/8's instead of ounces.

  5. @12:40 The reason they have the aluminium foil over the pots is to keep the root zone dark because I'm guessing they are using a blend of mycorrhizal fungi either in the water or mixed in with the clay pebbles, and mycorrhizal fungi are killed by light. Hence, keeping the roots in complete darkness is essential. That's just my educated guess anyway. Also I imagine it helps with them not drying out at night time as he mentioned they don't water the plants at night.

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