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27 thoughts on “LEGAL Psychedelic Mushrooms?! | Urb Amanita Muscaria Mushroom Gummies Review – Travsdabs

  1. How convenient for the company who makes this product to have you recommending to take the whole 3pack lol. Nah bro I’m at 1 hour 40 mins in I feel just like you said. Giddy, euphoric, slight visual disturbance. I’m impressed. 5/5 for a smoke shop trip, I’m very happy.

  2. People are so gulable. Im 100% convinced these have melatonin in them. And people are just getting sleepy. Get ahold of some spores and grow some gloden teachers.

  3. Seems like a fun entry level psyche experience. Your video caused Urb to receive at least one purchase so they should be giving you a cut.

  4. any one other than him trip from this?? im really curious i took 1 and didn’t but i wanna be careful since amanita can be a deliriant. did anyone trip?

  5. I am waiting for the mailman to deliver 3 bags of these today. I'm use to things like Ketamine and DXM powder and pretty much all the cannabinoids minus CB2 agonists. I plan on popping 2 of these for my first dose coupled with 150mg of Delta 8 and 2mg of THC-P. Should be fun 😊

  6. Took some dozo gummies yesterday 2500mg so all 5 gummies. I thought for sure they were defective since their was no psilocybin active. So I did some research behind the compound and I realized that muscarine and muscimol both together gives the effects of psilocybin. The muscimol is a highly active psilocybin mushroom and the muscarine is the nausea feeling. Around 30 minutes after taking a hot shower and not eating anything I took the 5 gummies and had an amazing trip. Since the psilocybin isn’t active the effect and hallucinations aren’t too strong. But if you eat all 5 and really focus on the visuals trust me they’re there along with the nice euphoric feeling of mushrooms. So in a nutshell basically since they can’t put the illegal compound psilocybin they put the legal mushroom compound muscimol research all of this.

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