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I am joined in this episode by journalist Andrew Callaghan of @Channel5YouTube. Andrew is known for his documentarian work of America’s underbelly, including QAnon meetings, Flat Earth conventions, and most recently his coverage of the war in Ukraine. He’s also a nice guy.

Callers include a guy who’s locked in an auto-yard, a student who steals plants and gives them to her professors, a submissive woman who just ghosted her dom, a guy addicted to LSD, and more. It’s a good episode. I am a gecko.

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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50 thoughts on “ANDREW CALLAGHAN GIVES ADVICE AS A GECKO – Therapy Gecko

  1. i know it was mostly bit but just to inform any young men taking it seriously the idea of "the goal is to be a divorced dad" is so problematic. because you want children without the responsibility of having to raise them full time. that's neither fair to the children or your partner. just be a cool uncle or something

  2. No hate but I think the only reason this popped up is because I have a leopard gecko and have been google stuff about him😂😂I was confused but not disappointed

  3. Hearing a 25 year old self diagnose blurry vision and equate it to perma-tripping threw up some red flags. Also the lack of ambiguity in his assumption based on a fairly common auto immune disorder that is attributed to a variety of causes came off as arrogant and delusional. I respect Andrew and enjoy his work, but felt the need to say that anyone telling you that they know for a fact the root cause of a neurological condition is lying.

  4. Video games made me stop depending on acid and weed to give me my daily endorphins, I’m serious.

    Play factorio, rimworld, apex legends. All of those are extremely big on giving you lots to do while also making it extremely fun.🤷🏻‍♂️

    If you’re having trouble stopping drugs it’s always a good idea to talk to someone and build a routine also. Wake up, eat some food, work out, do what you enjoy, and get to bed at a good time so you feel good. Within a week, you’ll forget acid/shrooms/weed was a huge deal in the first place promise.

    If you’re a slap addict or heroin addict then get some help, call a rehab, and let them do all the work for you. It may cost you money but it’s better than dying in a ditch or below a bridge somewhere. I promise within just a single year you can become that person that you want to be, and the person your family wants you to be.

  5. Do the guest wear the same suits, I keep wondering? Or does gec have hundreds of suits? Because if everyone wears the same suits it’s kinda gross even if it gets washed

  6. I did a lot of acid as a teenager and don’t struggle with any long term side effects. While I can say those trips were some of the nicest most fun/ cathartic experiences imaginable, I completely agree that people should wait until 18-21 before trying it. LSD is a wild ride and you should have the mental fortitude to approach it appropriately

  7. Dmt is worth it. I mean there’s no cracking the mystery, but I feel much better having experienced that a few times, and I don’t have to do it often. I wouldn’t mind going back, but it hasn’t felt necessary in years. It’s not the kind of thing you get hooked on, not at all. It’s hard to explain, but I’ll say I know what I saw. It can be a real wake up call or an eye opener, it’s very easy to get the message if you just relax and listen.
    I guess it’s also comforting knowing I can go back to that place it takes me to if I want, and ask it some questions, it’s very interactive.

  8. Man, I thought I had some derealization issues but not once did I feel like I needed to be in the middle of a war on the news. I’m fairly certain I’m real 😂

  9. Andrew… thank you so much for talking about hppd. when i first developed it as a teen, i thought i was going crazy and that my life was ruined. 4 years later, i have come to terms with this being a part of my life but ive never heard anyone talk about it. thanks dawg, makes me feel seen and not alone

  10. The fella with the hppd is looking for god, its a hard thing to get past. One day he will meet him and it wil most likely be unbearably unpleasant. Gotta be careful with the trippy stuff man. If you go in with such a broad lense, and you are randomly looking into yourself all the time without any precaution for your mental health and possibly without protecting your "self" from negativity or even things that confuse you, you are eventually going to face backlash. Whether this backlash is from your own brain, or a seperate entitiy that is getting ticked off with your constant travels is yet to be determined by anyone. Proceed with caution. Your mental health is taking hits from prolonged experimentation. Please try to integrate each experience, if the pattern of your trips is repetitvely negative, you are missiing something, it would be best to analyze your previous experiences before venturing further. Please be safe with your noodle.

  11. Ex freight hopper here just thoroughly surprised we got a shoutout. Love watching both of you and it's awesome to see y'all do something together

  12. The girl is sadly young and being groomed. The man was absolutely taking advantage of her youth and ignorance to how those relationships are supposed to work.

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