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A caller talks to me about the recent murder of their grandparents at the hand of the 15 year old kid they fostered.

Then a mysterious man reveals an alarming truth about foreskins and beauty creams. (You’ll have to listen to this one to believe it.)

Later a caller tells me what it’s like working at Arby’s and another caller worries they may be forming a partying habit that’s caused them to lose touch with themselves.

Throw a paper ball into a garbage can. I am a gecko.

0:00 – Intro
0:15 – Recent murder of their grandparents
12:41 – Alarming truth about foreskins and beauty creams
23:00 – Working at Arby’s
43:23 – Forming a partying habit
59:58 – How to call the gecko

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Lyle Forever

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Lyle Forever

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24 thoughts on “THE FORESKIN BEAUTY CREAM TRUTH BOMB – Therapy Gecko

  1. The guy worried about his dogs balls. I worked in a clinic and it was always the men who would express concern over their dogs balls. I had them tell me the most wild things comparing their own balls to their dogs. Like sir I am at work, I do not want to hear about your testicles. Its very weird.

  2. i hope the young lady can heal and have support around her to help her move on. i hope she can focus her feelings of anger towards being a better person and accomplishing her goals.
    lyle, i love the podcast, i just looked you up on youtube and came to this video since i just listened to the audio
    im very fond of the podcast, some of the stories are very relatable and helped me acknowledge that im not alone

  3. Bro geck why did u not shut down the threats of violence immediately?! That first call… That women literally threatened to assualt the underage foster sister that turned in the murderer. This woman is hurt but she is not mentally ok 🤦

  4. I hope the first caller finds healing within her family and the goals she wishes to accomplish. I feel like the guilt of not stopping things before they happened will eat at the foster kids sister and she may feel remorse but at the same time , they’re both kids , if my sibling said some sht like that to me I probably wouldn’t believe them . But in all honesty I hope the caller can direct her grief and anger towards the betterment of her /her family’s life fr .

  5. Listening to the food service guy gave me mild pain. It’s like hearing my sister. We both work food service but she’s still in the habit of bringing up these moron customers who should have already exited her brain. They’re not worth the energy of repeating this and letting it bug you

  6. I’m sorry chopped chicken boy…doesn’t matter if it’s fast food or fine dinning in a country club… people will get worked up for no good reason. 11 yrs in the will chew you out and spit you out if you let it..ya can’t please everybody. Some days can get to ya, but you better off letting it go. Like Lyle says laugh it off…

  7. Wendy's Dude…

    1) you only had to deal with these people for maybe a minute, they have to live with themselves.
    2) those people having that anger right under the skin coming out with something so trivial(and not your fault), means they brought all of that negativity it into the situation and they're dumping their own frustration from their own life out there, on someone else.

    Act kinder than you feel with these folks. You get a lot of mileage out of this with maintaining your own happiness and not get mixed in with their situation.

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