I cant believe I have my own LEGAL edible in the store (Intended for the 18 & over)
Checkout Cosmic Edibles x Dope As Yola …. this is soo dope!!!
Thank you guys for making this possible… all your support makes this possible!!! I know this is a short video but I really wanted to show you guys the behind the scenes of what goes into this edible.
I cant tell you where to get these because of YouTube guidelines but they are 100% legal.
Thank you for watching Medicated Cookie Dough
Thank you to https://instagram.com/drastic_graphics?igshid=99attat09m11 for editing
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are these the motherfuckers who were gonna do your hash house dopest shop cookies?
Why is it not called "The Doughpest Cookies"
I would make a whole plan of penny sized cookies and eat them like cereal
Just picked up the last 2 from DTPG!
Bruh how did I not get a notification for this, it's 6 months old

2:52 me staring at his shirt baked asf at 102 in the morning
Hey Yola, for someone starting edibles how many mg do you think i should start off with? Also, i found these on weedmaps! Looks like cookies and coconut milk tonight! And booty!!
You are the man
Tomas se magni l'impasto crudo te viene la sciorda potente. Attenzione lillo!!
Congrats man, shi looks firee
Nah my fatass wouldnt wait to bake em
Just eat the dough raw
Are you vegan
Still wana try this.. massachusetts is so slow we in the stone age when it comes to the pot game.. take me home with you.. don't u need a intern I'll work for weed
Damn raw cookie dough never sounded so good

dude i fucking love ur channel keep up the amazing work
also just watched ur close calls 3 story. loved it
They need to make a vegan and gluten free cookie
Man got so high before he even baked the cookies
Y’all gotta really think what this dude does is fucking legit… not gonna explain it but deeply think about everything he does. This guy is making moves
Hi I'm Beevis@live.co.uk from Fife Scotland F#CKIN LOVE WAT U DO M8.
Where can I get a box of them
Yo; I would just eat the dough f cooking it
Where can I buy these at
When I’m illegally able to get them I will 100% buy some
Yola such a vibe
Make sure we get some in NY
That was a fried cookie it had so much oil on the pan
I fucking need these in my life asap
God bless everyone and their family blessings
Wish I could get these in the Ohio medical program.
Yo man, watching your shit somehow makes me higher.
I hope these are available in Canada soon
one of the 10mg cookies would send me to the moon
Laziest video you've ever made
Gotta get some of this for a video review!

This is gonna be a rip off like the rest of his products :/
How can you not love this guy