A caller in the midst of a break up debates whether or not to burn his ex’s family photos.
Then a driving instructor talks about road rage and whether or not kids should drive high, and a final caller confronts her underwhelming feelings after finally losing her virginity at 24.
Try to do at least one back flip today. I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:18 – A caller in the midst of a break up debates whether or not to burn his ex’s family photos.
31:40 – A driving instructor talks about road rage.
46:14 – A final caller confronts her underwhelming feelings after finally losing her virginity at 24.
59:25 – How to call the gecko!
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Lyle Forever
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– moves to a different state to get back together with a girl after 10 years.

– surrenders 2 great danes to kill shelter.
– has 3 kids.
– steals family photos to burn them out of spite.
"I'm too old for this high school shit."
Come to Singapore please
Caller number one isn't the brightest… don't feel bad one bit. That female knew what she was doing and took that fool for a ride… hey, he got her family pictures though
Portland does not have any kill shelters wtf
I wonder if this is the guy who called and said that he talked to you and the long moment of silence helped him.
Actually the Romans killed Jesus.
Without judging his actions in terms of morality, the first guy should've been able to see this coming. He hooked up with a woman who knew he was cheating with his wife originally and then broke it off with him when feelings got involved. She's clearly not the kind of person you should form a relationship with, especially not worth dropping everything for.
First guy is a mega jerk.
Take accountability and stop blaming this woman for all of your downfalls.
"I felt like i abandoned my kids" you did, and your wife and your dogs and blamed it on the girl like you didn't have a choice. Pos.
the first guy is a psychopath
First dude brought everything on himself. He made so many bad decisions that were 100% preventable.
1st guy has no one to blame but himself.
Before you get a pet, any pet, you should thing about it. It's a resposability, you become a gurdian of a living being. You have to take in account cost of food, vet bills, the nature, and so wellbeing, of the animal, have somebody that can look after them if something seriuos happens to you or simply you go away from home but can't take them, etc.. If somebody comes into your life and wants you to get rid of your pet/pets to me is a massive red flag. They don't care about the animal, but neither about you. I know couples with one of them with allergies, they arranged thing to work without harms to anybody, humans or pets. Animals have feeling, they aren't objects, don't have them if you are aware that in the future you will leave them. Do not take for granted that shelters have infinite space, money, workers/volunters. They often have little of all 3 and often get flooded with unwanted animals. So please, if you really care about animals help shelters in whichever way you can, don't buy pets and neuter any that you get.
That dude really thinks he’s the victim in all of this.
First ones title: “Shitty person, does shitty things, has shitty things happen, feels shitty feelings, has shitty sense of accountability, deserves shitty life he has.”
Edit: and he has kids… what a piece of garbage. Actual perfect example of a narcissist.
So he cheated on his wife despite having 3 kids, abandons his 3 kids for this new woman and moves out of state, makes his OWN decision to put his dogs in a kill shelter with no plan to take them back and doesn't check on them for months, is somehow surprised that they were euthanized and then somehow blames this on the girlfriend? He then steals and threatens to destroy her family photos because she left him for obvious reasons. What a complete asshole. He just blames everything on everyone else in the situation. Imagine abandoning your wife, 3 kids, 2 dogs, your shop all just to move out of state for some woman who didn't even want to be with you long term, and then blaming everyone but yourself. Karma's a bitch.
the last girl laughing the whole time gave me anxiety lmao
Ethan needs therapy. He’s “too old for that HS drama” but is fueling the flames. He needs to take accountability, move on, and work on being a good father to his children.
I had to switch to the YouTube version of the podcast episode to read the comments. This first guy is HORRIBLE. if he has this tendency to hurt people who hurt him, while also being unaccountable in his own actions is SCARY. This dude sucks lol
ofc I’m turning 21 a few months after he’s in my city

Biggest take away: Don't be a coward. Life doesn't favor cowards…
Caller 1 is an idiot. All his problems are caused by his own actions. His priorities are out of wack- he put a random woman over his business, his dogs, and his CHILDREN. Then STEALS her family photo album and says he wants to burn it- for what? To show her she was right in not wanting to be in a relationship with him? Get over yourself, grow tf up, and focus on your CHILDREN.
Does anyone else listen to the show and think, I have to see what everyone is saying about this caller so you come to the comments lmao.
1st guy needs alot of work
I couldn't imagine giving up my dog for a relationship, but I don't really know what it's like to be in 2 at the same time…
edit: MF has kids too??? ffs…
Why can’t the first guy breath right?
He did it
Punishing a woman for choices he made, she didn’t ask him to do any of that and he wants her to suffer
The first dude was getting on my nerves man. Bro is a whole ass problem and doesn’t see it lmao.
in jersey, we called them L rides & we had specifix L routes, where we knew there wouldnt be any cops sitting anywhere.
i can't believe i used to be the designated drunk driver in high school. i'm back at the level before i started drinking, 2 beers & i'm done. i couldnt even imagine trying to drive a car after that now. the dumb ass shit we used to do, i cant believe nothing bad ever happened (at least for me, thankfully).
His breathing is gonna give me a stroke
Ethan, The gym is waiting with open arms for ya bud.
still not considering changing the face make up to red?
Seriously, this guy chose a woman over real loyalty. If you're reading this you should absolutely feel like a p.o.s but even still brother I don't want you to let it eat you up. You take accountability, realize your mistake, forgive yourself and repent by doing better in the future. Never give up that frenchie no matter what. Never prioritize a woman over your dogs and career again. From here on out prioritize yourself and your dog.
God the more I listen to the first guy the more I hate him. He's so stupid.
Therapy gecko you do way more harm than good not making this man feel accountable for his actions. It's 100 percent on him.
Wow 500k subs I know life always has ups and downs for everybody. But I'm definitely glad Lyle is keeping the podcast going. I really feel like it helps us more than he knows
New to this channel, never thought a gecko would be so helpful <3 full support men
I don’t normally comment but that first dude sucks. Great Danes are very expensive dogs to own. The shelter probably just made the decision to euthanize because it was cheaper for them.
"Do you ever get in fights with the kids"

"No but sometimes its tempting"
Happy for the final caller to find someone who makes her feel so loved and that she can feel like she can be vulnerable with. Amazing to find religious friends who dont judge you also this girl is on a good vibe streak lmao.
Oh Lyle, you did a great job with this 1st call. For someone like that who engages in such self-destructive behavior only to blame the pain and loss he brings upon himself on other people, its amazing that you even got him to listen to you. You do good work here man.