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Cannabis Tissue Culture Master Class w/ Dr. Sma Zobayed at Segra International (Podcast Episode 11)

We take a deep dive with, Dr. Sma Zobayed the Chief Tissue Culture Officer of ‘Segra International’ in Episode 11 of the Canna Cribs Podcast, where we document history with the pioneers of the global cannabis industry. In this interview, we will deep dive with Dr Zobayed of ‘Segra International’ about tissue culture and the innovations of the practice within the cannabis industry.

Segra International is a company invested in the revolution of ag-tech for the cannabis industry. Founded on the belief that better cannabis starts with better plants. As a global leader in Plant Tissue Culture (PTC), an established method for creating disease-free, true-to-type super plantlets at commercial scale. Segra International has brought this proven agricultural technique to the cannabis industry to help growers grow better plants with greater efficiency. Founded in 2014, we have achieved significant milestones in support of the rapidly maturing cannabis industry.

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Table of Content
0:00 Opening
1:40 Background on Dr. Sma Zobayed
8:41 Responsibilities at Segra International
16:40 Day-To-Day for Dr. Sma Zobayed
30:28 History of Tissue Culture
37:43 Why Tissue Culture?
43:48 Packaging with Green Vault Systems
44:33 Disease Resistance with Tissue Culture
49:29 Plant Count using Tissue Culture
58:03 Differences Between Cuttings from Tissue Culture
1:03:09 Packaging ROI with Precision Batch by Green Vault Systems
1:04:34 The Future of Tissue Culture
1:11:13 Future Expansion/Projects at Segra International
Questions and Topics in this interview:
-Hello, please tell us a bit about yourself
-Let’s talk about your role as “Chief Tissue Culture Officer” at Segra Intl.
-You’re THE expert in tissue culture – what is it? Same as “micropropagation?”
-I’d like to talk a little more about the disease resistance of tissue culture –
-More and more cannabis growers are turning to tissue culture, what’s the advantage of tissue culture in a commercial grow?
-It seems like a lot of the cannabis enthusiasts I talk to are a bit wary of science and call anything not “naturally” grown
-What are your predictions for the future of tissue culture in the cannabis space?
-Do you have any new projects or plans you can tell us about?
-Is there anything else you’d like to talk about that we didn’t get a chance to discuss?
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46 thoughts on “Cannabis Tissue Culture Master Class w/ Dr. Sma Zobayed at Segra International (Podcast Episode 11) -@highconceptent

  1. Wow look at all that one time use trash the kids are going to throw all over my land. This is all are land and we need to put profits above that always and this is a perfect example of what not to do to are mother.

  2. The main reason why i would choose tissueculture vs. cuttings is that tissueculture makes plants which have them same rootstrenght as seeds and the same yield as seeds vs. cuttings which have about a 1/3 lesser yield.

  3. I appreciate your video, background info and all. There are plenty of instruction videos out there but understanding the basis of this technique is as important as teaching the technique itself. 👍💚

  4. This isn’t a “Master Class” lol… Didn’t actually teach anything new at all… Didn’t even provide basic instruction on preparing Murashige & Skoog 6-BA medium… Took over an hour to poorly and incompletely gloss-over what we all learned in 9th grade biology class, just as a way to promote the company…

  5. it kills me to see machines handling these flowers. It is it really worth it to kill the quality instead of paying some one to handle the flowers properly?
    i am talking about the packaging machine

  6. A missed opportunity to teach about what is possibly one of the most impacting developments in agriculture in general, and cannabis in particular. Not a single illustration or example!!! Master Class,,, Very far from, not even an introductory explanation for beginners. Great advertisement for Dr Zobayed though

  7. SOOo much packaging garbage and machinery and wasted energy. Just support your local grower on the black market. THIS is what G-d wants. when he said " Legalize it"! Plant a damn seed's all!

  8. No useful information – just an overview, this is the kind of pointless stuff we don't need more of. Get a Ph.D in the room and ask him to read his resume and give everyone a brief overview? Why bother with the expert?

  9. Could tissue culture fix or potentially fix a hermaphrodite problem in some varieties? I have some varieties that express hermaphrodite flowers sometimes but only in low light areas or would be larf. Buds. Are the only affected areas. Any thoughts would be great.

  10. Like everything else with tissue culturing, it's gatekeeping the vital information that would actually make this a "master class". This is more of a discussion of "why you should tissue culture", than anything else.

  11. Could you give a basic recipe for callus tissue culture that should work on most cultivars or at least point us in the right direction???
    Tissue culture recipes in the cannabis space are going into the corporate IP realm rather than the community working together with these companies and standardizing SOP's across the industry.
    Very good video very informative, has everything except the agar recipe.

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