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Dr. Ronald Mallett is a physicist who is developing a time machine using ring lasers. Dr. Mallett also studies black holes, relativistic astrophysics, and quantum cosmology.

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Time Traveler book:


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00:00 – Einstein’s basis for time travel
10:21 – Forward vs. backwards time travel
22:59 – How GPS satellites time travel
30:40 – The illusion of time
38:04 – Black holes
52:49 – Closed time curves (CTCs)
54:54 – How light can affect time; the ring laser
01:04:04 – How to build a time machine
01:13:50 – Limitations of time travel
01:27:17 – Dr. Ronald Mallet’s motivation for time travel research
01:32:41 – Quantum mechanics vs. block universe
01:45:10 – Secret time travel research
01:54:29 – Evolution of technology
02:00:05 – UFOs
02:12:02 – Fighting deception with science
02:19:47 – Brain filters & living in a simulation


Danny Jones

About Post Author

Danny Jones

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37 thoughts on “Top Physicist Reveals Exactly How to Build a Time Machine | Dr. Ronald Mallett

  1. I don't like the term curvature of space. I use the term "mass consuming space". The greater the gravity near you just means space is traveling past you in greater volumes. It's an equivalent of velocity.

  2. I have literally never seen this before. However, nothing new is being said. I read about all this when I was 11. 30 years later these guys are sayin all the same stuff. Imagine my disappointment. Imagine if science had remained stationary from 1895-1925.

  3. One thing he said was not widly know as correct, thing he said that if sun disappear then we'll feel the gravity instantaneously. Infact gavity will also be effecting us exactly the speed of light

  4. Consider this scenario: You are at location 'A' and I am at location 'B', with a 1000-mile distance between us.,We both start moving at the same time. You move at a speed of 1000 miles per second towards location 'B', while I move at a staggering speed of 186,000 miles per second within location 'B'.,As I await your arrival, which will take 1 second, I manage to visit 186 places, each 1000 miles apart.,In this situation, it may seem like I have somehow manipulated time or moved faster than you within the span of 1 second.,While it's true that I accomplished more than you did in that 1 second, I did not actually freeze or stop time to achieve this feat.

    Which means for your 1000 mile distance it took you 1 second, but for me within the same 1 second a 1000 mile distance took only 5.4 milliseconds.

    1 sec = 10^0 > 1 deci = 10^-1 > 1 centi = 10^-2 > 1 milli = 10^-3

    Basically, it’s not the speed of light what matters, but it’s moving faster than the speed of 1 second is what’s essential.

  5. The big bang was a nuclear explosion on a alien giant world and our sun is just a single partical created by the explosion and our 5 billion years has only been seconds for the giant aliens

  6. I'm all about closed time loops.
    What I think the man is getting at, is okay you've somehow created the effect but the loop wouldn't necessarily effect ALL OF TIME. You could go into the past of wherever you happen to be when you trigger the effect, but who's to say how far back you could go. The twisting or bending effect might weaken and you could be deatomised or lost in time. Even if you could keep yourself in a past time, to try and change something meaningful, you'd have to leave the area you came from. Unless you have a way to trigger the bend remotely somehow. Otherwise you wouldn't want to wander too far from however you got there. Time travel wouldn't be just the press of a button like in the movies.
    What about something like the films Dejavu
    Which use some sort of AI assisted vr gimmick to recreate a past situation. To solve a specific crime.
    Not some all world change.
    Could there be a safer way to time travel?
    Skip all this space and time twisting??
    I don't think Einstein saw Quantum AI 😂😂😂😂
    I don't think blasting into a worm hole is the best way to go about it.
    The whole thing about launching people into deep space, to see how long it might take, to find that person from his perspective. That's just sillyness. There are too many negative factors.

  7. This is chalk full of lies. First of all, light is neither wave nor particle. The 'speed of light' limit is pseudoscience, faster speeds are possible. Gravity doesn't exist, gravitons have never been observed. Time doesn't exist, itself not a thing. Cern was their best attempt at a time machine and thankfully it doesn't work for them. Nobody's going forward or backwards in time, though peering into time is a different story. Nothing is leaving low orbit, this is a closed system. Einstein was a thief & relativity / special relativity is absolutely debunked.

  8. Man Dr.Mallet is one of the main reasons I got into learning complex science and time travel he has been a true gem to me and the planet such a great man🔥🔥🔥

  9. Can you say “ lightning generator “…

    How about “ ride the lightning “

    How about “ Einstein time machine “

    The lightning generator built by Tesla is a fine engine…

    I have seen lots of time machines on a liars paradise.
    But out of all of them …
    Only one actually works .

    Clue : my key was a mouse …
    Clue : the mouse charged up the clock …
    Clue : 1883 …
    Clue : the time machine is not a clock or a watch .
    Clue : have you seen the power of time ?
    Clue : the clock generates power!
    Clue : “ doc , how will the clock charge the time machine “???
    Clue Metallica !!!

    Clue : lightning moves faster than light speed …
    Clue : Welles machine was “ disk drive “…

  10. What kind of human , collects others time machines ????

    Why would he collect or steal or take the other time machines??

    Trophy’s ???
    Take over of time space continuum??

    How would a time traveler hunt other time travelers ??

    Is it like a fly hits a web ???

    I think I know how to track a time traveler…
    By studying his collection!

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