Comedian John Mulaney talks about his milk toast boyish looks, his childhood, his Jewish girlfriend, his gayish charm, his favorite TV shows, Ice-T, a homeless person he met in N.Y., and a prostate exam with Batman.
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John Mulaney: New in Town
Original airdate: January 28, 2012
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this is so nostalgic to me it literally feels like home
"Yeah this is going to get playfully anti-semitic…"
Does John Mulaney have a name to that joke he told at 23:25 – 28:45 because that is one of my favorite jokes he ever told and i want to go back at it when i want a good laugh.
Holy crap 17:08 actually happened and it happened exactly like that
Nikki Glaser said she thinks he's the absolute best comedian, that he's on a level unlike any other comedian today. He's interesting but I'm sticking with Dave Chappelle.
I used to date gentile women 🤯
23:23 Aaaand here weee go
30:01 new in town joke
29:30 i love how he says the punchl8ne before setting up the joke
This guy is not funny
I like watching this on youtube instead of netflix so i can also read comments at the same time which is my favorite thing to do
The Asian joke is even funnier now because he’s married to Olivia Munn.
I've only been playing his standup through earbuds up to this. I always thought he was korean?
I know I’m late but for anyone that wants it.
23:24 Is the one thing you can’t replace story
Wtf is John doing at the end sitting with the audience???? 😂
Right after his "I met a boy with no eyes" joke, I got an ad for glasses. 😂
"canceling plans is like heroin" I guess he would know huh?
God was he prophetic about Ocean’s 8 😅
I had an uncle John Mullaney
I would have LOVED to see John on Def Jam! He would have killed it!
The laziest racial slur ever
wait so how is cancelling plans like heroine?
dont worry john, racial slurs have greatly expanded from "chinaman"
the observation table? The examination table?
“You know? How you talk to your grandma.” Kills every time. Top tier special. Timeless as johns suit
Where's the NY Post joke? I thought this was the full special, which deserves two thumbs up (I disliked this video because it's not his full special – it's misleading. You guys lied. Ya know? Like a liar! …
The cold case files bit is so damn funny
"Mexican" is THE laziest slur
Promote is the funniest part of the pod.
The most un funny lame dweeb of the new woke comedy
23:25 The One Thing You Can’t Replace
who else hates youtube commercials? they don't even give you the skip anymore fookers
"Canceling plans is like heroin."
Boy….now we know he wasn't just guessing.
Wait was that Dean Cain???
I laugh to this day at that bit 😂😂😂
They remade oceans 11 w women😭 he predicted it
Really liked the delta airlines part
I'm Irish and German and I feel everything he said about Irish people on a personal level lol
Damn this is actually bad.
24:19 i'd heard this audio before but never got that joke until now
Ohh these are classics. Could listen to this cover and over too funny. He even sounds younger here to now so his content is too fitting and funny. God love you. Glad to hear you got cleaned up, hope it lasts hun.i know the struggle. ❤❤