An undocumented immigrant with a pending court date calls in seeking advice regarding a drug charge that could result in deportation.
Later a woman from Germany speaks on having facial hair induced by a medical condition, and a final caller meditates on whether or not he’s a sex addict.
Roll a 9 or higher to have a good day. I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:23 – An undocumented immigrant with a pending court date calls in seeking advice regarding a drug charge that could result in deportation.
17:38 – A woman from Germany speaks on having facial hair induced by a medical condition.
37:04 – A final caller meditates on whether or not he’s a sex addict.
49:13 – How to call the gecko!
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Lyle Forever
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what a scuffed system. I hope Joey can find a wife to sort his situation out.
The first caller… i had a friend with a similar situation in Texas, once his entire situation was explained and the justice system realized sending him back over the border with no resources on the other side they were likely just sending him back to die, they put him on probation and let him stay conditionally pending him getting his visa etc… just understand the weight of your stupidity and be legitimately remorseful for them and likely you wont get deported and your punishments will be where you reside here
What’s a sis woman ???
Wait he didn't even tell his parents about this situation? Oh he is fucked.
Also, I have a few friends who tried electrolysis and it usually takes anywhere from a year to two years to not have to deal with most of their facial hair
That Second Lady is driving me crazy keep saying sis woman, normal people don’t have to identify that just say you are a woman we all get it.
Sorry illegal dude.
Does anybody know what city is in the background footage?
Google, this lady seems to have PCOS and it can be regulated. She can especially be on youtube and seek out professionals that give free information. Laser will slow down the rate of the growth and there are a lot of women right now. Trying spare ment essential oils mixed in with their moisturizer on the problem areas to see if it helps regulate the rate of growth, also there are supplements and natural teas that she can take. I really hope that she sees this. I hope she comes back and read the comments. Because she's not the only person dealing with this and I'm happy. She's reaching out to see if there is a community. And there sure is there's a lot of people on youtube that is openly sharing their struggles with what she's going through
He should get deported
Unfortunately joey has just jumped onto my boat, he doesn't have very many options, depending on what he was CHARGED With, not what he gets found guilty of., the only thing he can hope for is that he gets lucky and slips through the cracks of ICE
Yay 666 likes!
I understand his parents are the one who brought him here when he was young but they shouldve went through the right legal immigration channels. He doesn't deserve to suffer because his parent just couldnt be bothered with following the rules to move here. However his parents should be deported. And i hate the argument that they might not be criminals because they broke the law coming here ILLEGALLY and in turn that itself makes them a criminal.
"I'm an undocumented immigrant"
Okay, get out
Thanks to Shara for the recommendation Boston manner is amazing hopefully she finds love she deserves it
Damn brother the first guy is fucked
fancy asking a male gecko how to deal with a woman’s hormonal issue which sounds like PCOS.
sarah i completely empathise, my sister suffers with a lot of hair growth all over. she just lets it grow and waxes it. that will thin out the regrowth of your hairs and make them a lot less visible. also you can take the mini pill which is only one hormone, my hormones are crazy too and when i was first looking for birth control the mini pill was the only thing that stopped me falling pregnant whilst also protecting any or all of my family members (that i lived with) from being murdered by my crazy arse!!
projecting his subpoena
best advice ever!!
Sarah! Ich kann dir wirklich nur empfehlen deine Haare lasern zu lassen. Selbst wenn es hormonbedingt ist, kannst du es zur Not(!!) alle 3-5 Jahre "auffrischen" lassen. Das hört sich doch immer noch besser an, als sich jeden Tag rasieren zu müssen und ständig unsicher zu sein. Bitte gehe zu einem Endokrinologen, die sind auf Hormone spezialisiert und wollen dir nicht einfach nur die Pille verschreiben und dich nachause schicken. Wenn du deine Hormone, so gut wie es in deinem Fall geht, wieder in den Griff bekommst und dazu zum lasern gehst, kann es für dich nur noch bergauf gehen. Ich wünsche dir und deiner Mutti alles Gute und hoffe, dass du das hier liest und dir zu Herzen nimmst!
For caller Sarah – mini pill contraception can potentially help with migraines bc it’s estrogen free. Mine have started to go away after being on the mini pill for 3 months
It might have been wise to not to talk about this publicly until the court case is complete
feel like I need to read more as an American
I haven’t heard the word ‘crass’ in a minute
dibs on the first story for a movie adaptation script rights
to the first call: pff, thats nothing, Im 40 and I dont even have a place to stay and I am not doing anything about it
hey guys just wanted to ask how does this work lol
can anyone call at the designated time or like do you have to get an appointment or somethin?
The German woman is full of shit in regards to politics