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38 thoughts on “You can use Dabs or Carts : Omegatron – DopeasYola

  1. Right On!!! I can only imagine the damage that is doing to the cart. All sorts of metal carcinogens floating in the smoke. Plus why didn't you ever fill it up?

  2. "Engineered in Germany, Out of Canada"
    Bottom of device says Made in PRC, Aka Peoples republic of China
    So engineered by Germany…in Canada but… made in China?
    What?! is my high … high?

  3. I just got the nova cipher yesterday for my birthday and I love it I love how the weed taste and especially if you put hash in it its so good

    If anyone is wondering what kind of hash I got it is mimosa old school

  4. I showed this video to my husband and within the time the video was over we had this thing ordered. As soon as we saw that it was Waterless – Flameless – Easy To Clean – Portable and Chargable.

    The lack of the need to have water is the biggest hook. No longer needing to use lighters and risk burning myself or catching my hair on fire.

    Yes – This Godsend, is very VERY convenient.

    Yes – Even the hottest setting is imperceptible but think of it as Silent But Deadly. But I found I prefer the yellow and orange settings.

    It doesn't need a large amount to get you absolutely wrecked.

    I've only had it for a few days and it has completely revolutionized this whole routine.

    I used to have to get Ice, Sparkling Water, a dab tool and make sure that the flower I bought was compatible with the bowl piece I use. I normally have to blend the flower with the dabs into a blend so I could smoke them together.

    But I will be saving so much money not having to worry about buying flower (shake) and dabs plus the strongest edibles the store I go to has to offer.

    I just got done taking a few sips from mine and my brain feels like it's floating in a dark pond. I also keep losing my train of thought.

    I also have to rely on the cheapest stuff I can find.

    My dispensary has become like family and because of this device I will be able to continue to enjoy this hobby.

    I have been smoking since it became recreational in the Seattle area. I started with pre rolls and my sister had a pipe. My friend eventually got me my first bong and after all this time there is a very reliable easy to use and fun to experience product that helps stoners feel seen in a world swimming in alcohol.

    If I could I would order one of these for my friends because it is legit.

    Once you remove everything from the box and put together the straightforward and frankly adorable pieces. The material they made the base out of is half the experience. It is soft and matte.

    I hate shiny or reflective material.
    I hate the smell and mere idea of the water with the filtered globs of wasted dabs because I couldn't manage to rip the bong no matter how cold or slowly I smoked.

    You put a small amount of the concentrate in the reservoir.

    If you put too much it won't heat the same way and it will still get you high af.

    I have spent over 12 years trying to get as high with bongs, etc. As I do with this.

    And depending on the potency of your concentrate the dab smoothly incorporates itself with your lungs and before you know it you've smoked a gram without coughing or even really feeling anything negative in your chest.

    This comment is a little long so I'll conclude with:

    Buy It.

    Thanks for making this video but I had no idea how lit I was going to get.

    And as always, Have a dope ass day!

  5. Love you yola I really do but these product reviews just ain’t it while you’re sitting here being like “it’s amazing”. Goblin is on his channel saying “this is the biggest pile of dog 💩

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