A caller relives the time their ex tried to brainwash them during an ayahuasca retreat and divulges the longterm consequences it’s had on their life.
Then a final caller questions if their high standards are healthy or if they’re the foundation of their loneliness.
DM me on Instagram (@Lyle4ever) a drawing you did. I am a gecko.
0:00 – Intro
0:20 – A caller relives the time their ex tried to brainwash them during an ayahuasca retreat.
23:14 – A final caller questions if their high standards are healthy or if they’re the foundation of their loneliness.
52:18 – How to call the gecko!
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Lyle Forever
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I live in Daytona Beach!!
Do more 1 minute calls
2nd girl is hopeless
The long process of eventually coming to terms with having to create your own closure is both difficult and depressing. It's a lot harder than "just doing it" its a long painful process for most myself included.
Ppl who get beat up and stay r dumb asfff
Wow, this episode was dark.
Children who are raised with parental alienation may form mental health problems such as depression, anxiety disorders, and other serious conditions. They may also struggle to trust others, have trouble setting boundaries, and feel unsure of themselves. This can cause long-term communication problems and lead to repeating unhealthy relationship patterns.
Children raised by a narcissistic parent may also doubt their own worth, talents, and successes due to consistent belittlement and manipulation during childhood. This fosters imposter syndrome even in adulthood.
First Caller Advice: Maintain a positive attitude, Practice gratitude, Accept your weaknesses, Work on your strengths, and Consult a good counselor so that you can work on a plan to overcome these weaknesses.
Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is a type of abuse where a narcissistic parent tries to manipulate their child into rejecting the other parent. This can happen during a divorce or custody battle, and the narcissist may use the child as a pawn to "destroy" the other parent. The narcissist may attack the other parent's character in front of the child, or provide false or exaggerated information. Some warning signs of PAS include:
The narcissist says things like "your mom doesn't love you" or "your dad doesn't want to speak to you"
The narcissist blames the other parent for the end of the marriage
The child judges the targeted parent for their lack of competency and adequacy
The narcissistic parent encourages and rewards the child for participating in this behavior
That accent too suss
Shout out Ormond Beach!
This is the only show I'm waiting to see new episodes of now.
First guys story is so confusing i really cant understand where hes coming from. To each their own i guess
The second guy was like "i want to be maintained"
I wish people would just get shrooms and get a sitter instead of doing drug colonialism
First guy REALLY wants you to know that he's known the cousin since they were 6.
Love your content man! I sincerely hope you come to hawaii for a liveshow sometime soon. Make a vacay out of it!
I get the Gecko man saying you got to give yourself closure, and that's fine if you've just broken up with Becky or Cindy-Lou or Britney or some bullshit, you can admit to yourself it wasn't right etc and move on, but kinda frickin hard when you're son is living with the psycho ex and the cousin is also living with the psycho ex and you want to see your son, who is also living abroad and is basically being lied to, by the psycho ex. I say well done Shep keep on keeping it real hopefully your son will grow up and see what's been going on!
My recent ex introduced me to shrooms and used that to manipulate me for three years, i pushed away all my closest friends and was convinced my family was against me, those three years were hell but im finally free and happy
Any retreat be it psychedelic or meditative can generate an environment/mental state where one is easily re-programmed/conditioned. Same with the hypnosis, takes a strange folk to want to hypnotize people…
New age shit is for suckers
She convinced their 10 year old son he doesn't love him 😢 that's heart breaking, this poor kid is being put through it 😔
Run away from that whole situation,try and have a relationship with you son but fuck the other two,they are pieces of shit.
First caller here, come at me with your questions and accusations 😂
This is my favourite podcast, it was so awesome to be on it! Would love to talk more about Aya, it really helped me.
Geck Bless Lyle <3
PS Melee is sick.
she can fix me
Its crazy cuz my gf has kinda dine the same thing with trying to manipulate me while doing bufo ceremonies
I knew this call would be the thumbnail as soon as i heard it 😂
Coming from someone who lives in Daytona and goes to that same college that I'm not gonna mention, I will say that our area is pretty boring but it's not as dangerous as the caller described. A lot of people on said campus have little to no interaction with the locals and it makes it so that the campus and the people on it are basically sheltered from the rest of the city. I will say that there is a good amount of homeless people in Daytona but most of the people on campus stereotype or put the locals here in a box when there are a lot of genuine and nice people within the city. If you go to said school and feel lonely I encourage you to actually step outside of the campus and stop stereotyping folks from your car window, it makes living here and going through what we do just a little more enjoyable.
pilot lady has it completely twisted. The MINUTE a guy gets physically abusive that's grounds for not only leaving him but to mace the fuck out of him on the way out. the absolute best case scenario is to immediately tell him to get therapy or counseling or whatever and to never do that shit again and if the guy doesn't immediately acquiesce right off the bat and completely change his ways right then then leave him. ain't no such thing as a soul mate that beats you.
20 chicks get laid get free stuff frm rich dude, die alone with cat at 40
at 20 i got laid alot for free from poor and rich woman of all age, then im poor nonchad 40 and die alone without cat.
i chaded my 20 has tons of date, now im poor and alone at 40, and 40 rich men non chad get the 20s, while in my 20s i was getting 30 40 lol but no 20 cuase the 20 wanted the 30 40 rich (or chad rich)
we has our best time now we die alone wanting best people in 40
"be strong independant woman!"
so at least at 40 with cat you are rich!
i was a kind guy after 25 and couldnt get any date
i could get tons of date as asshole at 20-25
women want asshole. poor or rich asshole.
then dream of good men. that are very boring and dont tickle.
First dude broke up with a manipulative person and decided he wanted to try to get with her equally manipulative cousin lmao that's such a bad idea
31:00 stop feeding deluded 20 billion princess validation
dont be chained till she find billionaire chad after draining beta simp
I'm sorry but MDMA doesn't give anyone an "ego death."
i chain top 1% chad on tinder then wonder why 99% people on street are poor and not chad
oh nvm 99.9% people onf street.. since billionaire chad use airplane
yep dating app gonna rise your standard astronomicly high, widen your vagigi from alpha pretending caring, and you discarding and bojectifying beta male than youll want ot drain once you hit the wallin 10-20 year ype
people are people. carefull of gold digger wanting top 1% chad and exploiting everyone else around cause we live in her egoistic narcisistic world.
hey! im not better!
i think i deserve top 99.9% instead of 0.01%!
how arogant to tihnk i deserve bottom tier ! i deserv enothing 😀
I dont trust anyone with that accent lol,
That young pilot who just came out of an abusive relationship…
I just wish I could help her, give her my experience.
My entire 20's were wasted on guys who mistreated me and I wish I could save just one person from going through that shit.
Get right with yourself girl. Become strong with your friends.
You don't need a partner, you just need more confidence and strength in yourself.
Play rollerderby.
Even if you can't skate.
You'll learn.
I'm not joking. Roller Derby saves lives, especially for young girls.
1st guy is definitely Australian and not british lol
Top Gun is shit, both of them, don't worry, you saved some precious time not watching the first.
To the chick in pilot school, couple things, I think it’s cool that you’re able to go out alone to attempt to meet people, it’s not easy. I see females like this settle for these losers too often and those dudes are so hard to get away from bc in their mind you’re their meal ticket, never settle for anyone that doesn’t want to bring a few things to the table bc that won’t ever change. As for your aunt I feel bad for her but that’s also another thing that’ll never change. Men don’t wake up one day and start beating women, he’s probably done it a few times in his life and he’ll do it again, you can take that to the bank. I’m 40 and have seen so many of these relationships play out but you aunt sounds like she can hold her on but it’ll happen again. I’m an AL naive myself so I hope everything works out for her. Back to you, keep doing what you’re doing but you don’t have to be in a club to approach someone, hell even the grocery store, gek was dead on about males liking when females approach us. I’m in a 5 year relationship now but back when I was single it was so sexy when a woman would come talk to me bc I usually had to do the work so have that club mindset anytime you leave the house, not so much a mission but just a new outlook on meeting strangers. You will run into people that aren’t looking so be ready for that but it’s water off a ducks back, keep it moving. Good luck
the first dude is sus af tbh.
How’s embry-riddle? Lol
i am just now realizing the podcast publishing is pretty close to the stream air date. idk why but my mind is blown