Did you know Star Wars lost money? We take a deep dive into the details on Hollywood Accounting amid the writer’s strike.
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Wow those graphs would take me months to make
just imagine how the public would be doing if these large corporations actually paid taxes.
Even if they made a blanket 5% tax mandatory it would be way more than they actually pay nowadays.
Meanwhile the average person can barely cover basic living expenses. It's absolutely discussting.
I have no idea why there's not a worldwide strike. If everyone sat at home it wouldn't take long for everything to change as the rich and powerful panic to save their extravagant lifestyles.
They did everyone a favor when they canceled the late late show. James Corden is a total douche canoe!
The talents got **kosherized.**
Yup, I’ve noticed that a lot. Well the film cost 80 million but we added all these costs. It’s like all these industries that add all these bullshit fees. In Vegas they’ll add entertainment tax etc yet people need more then one job
have both sides use ai to predictively model potential outcomes for a variety of circumstances. make sure the models are within reasonable agreement. people below the line could choose whether they would want to work in the movie. if the real time movie production diverged that could be a basis of legal recourse
How do you even BEGIN stopping this kind of debauchery??
Wow. I'm shocked, and here I was believing that the producers of the movie were the ones that made the majority of the money.
@Spencer Cornelia 3:24, small correction, that is an income statement (or profit and loss statement for the specific movie), not a balance sheet. From Google, an income statement assesses the profit or loss of a business over a period of time, whereas a balance sheet shows the financial position of the business at a specific point in time (this is the income statement for the movie, not the business overall).
Disney is poison. Please do your best to never give them another penny.
Please want a copy of this book
ahaahaha aa yak .. omg … so thy intetonlai put it in tha red after hey lodretha money thro difrent distibuion oe adre serivses … and intha ens in tha red just to not pay taxe on tha profit ..i this tah is not ok ….. wee al pay taxe wtf ! wird .. wel thy got o pol sam stings in tha gov fro theat gen !
Whatculture just did this same video today they stole your video man I’d address this
Creative accountancy
Robbery. A monopoly is never good
This sounds like something cartman would do lol
This is gangsta as f. Rofl
Gpt. 4 can't replace writers, but you act like Nvidia won't develop a gpu that can…. Only a matter of time now.
The idea is to not start production until the script is written, yet rewrites happen in the middle of production all the time.
As a former television film production accountant I can tell you all the money stays above the line. Most of the budget goest to actors, producers, directors, and writers. I often see a 20 million dollar budget with 15 mil above the line representing 20-50 people, while there’s 5 mil below the line representing 250 people plus all other production expenses including rentals, locations, etc. The writers have a valid argument but they’re hardly getting the worst of it!!
Remind me never to accept points for net profits on my next movie deal
Oy vey!
wtf are buying Blue rays?
The juice always robbing people blind
Always take a percentage of the gross.
Since Spencer is unbiased in all his videos, he should do videos on politics since every channel on YouTube is biased towards one side or the other like Brian Cohen and Ben Shapiro
Congratulations, you just discovered the worst kept "secret" of Hollywood. I can't wait for the next video when you reveal that actresses also bang directors for roles…
Im so shocked right now I am speechless
This is completely off-topic… But anyone who watch European football, Chelsea FC (England) precisely, you'll know that Spencer and Mason Mount look like twins brothers
The problem is that all these hack writers on trash shows nobody watches want the same amount as Breaking Bad writers. Yea right get fucked.
This is the same pedowood that preaches for Socialism and Tax the Rich always the most evil and greedy fuchs anywhere. That's why I torrent everything.
So in summary this is legal? Because of tax laws?
This should absolutely be illegal lol what a fucked up world we live in
1% of the entire world is legit.
99% of the entire world is a scam.
Hollywood can't cry about pirating when they do crap like this. They love to preach about everything but they are no different from the Mafia!
Spencer, my guy – chill it with the red blush makeup or like use some sunscreen
I have consistently felt a strong urge to pursue wisdom and authority to make a positive impact on humanity. I've been actively searching for ways to gain influence and expand my understanding of the human race and uncover knowledge that isn't accessible to everyone. My ultimate aspiration is to achieve the enlightenment that has been handed down to us by our ancestors!
Nice to see ur views dropped off a damn cliff
Theres a reason Bob Iger’s compensation plan has nothing to do with “net profit” but everything to do with Share Price and a fat annual guarantee..
When it comes to business, the only place net profits should be distributed is to owners and shareholders. Everyone else should be clamoring for a cut of Gross profit or a flat rate.
The best part is that the system is set up like this. New writer in Hollywood? Well we know an agent! And that agent loves your script so much they think you should take the net %.
change the title to "zion jews cheats its talents out of millions" who "runs hollywood" and the music entertainment?
Wow this is crazy
honestly, everyone involved in bohemian rhapsody should be in jail
See also season 1 of the original mighty morphin power Rangers, the original cast…
This is "a standard" in worldwide stockholder and corporate thinking.
hollywood also lies about the actual budget sometimes, when everyone thinks its a flop theyre secretly profiting