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The internet is something that we all take for granted. But there’s a worrying trend that’s coming into view. Governments around the world are shutting down the internet as a form of control. This recently happened in Bangladesh but the mechanisms for such actions exist in Western nations. In this episode we explore the topic of when governments shut down the internet.

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Producer: Dagogo Altraide
Writers: Dagogo Altraide, Tawsif Akkas
Editors: Brayden Laffrey, Dagogo Altraide
Animator: Mathijs Luijten



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45 thoughts on “Governments Are Suddenly Shutting Down The Internet – Here’s Why

  1. Τhe internet will soon be dead.
    Only a handful of well connected folk will have access.
    It will be abused as a n extortion-tool to blackmail masses first, before taking it away completely.

    Honestly i can't wait.
    The world will be such a better place without the internet. Period.

  2. We need some super hackers to encrypt all the DNS and other back end systems that makes shutting down impossible unless the literal infrastructure is disconnected.

  3. The public needs to be given power of the internet instead of letting it be controlled solely by mass corporations, and thus, the governments that have potential heavy handed control over them.

    I love the idea of the decentralized internet via mesh networks. However, I would absolute be in MAD love over having a co-op ISP that's operated by veteran network admins and engineers. I wish to be a part of that should it come to fruition. I have so much experience and hardware to add to the pool of technology.

  4. Governments Are Suddenly Shutting Down The Internet if they can do this this also means "You might not be broke but don't expect to keep anything" and that includes your Bank!

  5. What the Marijose, so the solution is to have internet with Elon Musk ? You realize that all the data conections with a sim card are via satellite right ? RIGHT?
    Maybe you think 4g comes from lalaland.

  6. It was one of Bill Gates idea for research and development projects. That way he gets key data and details how he’s going to try to put the rest of the world in some type of corner on hold. And I don’t know how the illuminati letting Bill Gates or the new world order allowing him to influence.

  7. For natural disasters and people who live in affected countries, look at getting a satellite hotspot, it wont stream this video, but for communication and news its pretty good

  8. In Indian Occupied Kashmir it is common, 5 August 2019 In Initially a complete shutdown was imposed for just over five months, following which archaic 2G services were restored. Nearly a year on, these restrictions continue—mobile data speeds remain throttled at the 2G level with a 384Kbps upper limit.

  9. Well if the boys in black were to shut down the internet for a long time they're would be lots of trouble going on I would say stock up on food or water and other things and hide in a basement if you don't have a basement hide in the attic or if you have none of those hide in the shed or the woods if you don't live near the woods hide in the shed

  10. if its going to cost a country so much money to have the internet shut down for just one day then they need to take responsibility for its operation. internet as a human right is only going to make more sense as the years go by aslo

  11. An internet kill switch is about as authoritarian as it gets. I would imagine western leaders haven't used it more because they probably aren't even aware they have the power to use it.

  12. What about a kill switch for X? Elon Musk is using his platform to influence the USA election candidates to his own personal whim. This is more blatant than the Facebook Politica scandal. Why is nothing being done to stop him?
    Oh, that’s right, because of his spacex rocket program.
    BTW he was born in the African continent, not the USA.

  13. Bad news: Digitalism is killing capitalism. A novel perspective, first in the world! Where is capitalism going? Digitalism vs. Capitalism: The New Ecumenical World Order: The Dimensions of State in Digitalism by Veysel Batmaz is available on Internet.

  14. Boycotting the internet providers is the only peaceful solution I recommend all impacted by this organize such a refusal to pay for services find hacker's to continue services without payment if possible.

  15. The most concerning are how it will impact services necessary for health and life, personal inconveniances are less serious. Many countries are more or less cashless, relying on plastic cards for everyday payments. You wouldn't be able to buy food. Restocking shelves in supermarkets, ordering transport of goods, restocking medicine to pharmacies and hospitals, restocking materials for production facilities, every type of data communication depends on the internet. Then there is production and shipping. Almost everything you can think of rely on the internet in modern society. Cities are more dependant on transport and restocking of goods. The majority of people live in cities. There are case stucies showing that 90% of people would perish within one to two weeks of a national internet blackout for almost every western contry.

  16. The internet promotes human trafficking hello Celia suicides in all kinds of criminal activity from Ghost guns to just scam after scam after scam stealing people's money stealing people's dreams everybody's getting so used to having the internet they forget how nice the world was without it there is more destruction on this goddamn internet than ever before and this is why our world is f**** screwed up right now

  17. People can take only so much. Sure, we'll take curfews and quarantine, but if a wealthy Western nation shuts down the internet, all hell would break loose. People would have mental breakdowns and things would start burning. At least in the United States 🇺🇸 and probably Canada 🇨🇦

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