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When I was a kid I saw these as somewhat nightmares….now I see them as my own Spidey Sense…welcome to STORY TIME IG …


Dope As Yola

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Dope As Yola

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43 thoughts on “Dreams #2 : STORY TIME – DopeasYola

  1. DUDE i just watched the two old story times about dreams and i was like i wonder if he ever did the rest i never saw it and i found this gem. completely unwatched. im gonna shower, spark some, and enjoy my first watch through. (this is a rare moment bc i’ve been rewatching all yolas videos for months)

  2. 13:3214:30, idk if you are religious at all Thomas but sounds to me like God was trying to talk to you and put a message onto you. Especially with very intense and real dreams like that talking about voices you can feel from the sky that truly sounds like God 🙏.

    Idk if you will see this but, I absolutely love your videos and just wanted to thank you for continuing to make such good content and inspiring so many people

  3. It’s a switch that all capable get depending on how attentive you are to this ability. Happens to most couples but everyone is very capable,
    the more you recognize and learn to not necessarily “use” it but experience and be able to identify life from “ realm”the better you become the more you can understand but the harder it is find you way to yourself. Ik this sounds crazy, but look at the people who found answers to wild shid. Or why they’re called “Mad Scientists”. These people have answers come from “interstellar space travel” the universe is smart af and if people like them didn’t exist we wouldn’t be this. Terrance Howard is one of many who will move this life interstellar so our “soul energy” can continue on to the next.

  4. Yooooo story times have definitely gotten better with the images to make it more vivid dont stop making this type of content ever man you really make my days funner

  5. the dreams story times are my favorite because they remind me of this one recurring dream that I've been having my whole life. the way that I can describe it is like its a dream, but the main thing about it has been in many other of my dreams but I can never figure out what it is. so usually the dream starts off with me as like spectating something, like I'm watching it from a higher angle but kind of far away. its pitch black except for usually 2 people and this thing. its hard to explain but that thing somehow makes time pass? like just being around it makes you feel like so much time has passed. so usually the 2 people are having some type of discussion that turns into more of an argument. the object grows with the energy but it also creates this sound. the sound is like ambient noise you would hear in the background of a recording except it just gets so loud like deafeningly loud and there is nothing that I can do except just watch. this thing has made it into a lot of my dreams kind of like an Easter egg? it doesn't do the same thing usually it only does that with the one dream but when its in my other dreams I know its there and every time I see it I know what it is I just forget like as soon as I remember it. I know this doesn't make a lot of sense and I cant exactly describe what the thing is but I know that if I were to see it I would know it 100%. I've never talked to anybody about it before could it have meaning or could it be like showing me something? I don't have the dream often but the object pops up every few months, while the dream comes like every 5 or 6 months. I've been having the dream for as long as I can remember and it always goes the same way and the thing always looks the same I just cant remember what it looks like or what it is. maybe it doesn't mean anything but what if it does?

  6. Yo that sounds exactly like how the “rapture” would be like. Ive had a similar dream to where things were in chaos but then i actually saw ufos is huge number in the sky but i felt at peace and not afraid of them. Maybe the end of your dream wouldve been similar

  7. Bro I do believe you, I have the same type of dreams, you dream of something and then BOOM 3 days later it legit happens, same exact details, then ur like wtf and ppl don't believe you and shit LOL, they don't happen often but they do happen sometimes

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