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Spotify –
Apple –

00:00 – Paleontology
08:08 – Dinosaur digs
11:53 – Extinction events
29:07 – The Future and science
31:18 – Apocalyptic cults
48:52 – Using AI to stream your dreams
54:30 – Surveillance capitalism
01:07:48 – DMT & dream states
01:29:00 – UFO’s
01:40:53 – Kary Mullis
01:47:34 – AI communication w/ animals
02:07:46 – Psycho physical nature of UFOs
02:29:16 – Evolution of human language
02:37:16 – 2006 UFO experience
02:43:31 – Crows picking locks
02:48:01 – Art & music


Danny Jones

About Post Author

Danny Jones

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30 thoughts on “Ancient Extinction Events, Apocalyptic Cults & DMT Entities | Michael Garfield

  1. Climate Scientists are not real. Is a scam.
    The study of climate is call Climatology and the Expert is call a Climatologist and any respectful one over the last 50 years never claim the climage change to be real, much the contrary.
    There's a lot of scientific misinformation, corruption on the production of papers and fields of study totally stuck for denying they are doing a wrong approach.
    On the discipline of Pharmacy they will literally teach you to forget about curing cancer or anything, because that's not profitable, hahahaha!
    I could keep going, there's rotten development and dogmas throughout academia. Many researchers would be surprise to know of how many fields are compromise.
    For being treat as such a noble sector of society, there's a lack of reciprocal results. There's no deliver or said nobility, the same case for the nobility on kingdoms and empires. While some fields get marginalize like is the case of egyptologists/archeologist that denied geologists, engineers, metrologists, masons and even mathematicians. Meanwhile paleontologists need to work multiple jobs to pay the bills.
    I don't agree that it need to be like that and will always be like that.
    There's plenty of perfect systems in nature to inspire any new system, you just didn't thought about it. Why scientists have shamed of not thinking about something? Just admit it.
    The Phenomena is wrong Danny Jones, just because she didn't know how to measure doesn't mean there isn't a way.
    The method display and instrument use in Skinwalker Ranch Scientific Show have being recently replicate by a Brazilian Researcher Rony Vernet, his data is public and is about a Phenomena in the Amazon forest, on the state of Acre.
    And this method for research will probably be spread out and collect even more data on this paranormal phenomena.
    I doubt the dogmatic academia with it many flaws even in physics will try to denied even raw data of multiple instruments on a continuous experiment that without a doubt be replicate elsewhere, most likely Australia next.
    The True is out there and many Scientists ain't looking.

  2. If you want help mapping the DMT world I can help. If you know the phenomenological correspondence to physiology in conjunction with a knowledge of epigenetically inherited imagistic representations of archetypes you can map the DMT world really reliably. I’ve been able to interpret the dreams of completely anonymous and random people online and even tell them which of their organs are acting up or need medical attention based on the characteristic representations of contents in their reported dreams. I’ve also studied a lot of comparative religion and mysticism alongside psychology and neuroscience. I just never took the steps to enter the institutional realm of academia because I find their approach to be too beurocratic and slow.
    But if you want to know about the DMT world I could simply just tell you.

  3. The part about the planet filling up with logs because there was "no fungus to eat them" is utter nonsense. Fungi are the OLDEST organisms on the planet. Long before trees. Ask ANY mycologist.

  4. did schools of fish evolve to be smaller in order to may get noticed as easily by these fisheries OR are there less fish from overfishing?

  5. The more titles you create the more compartmentalized your education will be! Do we need somany titles, for trades that already should go hand in hand?

  6. Isn't Michael confusing "epistemology" with "teleology"?
    Epistemology concerns knowledge, e.g. what is it and how can we know.
    Teleology concerns purpose and meaning of things, e.g. why things are as they are and why we do the things we do.

  7. DMT leads me to straight alien world and when doing it outside the animals in the woods all start to howl/cry like they feel or sense something. I also hear extremely fluent music that I've never heard before. DMT is your ultimate therapist/shrink/Counselor that you yourself can profit from mentally

  8. Interesting topics, but the entire interview is basically "This person says…", "There's this theory that…", "I read in a book once…". Ok, cool, but I want to hear YOUR original thoughts.

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