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20 thoughts on “Defunctland: Kid Cities

  1. My boys went to WannaDo City on class field trips. They have fond memories of it. My youngest said they figured out how to get more money from the ATMs and had fun at the stores.

  2. I went to a kid city when i was in third grade for a birthday party, i got to be a cop and the only reason i remember that was i tried arresting an older kid who proceeded to try and choke me to death. Maybe the no adults thing was a bad idea

  3. At first i thought "oh wow it's so fucked up that these kids are acting so much like cops" but then it hit me that it's the other way around, it's the cops who act like larping children

  4. I went to Exchange City back around 2003.
    I wanted to be the DJ, but some other kid with more CDs got the job. I ended up at the "Multipurpose Store," which printed paychecks for all the other businesses and was as boring as it sounds.
    During my free time, I went to the snack place, but I forgot my check book, so I ran to go get it. Since I was running I got a ticket for "speeding" and had to waste like 30 minutes going to the courthouse to pay the fine. Then when I finally got some popcorn from the snack place, it was incredibly salty.
    So it was novel, and one could argue that it did give a taste of the drudgery of adult life, but I wouldn't say it was fun.

  5. I’m from the UK, we had something similar in my town, but for learning French, German or Spanish. It was on a smaller scale, with little shops, cafes and market stalls and they’d just swap the signage and price tags over, depending on what language the class was learning.

  6. dude same i was so bitter abt never getting to go to our safety city and my mom is a teacher and the school she works at goes every year 😩

  7. Sounds like a Reverse Disneyland to me. I just hope that SAFETY is maintained.
    Playing doctor/nurse is great fun and helps kids get over fear of doctor visits. My Aunt, a nurse, gave us a Miss Curity Doll one Christmas, complete with an old medical bag with REAL (but defanged; needle-free hypodermic), rubber hammer, bandages, a real stethescope (broken and soundless), an arm sling and some "antiseptic" bottles filled with water and food color. The next year we got a plastic "microscope" with hand drawn bacteria taped over plastic slices. 68 years later, I still remember! There were 3 of us girls. 1 became a nurse, another a hospital dietician, and 1 a minister.

    but introduce ANYTHING that could actually work would be a nightmare.

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