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Trap Lore Ross
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Does anyone else get annoyed when j Mayne say it hit different
J Mane said i know he kill that girl mama , he shot at me lol
I have always liked Ross’s videos, but I feel like the trip down black history was just a way to fill in space. What did this have to do with the black kid who shot everyone in his community
The dude behind tay long dreads look like Neef this sht crazy homie 41:51
Uhhh oh Tay Savage officially bout 2 be on the feds radar lmao anytime u make it on Trap lore means u buzzing but 4 the wrong things
We live in different times where its like u not a official street guy unless u have a documentary on u lmao
Was gonna watch the whole video but as soon as he started rapping about razors I had to get out
The level of journalism from Ross is unmatched from any hip hop blog
Do ya'll see the resemblance between Tay Savage and Von? He especially looks like Von's deceased Dad… No disrespect but he should take a DNA test with some remaining family members of Von's Daddy…
Bro do a video on Morrison
The internet has really made it possible for the absolute nerd to be apart of other people street business. Without the internet it would not be possible for these lames to apart of their circle let alone their neighborhood.
Why the fuck does he say gangster 1000 times
———–>P R A I S E J E S U S <—————-"It hit different." – FYB J Mane circa 2023
It's only a matter of time before you cover Burgers/Johnnies
5:33 y’all call him tay sav, i call him john wick

I appreciate you putting Tay in the spotlight for a moment, I hope he can get and retain a loyal following from this so he can be coo and chill with his family! Much love and respect to the both of y’all and Trap you fucking owned Sharp and that cat broad! So funny
That letter from Von
They say Tay was Welch World only shooter but claim he didn’t klll cess and neef
The clown making these videos has absolutely no business doing so, because he's the prime example of someone completely misinformed and indoctrinated.
he kinda look like Fannie fresh w his hair short
Amazing video as always. This dummy with the ‘it hit different’ bothered me more than all the deaths lol that guy sounds like he should be wearing a helmet and rides to the studio on the short bus.
Your vids are fire

bruh Viper just got arrested for kidnapping pregnant woman and forcing her to smoke crack for 4 years. WHERES THE VOD
You should do a video on Lil Boosie.
Trinidad raster city, 6ix and Muslim war
Whopta Bam Whoopty Wham!

Best journalism about Chicago on YouTube , and one of the only few than I can sit thru and watch the entire video . Please keep them coming !
What is the song at 45:39
Quality content as always. Thanks!
More than ever before you got white ppl so fanned out with this street stuff
Doggggggg, these freaking babies man