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20 thoughts on “Joe DeRosa vs Computers

  1. Try talking to a a.i with a southern accent and i bet you wouldnt agree Sal the computers dont understand me and the indian call centers dont understand me and i cant understand them its a full circle of hell πŸ˜…

  2. I work in a call center. The basic AIs we have now(the automated system) handle 60% plus of our calls. The stuff they have coming down the line is going to be way more advanced. You'll be talking to a bot on the phone without knowing it. The bots will be more knowledgeable than a regular rep, and they'll probably only be a few people available to handle escalations when the bots do mess up. Then those people will go training with the bot one time on it's mistake, and the bot will never do it again. After so long the bot will be so well trained thay only a few people will be needed to handle extreme fringe cases. The bot will make zero hold times possible, be able to work 24/7, be way more consistent, and get rid of the issue of high turnover that plagues every call center. Also they can give it a voice that is scientifically proven to be the most calming. They are coming. I have to teach myself how to use AI tools now so I can be the bot trainer, which sucks

  3. Sal couldn’t be more wrong here. he doesn’t even take the time to call customer service. his frustration lies with the AI method of CS and we all know it’s shit, that’s why we ask for a real human. i still love you babe

  4. There is a reason I love Joe. Anytime I have to call customer support for ANYthing, I dread it. The robots answering bullshit, it is so beyond infuriating.
    As well in my apartment, you will hear me scream the most vile shit at that robot until I am connected to a human being.
    As soon as a human answers, I am back to being the nicest human being ever.
    It's like the scene in wolf of wall street when his dad is interrupted during the equalizer.

  5. I am on Joes side. I absolutly hate talking to the automated things. Computers make most things they get involved with, more complicated and tedious. The unibomber was right about technology, wrong abiut the bombs though.

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