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Ryan Bledsoe, son of Chris Bledsoe, is a UFO experiencer, researcher & host of the @bledsoesaidsoprojects podcast.
Watch the Chris Bledsoe podcast here:
Watch bonus episode with Ryan:

UFO of GOD Book:

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00:00 – What are the orbs?
08:29 – Ryan’s first reaction to the orbs
15:09 – How the the phenomena affect his view on religion?
18:34 – How Chris Jr coped with the experience
23:07 – Chris Bledsoe’s hypnotic regression
27:35 – Why do they make you forget?
33:07 – Ryan’s personal encounters w/ an entity
36:40 – Does Chris Jr speak about his experiences?
40:18 – How close do the entities come?
41:03 – Why do they look terrifying?
45:10 – NASA, CIA & Hal Povenmire
51:43 – What Hal Povenmire said to Bledsoe family
54:09 – Dark forces at the helm of humanity
59:40 – Revisiting Hal Povenmire
01:05:29 – Compartmentalized fractures within the intelligence community
01:11:27 – Laundry list of agencies that showed up at Bledsoe house
01:12:23 – Infamous NASA engineer tested meta-materials on Ryan
01:18:06 – Why doesn’t the Government want this information public?
01:21:00 – Esoteric rituals of NASA & CIA; Rosicrucianism
01:35:15 – Why Ryan sees the entities as spiritual in nature
01:36:36 – Edgar Cayce
01:40:21 – People who treat UFOlogy as a religion
01:44:31 – Are there bad versions of these entities?
01:50:41 – We are reflections of a higher dimension
01:52:47 – How disclosure will affect society
01:55:12 – How to experience them
02:02:25 – How disclosure would affect the economy
02:06:58 – Could we stop being territorial apes?
02:09:37 – Realization they can share experiences with others
02:22:01 – Chris Bledsoe paintings of the beings
02:23:23 – The Vaticans 9 orders of angels


Danny Jones

About Post Author

Danny Jones

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28 thoughts on “CIA & NASA are Trying to Open the Door to a Spirit Realm | Ryan Bledsoe

  1. I actually watched this whole session because I find this young man articulate, patient, respectful, and humble. What he says is entirely credible. I also kept asking myself why him, why his family but his warmth connected with me, every way in which he presents himself is kindness, compassion and a genuine love for humankind. 🙏🏾👏🏾🥰

  2. The ship you described that your father stepped into, sounds very familiar to the aliens in Mission To Mars. Who also told the astronauts that they were the creators of life, and protectors…. 🤔

  3. I was abducted when I was younger. Was told things that exactly confirm his theory. They said they created us and protect us,study us, help us, etc. They do not wish us harm or pain. They apologized and stopped when one of their samples caused me discomfort. They did not wipe my memory BTW. They did say they try not to be seen and put most to sleep when they study bc most are scared and lose their minds with contact. They communicate telepathically as well. Warned against war, pollution, etc- which explains many sightings near nuclear sites and sites where there are environmental hazards. I never told anyone after my parents freaked out… Until recent years when the government and others started speaking on the subject more and more.

  4. Admiral Byrd's quote from his own secret diary

    March 11, 1947

    “I have just attended a Staff Meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty- nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a Medical Team. It was an ordeal!!!! I am placed under strict control via the National Security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY!!! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a Military Man and I must obey orders.”

    This man was the ORIGINAL "whistle blower" on all things UFO and Who we are and Who they are. and was shut down by the US. That is why there will never be full disclosure.

  5. I always think of the conciousness of spirit like a flowing river with water falls.. at the falls the river becomes individual droplets that experience their individual life as a droplet just to become a part of the flowing river again.. every drop experienced a different path to the source . Some of those droplets might have hit a few branches on the way down😂

  6. I don't know anything about this guy or his family or their story. This is the first that I am hearing about all this. From his tone of voice and his demeanor I would say that he is lying. Maybe I am wrong…

  7. We are sure that Christianity is a offshoot of the Egyptian mystery schools. It’s where the body of Christ concept was taken from, it’s also where the original practice of communion was first practiced.
    Osiris was the diety whose body was cut into many pieces and parts. Isis sewed all of them together again and then she impregnated herself with the Osiris corpse by inseminating herself with his phallus. Sounds so much like Mary and Jesus symbolism going on there. I’ve come to realize that we need something to make it real for us and what you are doing is just trying to make things make sense that are pointing at the Christ.
    Let me tell you something , The emerald tablets stasryed giving me vision and dreams of the pyramids . If you take the time and energy to study these things you will find something very useful . I have had invisible beings tap me on my shoulder to let me know that they were really there and listening to my thoughts.
    More wil be revealed.

  8. 2:20:00 get Dr. Steven Greer on here. It was some Air Force guy I believe, he speaks of it often but of course I can find it to recite it. But an ET came down, landed on the runway or something and spoke to some upper ranking dude. Offered us basically a better way of life if we stopped war and harming eachother, and this scum basically yelled “well what’s in it for me!?” And the ET said “a better life” or something along that line. But getting Dr. Steven Greer on here would be amazing!! Continue waking the masses!!! Let’s change this world in our lifetimes folks. Peace! Love! Light! ❤️🙏🏻🌌✨🔻

  9. People really should look into kundalini. And it doesn’t even have to be yoga, although that can be a good option. Certain meditative practices can also be extremely helpful. Working on your chakras is a really big part of it. If you have ever felt that warm feeling in your heart or butterflies in your stomach, then you have felt your chakras— the heart chakra or solar plexus chakra, respectively. There is a structure to that energy. Pay attention to that sort of feeling the next time you get it. And try your hardest to feel that sort of energy in your body while you meditate. With time, practice, and intent, you will eventually start to feel more. We’re all in this together.

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