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Welcome to Audit the Audit, where we sort out the who and what and the right and wrong of police interactions. Help us grow and educate more citizens and officers on the proper officer interaction conduct by liking this video and/or subscribing.
This video is for educational purposes and is in no way intended to provoke, incite, or shock the viewer. This video was created to educate citizens on constitutionally protected activities and emphasize the importance that legal action plays in constitutional activism.
Bear in mind that the facts presented in my videos are not indicative of my personal opinion, and I do not always agree with the outcome, people, or judgements of any interaction. My videos should not be construed as legal advice, they are merely a presentation of facts as I understand them.
This video falls under fair use protection as it has been manipulated for educational purposes with the addition of commentary. This video is complementary to illustrate the educational value of the information being delivered through the commentary and has inherently changed the value, audience and intention of the original video.
Ark. Code § 5-54-102-
Stufflebeam v. Harris-
Ark. R. Crim. P. 2.2-
Ark. R. Crim. P. 3.1-
Ark. Code § 5-71-213-
State v. Fair-
Davis v. Dawson-
Scott v. United States-
Terry v. Ohio-
Waters v. Madson-
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Audit the Audit
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Nice red ghetto underwear outfit
How'd I miss this vid?
Screw doing YOUR paperwork regarding YOUR arrest.
You cuff n stuff, you paperwork…
Lazy bastage….
Lying asses…
Lesson #1. Never carry your ID.
Every police officer loves to escalate a situation to the point of having people yelling and then demand they calm down or they’ll be arrested or worse. Awful awful pieces of shit
Cops go to obstruction when then got nothing
Sue academy for not training these clowns
Dumb clowns cop needs indicted for robbery
That 1 needs tested for steroids He has some steroid rage gone
He Hot
This won't go to trial,the judge messed up,the cops really messed up, don't want to put those parties before a jury.
Are you sure he’s a “vet tech, landlord, and “father” of 3”?
where was the refusal to ID?
"You're a victim you're not in trouble, here's handcuffs and a detention"
If I was this bad at my job I would be fired but if my job involved violating people's rights or not based on my own common sense and ability to use my brain I would expect to be executed if I violated their rights especially if I took an oath to uphold and defend those rights and then lacked the common sense to understand how my actions violated those rights I would foolheartedly expect to be put down on the spot
It’s weird that they arrested him for not wanting to ID himself when a few of them already know who he is.
You guys should do update videos
“Your the victim of attempted murder so we’re going to harass, belittle, and berate you because that’s our job!!!”……………
Always the single mothers with the biggest mouths.
4th Amendment is American Right!
No Evidence of any Crime of Mr James!
This is Called Racist Profiling picking African American with No Facts of Crimes and Not True Investgating and illegal Search grabbing His Wallet!
4:17 if you keep yelling we're gonna try to find a way to take you to jail smfh
Do we need to require a 4 year degree to provide more education for these protectors of peace. Not trying to be smart just disgusted with how many police officers misquote and/or don’t correctly understand the law as it is written. I’ve only seen maybe 6 or 7 officers of 25 (roughly 1/3) I’d ever want stopping me. Egos, testosterone, and bravado seem to rule the day with the majority. My humble opinion. 2/3’s (66’ish %) getting it wrong isn’t anything to find acceptable. Why do you think the defund the police movement caught fire?
If I heard gunshots coming from a car, I would run as well. How ridiculous!!! They wouldn’t treat me like that though, because I am a wealthy white woman. I find this disgusting.
I think that their real reason for arresting him was that he is black and I heard several of them talk about not liking him, calling him names, so chances are they just personally don't like him. So they're racists and schoolyard bullies.
That cop just lied and made up a story, to jusrify his actions.
Thats how you would treat a victim, are you people mental, who wouldn't run in the oppisite direction of gun fire. Morons.
You treat a person like that, and expect them to work with you, are you guys disturbed.
He said, "it's right there." He didn't hand you his id while i was holding his hands? OBSTRUCTION!
Hope Mr James gets a healthy paycheck
And $32.99 for a t-shirt, you need to be audited. If a portion goes to funding sone of these folks legal fees or such then maybe, but you should declare and back that up. Just my opinion.
The officer opened his wallet started going through looking at different things pulled a couple of things out of it closed it then open it back up put those things back in there then he grabbed his driver's license out. He had permission to get his driver's license out not searched all through the wallet.
I love how exercising your constitutional protected rights is being an a**** to a policeman that about sums up where we are with the cops in the United States
Cops "i think he actually lives here"..seens toud be "certain" he lives here since he has his id
"were teying to help you"…by arresting you and turning tou inro a ceiminal when toure acrually the victim..
Every one of rhese cops are ao unnecessarily argumentarive.
"The Texarkana Testicles"……………….
Why are these people giving up their names and IDs? What the hell?
This is why the piggies need there own insurance. We shouldn't have to pay for this. These guys dont represent us anymore they are rogue.