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24 thoughts on “The Hidden Risks Of Rescheduling Cannabis

  1. I dont see it any differently than someone making their own alcohol at home. If the FDA wants to tell me they don't approve of me selling it to other people that's one thing but to tell me I can't decide what plants I can and can't put in my body is crazy when applied to virtually every other type of plant.

  2. Just a couple days ago I saw a video of a US doctor talking trash about cannabis who, at one point pulled out a bottle of fentanyl he likes to use for his patients. Disliked the video and commented what a fake piece of shit he is advertising the opiode crysis "doctors" like him have caused, they aren´t doctors, they´re prooven paid for drug dealers with gouvernment support. Holy shit, if those companies were EU based they would now all struggle for survival because not just the autorithies of the country they´re in but also EU courts would be coming after them and hit them hard for what they´ve done to the people. And you don´t have to change any state or city law at all just implement another law as well like in Germany "national law overrules state or city law", it´s pretty simple if you want to.

  3. I don't understand how alcohol and tobacco are not on a controlled substance list. They are controlled by the government that regulates the ownership and use of those substances. We can thank the prohibition of alcohol for Nascar.

    I find it very odd that those 2 substances are not controlled substances when they absolutely are controlled. I guess if it can cause death and injury it's ok but if it's beneficial it's bad for you. This same thing they did when they regulated doctors, and made home remedies witchcraft…….

    I'll tell you exactly what's going on. Most senators, mayors and so on within our government have stocks within the pharmaceutical companies and will lose their investments…..

  4. I 100% agree with everything you said about this schedule 3 argument. Its a terrible idea to go to category 3.
    The schedule list is not accurate and it needs to go away completely.

  5. The other way to look at it is that it may just be something the executive admin did to say "we did something you wanted", without actually doing anything. That's not saying that what you pointed out isn't valid (it very much is), but we've seen half-measures and other moves by this administration that amounts to pretty much nothing but talking points.

  6. This is BAD news. If it is legalized federally, big corporations will move in. Quality will plummet, and prices will soar. It should be legal in every state. But we don't want it to EVER be legalized federally unless we want to pay $600 a gram for crap weed.

  7. I say people that use alcohol and cannabis together, prolly like 49.9%? easy right? Need to boycott the Alcohol industry, until they change the cannabis laws, to reflect more or the same as Alcohol laws are. We know for a fact that alcohol kills way more than all the drugs, combined, agreed? So, if we hit the elites with like say, a mere 17.8 % loss in alcohol sales across the board, the federal laws will change, trust me they will, and we all know at this point why, Money!. Remember this, Money is the name of their game, We the People need to all stand up and say "this is the way WE want to spend our money", ponder this, compared to alcohol, the benefits way out weight the risks, by far. Sorry folks, it's just, Cannabis can be a multi-billion dollar industry, just like Alcohol, Agreed? We have to hit them in the MONEY BAGs, to make anything happen now, it's the only way, AGREED? Sorry I digress…American Patriot✌😎

  8. I have smoked cannabis every single day since 1993, this whole time I defended it with all my might. Back in February 2023 I woke up and for the first time since smoking I was bored with it, I had no desire to smoke. I decided I would take my weekend off and resume on my Monday. Then that stretched to one week, then 3 weeks and I would attend a work party( I work in cannabis). Its been 8 months and I have never felt better. I am officially out of the cloud and my future is bright and I am ok with it. Cannabis is not a medicine, only in RSO form or hash should it be consumed, modern cannabis is toxic and poorly grown and not cured properly grown. Be safe watch out for bad growers and poor practices.

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