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11 thoughts on “Rammstein’s Till Lindemann Goes to Court #rammstein #tilllindemann #heavymetal

  1. Mirror is in the UK but the Spiegel (which means mirror in German) is the one who they went to court with and won. All investigations against Mr. Lindemann has been dropped for lack of evidence!!! The persons who filed offical charges against him were all third party using information from social media. The woman who started it all Shelby Lynn obviously met with a feminist journalist who writes for WELT. It is being reported that this feminist reporter met with Shelby in Ireland one year before she actually was invited to the after party. So it was definitely a planned action to go after him. That woman – Shelby Lynn – is now suppose to be under investigation for libel in Vilinus. This investigation was reported by the BILD newspaper.

  2. Brian. Do you ever feel like you've screwed up somewhere along the way with how you've marketed this channel? Literally every "accusations" related report you've ever made on this channel, the comment section is full to the brim of people siding with the alleged abuser. I can't help but believe you act/behave just as them unless you address this trend in your audience.

  3. Good. Glad they are fighting back. If till wasn't so popular you think k tbis would have happened?? No. Gold digger and I hope it's exposed. And I pray Till wouldn't do something h like that because I cannot condone that kind of behavior.

  4. This is what happened to Johnny Depp and everyone slacked him off until the trial! And even when he was obviously cleared, he had to deal with so much crap from idiots. I think people should wait for the trial, but media is trash and will write anything to make money

  5. "The mirror" is a filthy tabloid rag. Needed shutting down many years ago in my opinion. Easily as bad as "the sun" which is more widely accepted as the most awful 'newspaper' by the public here in England. I use the term newspaper lightly for both of these publications.

    Excellent choice of words by the way 😂

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