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Renowned academic and author Noam Chomsky offers a thought-provoking exploration of the 10 principles that underlie the concentration of wealth and power, resulting in unprecedented levels of inequality and the erosion of the American middle class. In this enlightening documentary, Chomsky elucidates the causes and consequences of this profound societal shift.

Through his keen insights and intellectual rigor, Chomsky reveals the mechanisms behind wealth concentration and its detrimental effects on society. He delves into the hollowing out of the American middle class, shedding light on the socio-economic challenges faced by millions. Chomsky’s analysis uncovers the interplay between power dynamics and economic disparities, providing a critical examination of the state of inequality in America.

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39 thoughts on “The American Middle Class Crisis | Real Stories Noam Chomsky Wealth Inequality Documentary

  1. 11:51 Martin Luther king was an absolutely outstanding orator, the way that man spoke actually gives me goosebumps, his timing and use of language and flow of words not too fast or not too slow, unreal.

  2. America has been in a decline for decades. I am 66 and can't even say how much different it is now. I was able as a single mother to afford a lower class apartment, and pay for my childs daycare without child support. Today, that is impossible.

  3. Wealth inequality is here to stay. I got laid off from my job of many years where I was a top performer. At the same time, our CEO earned an unprecedented high bonus. I was instrumental in producing the income which funded that bonus, but was denied any gain from my labor just to have that gain transferred to an executive.

  4. No one cares about America, the middle class, employees, or kids. Everything today is about maximizing corporate profits at all costs

  5. Governments in the west are using an outdated and not fit for purpose system to push growth. They do it with mass immigration which pushes land and property prices exponentially which in turn pushes growth. Its basically unsustainable. AI is predicted to displace 1.4 billion jobs within the next 3 years. Beyond that is a huge unknown and government is not ready.

  6. If every generation is getting poorer and poorer at what point do we start FIGHTING BACK ? The French people had a revolution and they took control of the government, I think we should do the same!!!! If we just keep taking scraps we will be unable to fight back!! These people live a life that we envy but we are the ones getting ripped off!!!! We’re the ones who can’t afford to eat and sleeping in our cars at what point do we say it’s too much??????? When you can’t feed your kids and they ask why they can’t eat food what are you going to do about it? U worked your whole life and have nothing at what point is that fair? A banker that made millions and lost billions of dollars is getting paid for making bad decisions that cost you your job how is that fair? A teacher who is changing lives is begging for a raise to live isn’t worth as much as a banker who does not to change lives make more money than you can comprehend and that’s fair? In the richest country in the world we can’t afford it?

  7. Sorry, but to me this reflects a poor understanding of a system and produces opportunities that absolutely abound for anyone with talent and passion to achieve. Examples of such successes are plentiful. It also comes off a bit disjointed, careening from one criticism to another without coherence. It also ignores the simple fact that a fully egalitarian system is synonymous with governmental tyranny. Don’t forget that all of the amazing things we now enjoy are the fruits of capitalism. While some social safety nets are appropriate for those who cannot compete or fall into the cracks as blameless victims of bad fortune, the forces of the economy must continue to favor those people and companies who can best add value and reduce cost.

  8. Lets start to develop well being societies.Was it not the thought that as time goes on,tech improves,our lives becomes more balanced family friendly.We will work less hours etc.Not the case.Wealth needs to be re-balanced.what is it with excessive greed?Most could not spend it all,retire 20 times over.The funny thing is some of the most disfunctional people I have met are extremely rich.😊

  9. I hail from the great state of Michigan, and remember when it was the richest state in the nation. Because of our corrupt government and NAFTA, it is now one of the poorer states! It disgusted me then and even more now!! Ive watched Corporate America STEAL the wealth from the rest of us for many years now. Take away worker rights, less benefits, and lower pay. Just look at what the Federal minimum wage. Not one person in the US could live off of that. It baffles me today how WE THE PEOPLE let tech companies STEAL our private information, capitalize on it, and WE THE PEOPLE get not one penny! This is a horrible travesty that out government is allowing. Why arent we standing up more against these thieves??

  10. There are hundreds of books that say we are eternal electrical energy fields. Proven by physics, atoms are electrical energy fields and we all consist of 7 billion billion billion atoms, each one an electrical energy field. Our whole atmosphere is being created as electrical energy fields. WE breathe these fields. We eat these fields. No one is different. No matter what the color or size or thinking, each one of us is constantly being created as electrical energy fields. From the book The Quantum World written by the physicist Kenneth Ford are these words: constantly bursting forth are quarks spinning billions of times a second as 3 points of light forming protons and neutrons.
    We can't die because we are constantly being created. That means the most miserable, stingy murderer on earth is constantly being created. What has this person got to teach you?
    Maybe this person was terribly hurt by all the people that think they know better, that think they are in the right class, that are the heads of corporations that lobby the government so incessently that the people's money is stolen over and over and over again. Maybe it is the billionaires and trillionaires that are causing the rest of us eternal people to feel less, to act less, to want back what is theirs.

  11. Business / Corporations have sold us out for a few peices of silver. Who started this atrocity? Well. Central Bankers when they took away the gold standard and implemented a Fiat Currency which is nothing more than Monopoly money. We were sold out to the bankers long ago. Identify the race, history and behavior …..Russia and the Bolsheviks, Germany and all the rest of the propaganda then you will know who and what they are. We have been and continue to be sold. All to steal, kill and destroy. If you don't think this agenda is purely Demonic and run by its King Pin? Don't.know how to convince you so I shall not try.

  12. The American people have sat idly by for decades whilst our political leaders have sold us out to corporations, ideologies and the Synogague of Satan. If you don't see it, don't comment. We get the leaders we deserve. Wake up people.

  13. Left Wing Propaganda at its finest: Noam Chomsky describes himself as an anarcho-syndicalist and libertarian socialist, and is considered to be a key intellectual figure within the left wing of politics of the United States.

  14. We've adopted an extremely pernicious/unsustainable development pattern in the US. Most communities are broke and can't afford basic maintenance without help from the State and Feds. We need to snap out of it and start building in a more financially productive format.

  15. sadly, Noam is wrong about there having been progress towards peace in the 1960s. There was lots of talk, and lots of optimism. But there wasn't any progress. The Vietnam war did end, but immediately the Korean war started, Then it was wars in central and south America, and in the Middle East, and those wars have subsided a little, but wars with old "enemies" turned friends (after Gorbachev) turned enemies again are ceaseless, and will continue, until finally USA collapses in a heap of its own excrement, in about 50 years' time.

  16. The GOPs master plan is to eliminate the middle- class,this would give the greed demons absolute power. It's in their playbook, and it's happening before our eyes.

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