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Its not easy sharing personal stuff especially on the internet….but you guys are my homies and it kinda did help saying it all out …


Dope As Yola

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Dope As Yola

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37 thoughts on “Addiction : STORY TIME – DopeasYola

  1. You sure your ma wasn't letting your da come around and that's the version of events he told you so you don't go and end up resenting your mother and would still probably resent your father still despite finding out if it was a different story… because that happens

  2. Damn bro you just inspired me to change the world 🙏🏼❤️ I swear to God one day I’ll open up a Shop here in South Africa and it would be a dream come true to meet my Idol 🐐 You’re the best to ever do it bro and may you just continue to prosper to the highest of heights. 🔝

  3. Damn Thomas. I've been behind on story times. Just watching now. Really hope your dad gets it back together soon. Your dad will listen to you eventually. Keep your head up, love you man.

  4. I’m sorry this shit happened to any of you I rarely had to deal with drunk or high but every time my dad would come around as a kid he was so high off crystal he was like a whole different person this really hit home because it reminds me that nobody is alone in the battle of addiction. Peace out y’all much love

  5. its so sad watching thomas disassociate while talking about this its almost as if hes telling a story about some other little kid this happened to. so glad i have these vids so i dont feel alone

  6. Yo, this video took a heavy hit on me. My dad wasn’t a tweaker but he was never there when I was a kid, not for birthdays, not for Christmas, not for the games. Shit still hurts man, Genuinely.

  7. Ngl I’m only started waching him again bc I’m missing my homie that’s been with me since four grade and I remember getting high when I was younger and Watching dope as yolo and raw og 420

  8. I hate my dad bro. Maybe I'm an asshole for always blaming my dad for everything, but I've never been happy. And it feels like it's his fault. I always had high hopes for my dad, thinking he would put my happiness before his own. And he never did. Now that I'm a father, and I love my son more than anything in the world, I realize that my dad is an asshole and I'm a much better dad than he was lol. I was always obsessed with black culture, even though I'm Mexican and he always hated that shit 🤣 I love Mexico, and I love black people. I think that's part of the reason me and my dad will never get along. It's cool, I'm not mad. Just wanted to share my experience. Love everyone, love everything thats not evil. I know that now, just had to learn it on my own. For anyone reading this, I love you, I know I'm lame for saying that, but I do. And I always will. Viva la pinche Raza 🇲🇽 viva Mexico cabrones 🇲🇽 love foo

  9. im 14 bruh my dad died last year he was doing a bunch of coke and heroin and all that shit but he still was a good dad and watching this really helped me realize that i wasn't alone. love you bro

  10. I hope you read this
    My dad is an addict as well and died in January from an od
    We are not victims of our upbringing Thomas and if no one has told you recently I’m proud of you and you should be proud of yourself
    To go through what you have and still be a good person and keep a smile is a superpower congrats on your success yola you earned it and deserve it

  11. I’m only 15 minutes in but I resonate with you because my dad was also always working and it confused/ worried me as a kid but now with him being sober and knowing what I know he was also ok crank just working his ass off😂 but throughout all the drugs he was on I’ve never blamed him he’s my father and we all have our issues so we have to at least acknowledge that. Love the content Yola and it always helps me through my rough times, thank you.

  12. my dad was like this but he just wasnt in my life, he was always on drugs and wed maybe see him once every few years. but my mom couldnt handle him and she kicked him out so i never had to do what you had to do thankfully. and also my grandpa drinks 211 and hes not a bum

  13. Addiction is a nasty disease man trust me I'm in recovery and I understand why your dad did what he did but he should have tried harder he seemed like a good dude just was sick at that moment

  14. thomas i cant believe how accurate this was my has always been there for me and my siblings but my mom was not from the age of 9 to 16 im 17 now and last year she passed away from heroin OD i loved her so much but i had to push my self away for the better if she wanted to get better she would i cant even count the endless amount of times that i tried to help her

  15. Man bro I've been going through this shit with my og since I was a kid too and it's a trip hearing how scary similar the situations are, recently I've been struggling with that situation and found my self at the point we're I feel I need to let go, and it sucks ass cuz just like you I want him to be there for his grand kids when me and my girl start having kids but I don't want the worry of something happening, my bad for the long comment 😅😅 , but keep up the great work bro been watching since you were on no jumper and became a huge supporter off the bat💯💯

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