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Ann Macey is convinced her Victorian ancestors hid a dark secret; Brad Argent solves the mystery. Lorna Holder finds out her ancestor’s link to the sinking of the HMT Lancastria.
Using a team of genealogical and historical experts, the British public are helped to find the hidden treasure buried deep in their families’ pasts, and everyone involved should expect the unexpected. Among the members of the public include a woman hoping to have a connection to an infamous Jacobite, a man who finds out whether his estranged father was really a World War Two hero, a woman who finds out the harsh details of her grandparents’ experiences during the 1947 partition, and many more.

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40 thoughts on “My Victorian Ancestors’ Secret Revealed | Real Stories Full-Length Documentary

  1. To Beatrice, there's a man in Australia who claims to be king Charles and queen Camilla's love child. If he is and the two of you do take DNA tests that prove that you are related, then you have your answer. If he really is related to the royal family, then he is your best bet. You don't lose anything except the DNA test. And once you are in the system you may find others too. All the best.

  2. My Irish American grandfather used his own Irish last name when dealing (in business) with other Irish people but used another more English-sounding name when dealing with Protestants. The question about Locke vs. Mullins brought this to mind.

  3. Just because you [might] slightly look like someone certainly DOES NOT mean you're related to them. I thought the ridiculous claim not to be much of a claim at all with absolutely no merit. And I can't believe such a claim to royalty would be accepted as a "case" for this program when clearly there are 1000s of real cases that could have used your help. Such a waste of time!
    When I was younger I looked exactly like Sharon Stone. So much so that I was bombarded in a huge mall in a major city. It was scary. BUT…does that mean I am related to Sharon stone when I have nothing to back it up other than looks? NO. I'd also make sure I had at least something solid to support my claim before going on TV with it. smh

  4. My family secret is that I am the great granddaughter of the late Duke Of The Abruzzi. Princess Orsini welcomed me for a weekend in her villa in Rome, Italy.

  5. The first story – there was no family lore or evidence the parentage was wrong. The story was just a figment of imagination of a someone 130 years later.

  6. I will be proud of my ancestors if they were of no notoriety. I rather have the blood of hard working serfs; the working class flowing through my veins than have just one drop of “royal” blood spilled on my hand. The nobility never gave anything to humanity. They were and still are parasites to society who only take, take; and take.

    Why would I be proud of narcissism, apathy, and gluttony in my DNA? I wonder if there is a link between creativity, talent, and genius with people who come from the “lower” and “working “ class vs. the elite having the opposite in their DNA: boring, no talent, thievery, and average intelligence . They exploit the poor working class and have the audacity to say how hard they worked to her where they are. Disgusting.

    ANYWAYS. Y’all can have your tainted inbred blood 🩸 😂 😂

  7. Life can be so undignified. For those who live on the edge of starvation, being related to royalty can give one a sense of dignity. But it doesn't fill the belly…😮

  8. I Just found out I am not a Conley but a Fantasia, would love to know more. my dad had 4 children and mom had 3. I met 3 sisters and a brother. we all would love to know where we came from in Italy. my mom side polish,lithuanian russian of Jewish decents .

  9. What does "presumed RIA at sea" mean? I know that "MIA" stands for Missing In Action, and Donald Carrol was listed as missing, but his certificate says "presumed RIA at sea".

  10. Kinda reminds me of my DNA. I'm 47 percent British/Scottish, 23 percent German, 17 percent Irish and the rest Greek and Mediterranean. Odd mix but I've always wondered for how rich I am in that general area.

  11. I have hit a brick wall on my Great Grandpa Martin M Regier born Oct 3 1860. Married to Susanna Harder. We have been able to go back on the harder side. But no further on My grandpa. I ve asked all the cousins etc. And no ones knows. All the church records he was in doesn t list a mother or father. So Maybe adopted. Story 2 My dad refused to talk about any of his family. Right up till the day he died. Story was his dad was Killed by a German and his mother married that German, My dad is Vytautus Tamosiunas for Lithuania born In Raguva, We found his dad's death certificate but it doesn't say how he died, My grandmother got remarried and had a son, My Dad wouldn't tell me who his step brother ways. So I am still looking for my dads side of the family.

  12. I am sorry but the blond lady was very callous in her "inthusiasim" in the telling of the story of the Lancaster and her anti-male dig " it has to be men". Talk about not having the sense to read a situation

  13. I have done so much research on my ancestors and was shocked to learn who I was related to. Mary Queen of Scots was my Great Grandmother and Henry 8th my Great Grandfather. I carry The 1st name of Mary also.

  14. Let's just all agree our ancestors were much more strong, robust, pure, vital, adventurous and wonderful than we are.

  15. My Family were LA Forces all I really know is Rene La Force came to the states in the seventh hundreds due to persecution we are hugonaughts i would love to more about my family

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