Iron Maiden frontman Bruce Dickinson trashes the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame after the band was snubbed once again. Iron Maiden has been one of the largest metal bands on earth for many decades and still plays massive arena shows to this day.
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Hall.of shame
Iron gayden sucks
Is Iron Maiden rock and Roll?
Isnt Coolio in the hall of fame, and they cant make no room for Maiden?
I commented on this one hippie guy's page a few years ago about this I said that maiden and priest should be in. And the dude flipped out on me and was like macho metal head ra ra ra get off my page
The entire video is just the host yammering. He didn't bother to do research so that the video could more informative about the snubbing. There's no clip of Bruce speaking. Lazy, junk YT content.
How about Tool.. Fuck that lame shit
Maiden don't need the R&R Hall of fame, they are bigger and better than that crappy little place.. it would be degrading for them to be inducted..
Im starting to respect the Bands who REFUSE to be inducted
I honestly can't believe Pat Benatar AND Niel Geraldo got in.
Iron Maiden has it right.
f the fers and monkeys
The real crime is Foo Fighters are in it. The only accomplishment they have is the drummer from nirvana is in the band.
Doese anyone care about rock hall of fame no…..
So many people/bands that have been inducted have NOTHING to do with Rock & Roll. If it were called The Music HOF then okay fine could go along with it. It's all a joke run by a bunch of people people who have their heads so far up their asses they wouldn't know rock & roll from classical.
I know people that know people that work at the rock and roll hall of fame, the fan votes does not matter one bit. It is all about record sales, listens, views and people they have inspired
Bruce should of been deported. Awful vocals
Iron Maiden is the best rock band, ever. They don't need the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame for recognition.
My hometown band Kansas should be in hall of fame
I will never step foot in that liberal shit hole RRHF
You mean the hall of diversity
Name one other metal band that can sell out 4 nights in the largest stadiums/arenas a city has to offer, every year, hell, any other artist for that matter… They have toured and released albums relentlessly for nearly 50 years without taking any breaks. There isn't another artist like that left, and they show no signs of slowing down. RRHOF is a complete joke.
Considering the decades of poor choices RRHOF has made, it's actually a win to "Not " be inducted imo.
R&R HoF doen not deserve Maiden
My best ever band were Children of Bodom, although I grew up listening to Iron Maiden. Both of them will never been introduced into the rock & roll hall of fame…Thanks God for that! The real bests will never be introduced there anyway! COB and Up the Iron!
Who the piss are the "acts" that are being inducted???? Not one of them is "rock and roll",,, how sickening is that????
What has this world become?????? Put those "things" in some other "hall of fame"!!!!!!!!
They are not trying to be a-holes. They just are not qualified to choose anything in rock. The only reason why RATM was included was because they needed to include at least one rock band. Maiden is a worldwide institution that doesn't need the mainstream music hall of fame to validate them.
True Rock and roll doesn't care about hall of fame ego stroking garbage.
Like oscars but for music..
Eddie laughs at the foolishness of that failed so called establishment.
The fact that a titan like Iron Maiden isn't part of the RNRHOF has a devaluing effect on the actual members
Iron Maiden and Motörhead not being in the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is a travesty
They miss the mark on so many levels. So many bands have touched the hearts of fans; at times saved them. All money, favors and asskissing if you ask me!!!!
Maiden ain’t in the HoF because the people who make that decision are the same ones who labeled them devil worshippers in the 80s. They are in fact assholes and Iron Maiden will not be inducted until they’re dead.
Global metal juggernauts. They should refuse to be inducted. That would say more than accepting this worthless award.
The Spinners? That is an absolite random fan pick, and I do not believe that they had a majority of the fan vote. I am NOT saying they are not good, be ause they are, but I cannot see music fans voting them in.
100% they should be in the Hall of Fame. Ridiculous
It's amazing how nobody takes metal music seriously these days.
I voted every day, both times they snubbed Maiden. I will never participate with another vote w RHOF nor support them in any way whatsoever.
Are they not rock n roll?
Are they not famous?!
VERY famous…
Where's the ambiguity and complication?
Iron Maiden is the biggest metal band ever
Somebody should start a real hall of fame for rock.
They are a joke. Who put them in charge?
The Hall matters not. Once Madonna got in I gave up.
Remember Tull got it and Metallica didn’t. Also RATM gargles Stalin’s mayonnaise.
Hell Yeah! And Knighted!
The R&R HOF is a joke 90 plus % of the people in it aren't even rock & roll .. it should be renamed ..